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pumpspunk (34)


black fireman attempts to kill asian co-worker, keeps job the talk (non-black version) View all posts >


i have a fairly nice mountain bike - a cube ltd pro. i try to get out to ride every day, but things have been a little mental at work for about 8 weeks, so i haven't been out as much as i'd like. things should be settling down soon, so i ought to be able to get out a little more regularly. during the week, i generally ride for about 90 minutes. on the weekend, i'll usually go out for about 3 hours. at least one or two times a summer, i like to pack a lunch & take a full day to do a long ride of about 120-140 kilometers. i was a marvel comics fiend in the 80s, & have kept most of my collection in reasonably good shape. not bagged, mind you, which was a mistake, but most of them are in good enough condition. just not mint like they would be if i'd properly tended to them. a few years back i used on online price guide to try to get a fix on how much they might be worth, & was pretty underwhelmed to find there was probably only about $3k there. which isn't nothing, but i had a vague hope that maybe i'd have enough to buy a nice carbon frame mountain bike or something. i just gave you the facts. the best civ/military death ratio ever seen in a modern urban war is not a genocide. that's just stupid. if you don't like all those dead palestinians, take it up with the people who started the war, who committed 1k+ manson murders, who committed mass rape, who put their citizens up as human shields, who are still holding hostages. get them to surrender & release the hostages. you're the one parroting a brain-dead idiotic lie, lol. anyway, get lost. my time's not so precious that i don't waste it, but i'm definitely not wasting it on a creep like you. drop dead. no. it's a silly baseless smear. by any standard of urban war, the gaza campaign has been one of the most careful ever waged. by most reporting the civilian to militant death ratio is around 1.5/1. that's almost certainly the 'best' ratio ever achieved. that is not a genocide. people who spout that are in fact participating in a grotesque, rotten smearing of jews, because no other nation in that scenario, achieving what they've achieved, would be accused of that. fuck you. sure. i don't think that's a crazy thing for them to do. particularly in a district that's about 10% jewish against a rep who called reports of rape on oct 7th lies & propaganda. jews are allowed to spend money supporting campaigns against candidates who smear them. he's a gross ugly vile goon & i'm glad he lost. inconvenient fact for the 'jews took him down' narrative - bowman was down by 10-17 points in polls before aipac started advertising in the campaign. bowman's district is not quite like a lot of the other hyper-progressive squad strongholds. there are a lot of people there who won't nod along with his rape denial statements, for example. 😐😐 boy are you ever fun to talk to. it's nice to see you haven't changed. if you really are a 50+ yr old woman, i plead with you to touch grass or pet a dog or something. anyway, if anyone actually takes a look at the numbers that they do have from northern & subsaharan africa & asia & latin america, you'll see that in each region cold related deaths are much, much higher than heat deaths. i sure wish there was more data from the middle east & africa, but i think it's safe to say the reason it's spotty is because of lack of reliable reporting from those regions. i don't know that, but that's a pretty reasonable assumption. you can find the breakdowns on page 4 of the pdf in the study. northern africa: cold related deaths: 118265 heat related deaths : 7181 sub-saharan africa: cold related deaths: 1070221 heat related deaths: 18368 those are very stark differences. if these are not accurate or deceptive, then the lancet should retract the study. but i don't think it's implausible that the poor populations of africa & asia & the me would be much more at risk from cold exposure than heat. & whatever dangers & destruction a warming earth poses, it may be in the short to mid-term, it may actually result in lower deaths from extreme temperatures in either direction. it may be that in 50+ years that will flip & the danger in hot regions will outstrip the cold. that may be baked in with the carbon already there. the best thing to do is to encourage economic expansion so those regions will have the resources to provide the kinds of things that prevent people in rich regions from facing temperature risk. can you point me to any studies that show that the heat deaths from climate change will increase more than any offset from reduction in cold related deaths? those are fair points. though i don't know where you're getting 13 countries. "The latest dataset covers 750 locations in 43 countries or territories (two countries in Northern America, 13 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 17 in Europe, nine in Asia, one in Africa, and one in Oceania; appendix p 4). Figure 1 shows the 750 locations with their average daily mean temperatures during the data collection periods. A detailed description of the data by continent and country is provided in the appendix (pp 2, 4). " maybe you made a typo. if you could learn to treat people like human beings, you might actually win people over to your side sometimes, lol. it is true that there isn't a lot of data from africa/middle east. View all replies >