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JVM1P5's Replies

Or here in Australia, might be a short hop across the pond to New Zealand (and vice versa), however yep our accents are way different. Yeah will be interesting to see, especially with Russell T Davies recently promising fans he will reunite with Torchwood actress Eve Myles in the future: I kept expecting a Rabbit to jump at them all Monty Python and the Holy Grail style with the Killer Rabbit scene. Yeah it doesn't matter that much if the BBC are getting good enough views on iPlayer, as with the terrestrial BBC being advert free as well, they are not needing to appease advertisers to get dollars, just their bottom lines. There has been a bit more come out in recent days: <blockquote> <i> 24 Jun 2024</i> Sources told the Mirror that Millie’s 2025 scenes will be minimal. One insider said: In next year’s series there is a big standalone episode featuring Ruby reminiscing about her time with the Doctor, as a flashback. And then the story about her and her family members is wrapped up in the season finale. But it’s more about them than her. </blockquote> There is also a small tease with Ruby and then with Russell T Davies saying there's a new companion but you'll see the 3 of them together and crucial stories for Ruby and her family to come (3 days ago). Yep totally agree, and it's why I found it difficult to word what I said, and used the bits "all I can think of" "a conclusion I've drawn to make sense of it" as even in my mind I'm not satisfied completely with the explanations I told myself. I kind of walked away with the thought of RTD saying let's make it ambiguous, shows are doing that now so let's do the same, honestly I'm getting a bit tired of that in shows now. There have been a a couple of times this season of Russel T Davies explains with episodes, haven't looked yet but if there's one for this I wouldn't be surprised, though there's part of the problem, why does it have to be explained, shouldn't the story do that. While I was entertained, there were just bits that didn't gel so well, I was along for the ride, it's the after thoughts that have muddied it, the hang on a minutes of but how, didn't they, wasn't she, and etc., even to the thought of the TARDIS connecting with Ruby and creating the Snow memory. As if that was the case to alert the Doctor of something not right, the TARDIS trying to get a message out about an unwanted hitchhiker, and like is said Sutekh has been travelling on the TARDIS since the 4th doctor and now the TARDIS decides to alert them, it's muddy. Only thing I can think of with the snow is that all along the TARDIS was helping create it from Ruby's memory based on Ruby bringing the hybrid memory of many TARDIS' into existence, the Sutekh did say it had full control (of a TARDIS), so perhaps Sutekh programmed it. Why would it matter to Sutekh who Louise (Ruby's mother) was, on that all I can think of is simple vanity, being that Sutekh had kept itself hidden from all except in its mind from Louise, the intrigue as to how one person could see when others didn't probably ate away at its almighty better than you ego. I think that as it all spins back to Louise being just a normal everyday person that wasn't actually pointing at Sutekh and trying to warn the Doctor like it thought it was, but a street name on a lamp post. The question of how did this person see me as I say ate away at it. So yeah even Sutekh saw a mystery in something that was nothing, like the Doctor said has happened through human history, burning people that were believed to be Witches at the stake comes to mind. The whole keeping the Doctor alive could have been handled a little better I think, the reason for it was right there as was if they wanted, so as the Doctor would realise he caused it all like he said, and to live with it would be better punishment than being killed (in Sutekh's mind). Still though even in saying all that it's just a conclusion I've drawn to make sense of it, then is that what was wanted, for people to see different things and make sense of it as they will, basically seeing things that may not really be there as an allegory to the season itself. However yeah more questions than answers I feel, and I'm the same I'm more interested in who Mrs Flood is, basically left feeling this was an adequate introduction to a new Doctor which all hangs on how it progresses from here. I often go back and watch at the end of each Doctors era their seasons again, and see if I pickup anything that I may have missed, so I am a bit forgiving (sometimes too much). And yep does bringing life back change the timeline again, does it mean that Isaac Newton never called it Mavity and Gravity instead. As yeah they would have all got turned to sand in that era as well, seeing Sutekh planted Susan's in all periods the Doctor visited and that was one of them, guess we'll know if either word gets used in the future. What if creating discord is part of her plan, what if Sage is working on causing disunity to ultimately bring down the Seven from the inside or to ultimately take over herself and create that Rome in the USA to see if she can do it, out of not much else than boredom and frustration with the world. Yep seems like they're bringing some of the novel stories into canon for this as in The Sands of Time, Sutekh is known as the God of Death, though having a look for more after remembering that I found this: <blockquote> At Sutekh's funeral, almost the entire Osirian Court came to pay its respects. Justine and Horus agreed to tell the Court that Sutekh had been cornered on Earth by Horus' seven-hundred-and-some fellow warriors. The Fourth Doctor repeated this claim to Sarah Jane Smith, saying that 740 Osirian's led by Horus had cornered and defeated Sutekh on Earth. Sarah recognised the name from the 740 gods recorded in the tomb of Thutmose III As both the Doctor and Professor Marcus Scarman would later discover, Sutekh was entombed but alive in a pyramid in Saqqara in Egypt. The Doctor claimed that Horus left Sutekh in the tomb for seven thousand years by 1911. The Eye of Horus on Mars beamed a signal to suppress Sutekh's powers and hold him prisoner. The tales of the Osirian's were remembered in Egyptian mythology</blockquote> So much like Norse Gods have been used in fictional stories even up until now as real Gods, that may be just what this is for Sutekh now based on that Egyptian connection in Whovian Lore and/or another part of the novels are becoming canon as I pondered (in The Sands of Time Sutekh is known as Seth). Anywho that aside, overall I liked this episode and it has me looking forward to part two and where it will all head, as this appearance of Sutekh leads right back to The Giggle and seems to point to ramifications for banishing the Toymaker from existence. After all he did say as disappearing that that his legions will come for them and did mention the One Who Waits and of course the other part to that was the Oldest One being said in The Devils Chord. The other intrigue in all this is also in The Giggle when the Toy Maker folds up and disappears, an unseen woman picks up the gold tooth that contained the Master, does that all come into play as well, as we heard various forms of the Master laughing. Overall great episode, the main thing in my mind is this all happening as a ramification of the Doctor splitting into to entities, does the Master fit in here at all to take it to the next season or special, could the Woman who picked up the Gold Tooth be Ruby's birth Mother, could The Master be her father (so many thoughts). Lots to ponder here including back to that Richard E Grant looking Doctor in the scan holograms, as I said before could that be the Valeyard and does that fit in with all this somehow, especially the Master wise. This season so far is giving me pause for thought on the what if's and where is this headed, that hasn't really happened in a while, I'll stop now so as not to get too far ahead of myself to feel let down by my own imagination going wild and creating impossible to fill scenarios. Yep exactly separate Elections, Macron is in his second and last 5 year term and as you say will be there until 2027, they'll happen on 11 April 2027, with a second round on 25 April if needed (which it usually is), these are just legislative elections. Could be a troll to get people talking, or as you and Hurricane say just a nod to the animations, choosing the Face of the Great Intelligence would be okay though as it'd be what a darker character would likely do I think. They touched on the faces coming from somewhere with Peter Capaldi having been in The Fires of Pompeii and Torchwood's Children of Earth, though if they do go Valeyard, hope it's just a special and not a prolonged one. I really enjoyed this episode myself, as I liked the overall feel of the episode. Yep I don't think Rogue is Jack, as I don't see any sign that it was, it's not like a River Song thing where the timelines don't meet up, or one would have known the other somehow. Could they throw a curveball in and the person that Rogue lost was Captain Jack, who knows but I wouldn't write it out as a possibility, but way down the track like next season or the one after. All up a fun episode for mine and the previous faces part brought back some old Who memories of when it happened to the Doctor in The Brain of Morbius. So where the timeless child tied back to that a bit, could that face that seems like Richard E Grant be the Valeyard from Trial of a Time Lord (Colin Baker time), for those who may not know, the Master at that time said the Valeyard was actually a future version of the Doctor, an amalgamation of the darker sides of his nature, so could that be it down the track. Yeah I actually noticed how Ricky was a lot like The Doctor myself. In fact when he first popped up in the Street talking to Lindy at a distance, for a brief moment I actually thought it was The Doctor using that image as an Avatar to get through to Lindy, like a computer generated Peter Davison looking Doctor (all he needed was a Celery stalk). Yep that whole Roger ap Gwilliam is intriguing as both times the Doctor mentions him, beginning of the episode saying: He led the world to the brink of nuclear... Stops at that as he realises Ruby is from 2024 not 2046, so a whoops Spoilers (interestingly something River Song said a lot). Then at the end saying: Mind you, Roger ap Gwilliam - that's a bad example of the Welsh. Terrifying! The most dangerous Prime Minister in history (at that point Ruby stopped him standing on the thread). Also Ruby must have had some vague memory of her and The Doctor landing there at the start of the episode as: At the end of the episode Ruby says: Ey, you know what? I've been to Wales three times now. I went to see Shygirl in Cardiff. And then I went to the Mumbles, cos of a boy. I think I broke his heart, but there you go. Convo goes on and The Doctor says: So, what was the third time that you've been to Wales? You said you'd been three times, what was the other one? to which Ruby replies Oh, um... No, I don't know. When was it? I can't think. I suppose... it must've been... now. At the start of the episode Ruby says she's been to Wales twice, and basically at the end part she can't remember the third time just after she stops the Doctor from treading on the thread and "the woman" disappears. When she turns on Ricky September born Richard Coombes as Lindy Pepper-Bean said he really was, also fell back on she didn't feel he was one of them really. Remember there was this: <b>Ricky:</b> Building Number 7Z2. <b>Lindy:</b> No way! How do you know that?! <b>Ricky:</b> Come on, it's almost night-cycle, we've got about ten minutes till the sun clicks off. Oh! Is that OK? <b>Lindy:</b> It's fine. You're so good at walking. <b>Ricky:</b> Don't tell anyone, but... I open the Bubble, drop my songs, and then... I turn the Dot off for the rest of the day. <b>Lindy:</b> Oh, my eyes, you're wild! <b>Ricky:</b> I know. I just... stay in my apartment and... read, kind of thing. <b>Lindy:</b> Oh, you're crazy! So that along with seeming fine talking to the Doctor, in Lindy's Bubble Worlds eyes likely made him disposable as he wasn't one of them, probably would have got blocked by all as well, hence his don't tell anyone. So really I see it as anyone too different to who they are doesn't fit with how they live, in essence Ricky's musical career would have been nothing if they all new he didn't Bubble outside of work. In today's world Ricky wouldn't have been part of the Bubble's Matrix to them, as he was too different to how they thought, like now how News and etc., can vary depending on your likes, follows and that sort of thing, if it isn't how you are you rarely see it.