Billy's accent

It's awful, what was Karl Urban thinking with that mish mash of cartoonish nonsense? Very irritating. It's like someone on a talk show is doing a humorously bad imitation of a cockney (or similar) accent.

Also he says to Hughie "Sorry I hit you, I lost me bottle". Losing your bottle means to chicken out, not lose your temper.

And is Billy's father supposed to be British? He has an Australian accent.


He is a New Zealander, so I think that is New Zealand accent, though I wouldn't say there is that much different between Australian and New Zealand accents.


If you meant the father, the actor is Australian.

If you meant Karl Urban, the accent he's butchering is nothing like Australian or Kiwi, he's doing some awful imitation of a working class British accent, I think it's supposed to be Cockney.

As for Australian and NZ accents there is a distinct difference - but yes, not very apparent to people outside of those countries.


I thought the father was Simon Pegg lol , seems not


Hughie's father is Simon Pegg.


I agree . I never felt I was watching a British person when I watched Butcher in this whole series. His character in this series is supposed to be British, like James Bond

Karl Urban is from New Zealand, so he talks like an Australian, not a Brit. I imagine the accent might’ve been a challenge for him

I think Urban’s weak British accent caused little uproar because of the show’s comedic and exaggerated vibe . An abomination of a British accent just didn’t appear too out of place


To be fair, James Bond's accent is not your typical English accent. It's a 'posh' accent. There's many different English accents (given the size of the place it's almost incredible how varied they are), some verging on unintelligible for those not familiar.

Butcher is supposed to have a Cockney accent (working class London, very common) and while he's not doing the worst job at it (I know I said it's awful in my OP and it was early on in the series - it's improved in the latest season), it's not convincing either.


I'm British and dont have a problem with it , seems adequate , certainly not distracting or detracting from the show.

Sounds a bit like similar looking / sounding british bit part actor Ricky Grover


"Karl Urban is from New Zealand, so he talks like an Australian"

Say that in New Zealand.


Or here in Australia, might be a short hop across the pond to New Zealand (and vice versa), however yep our accents are way different.
