WokelyteMyRideYa's Replies

No, I stopped at about the half way mark of the movie. Then I watched the last scene with the supposed transgender line. I have no intention of finishing it. Not <i>just</i> herself, but the fear she's putting 'LGBTQ agenda' in the writing as far as actual show goes. Also 'not tolerated' can be a loaded phrase here. It can mean either out of genuine hatred or simply as a means to maintain established order and control. It depends who is enacting it, and probably for lot of people, a malleable mixture of both. If you follow some of the popular sociopolitical commentary about cultural stuff, the 'not tolerating' side here in the US, you see one pattern is that they want these things kept out of public eye - not normalized as much as possible. Homosexuality is one those things. They rant about everything they consider degenerate: homosexuality, transgenderism, pornography, gender nonconformity, atheism, even furries. I mean the common denominator here is aversion based on religion, but I don't think you have to be religious to have the social insecurity. Nothing is more fearful to them generally than having a norm overturned and being on the opposite side, in the minority. Anyway keep in mind all the whining comes from a place of not just weakness but impotence. They can't make these illegal as of now and so work with what they've got; however, as of now, nothing they will ever do will affect large parts of the country (simplistically: blue states). The only thing they <i>can</i> do is whine and stamp feet on social media. So they use it to full effect. Mostly, I believe, consider criticism on those grounds as disingenuous; their real criticism is the attack on current social norms. Thus in essence: "culture war", defined. I don't even like Acolyte or Star Wars that much really and I was ready to stop watching at episode 2 and the only reason I watched 3 was all the talk about Lesbian Witches 🀣. Now 4 is promising pronouns so of course I have to turn into that. Meanwhile the show is becoming slightly more watchable. Streisand Effect in action 😁. In all fairness though I wouldn't be surprised if it does go full Doctor Who by final episode.. the other side <i>does</i> have their motives too!🍿 No I dipped about half way in.. turned it off. Basically nothing happened. I saw some kind of fantasy world, outcast kids awkwardly bonding over a show. Couldn't tell you where it was going because I lost interest at that point. It wasn't the horror I hoped to expect and the story and characters weren't holding me at that point. But there certainly wasn't any transgenderism and if I thought there would be an allegory, I should have at least been able to identify it by the half way mark. So it seems especially by the last line only, that it must be one where only certain pre-primed mindset people see it, perhaps. I doubt this one has all the requisite necessary nudity for that, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong πŸ˜†πŸ±β€πŸ‘€ Definitely not enough. Love this genre! Dying for one in a Native American milieu, like Prey. Whether the baddies are the racist British or just other rando tribes doesn't matter to me. I actually...... might prefer it in Mesoamerica with Spanish and Native American empires on the periphery.... would be awesome. In essence, but that's also a byproduct of the larger: to the highly insecure people in any culture, <i>any</i> non normative behavior or representation is not to be tolerated at a social position equal to or above the norm. If all the whiny baby whites had red noses and a blue nose is put in charge of their favorite show putting blue noses in high positions or in a normative aspect, the same resentment would happen. But sure it does so happen that religion and inherent bigotry toward homosexuality itself does play its part here... just not the whole story. I'm finding out that's not actually the case: https://moviechat.org/tt12262202/The-Acolyte/6669cd090b76503332f249f3/So-the-force-is-indeed-female?reply=66714407f7b5d61a649c0b1a This site may not be worth it after all. <blockquote>Your post appears to violate the MovieChat Community Standards. Please read the community standards carefully and remember to be kind and courteous.</blockquote> Still getting this, otherwise I'd have put the other πŸ‘†πŸ€‘ in his place already. I copy pasted the exact parent Guitar King post word for word and even get it. Shadowbann*ng, I guess if you hit George Lucas hard enough to make an adm1n πŸ˜ͺ. πŸ₯΄πŸ–• πŸͺπŸ€ Like in Dial of Destiny, Riley is turned into a washed up old has been. Being part of the 16.7 million whites that make up 44% of the poor - the largest ethnic group in poverty in the USA - Riley is made a hobo πŸ˜‚. Opioid addicted and obese, she spends her nights crying on the internet about nonwhite people and ghosts of wokeness, and spends her days asking for the manager. 🀣 One day they all go to Riley's house and find out she suddenly died of a fentanyl overdose the night before πŸ˜†. Her own children don't show up to her funeral, and her parents blame China and Mexico. πŸ€­πŸ˜…πŸ’€. Top 4 no order: Madame Web Turtles All the Way Down Transformers Last Knight Rosaline soon to be top 5: Alien Romulus Top 3 songs: AgonΓ­a PAPI Don't Go What a gem πŸ’ƒ. boy are you lucky I can't get a comment through the ***ty censorship on this site. your account seems to be protected more than anyone else. i don't care enough to keep trying any more. just take your Barbie (2023) placement award and find an interesting place for it πŸ‘. Barbie Star Wars 🀑 Maybe you can send the producers a sternly written letter so they can laugh at and mock you mercilessly? πŸ€”....🀣 Same point as your own existence. 😘 Nope. I didn't see the Iron Throne either - certainly not with Aegon sitting on it. All I saw was just more glaring writer plotholes. Q.E.D. Sideboob, my fellow incel: https://youtu.be/OKWpMYcYMLg Bro I'm playing PAPI on loop till this one comes out. Best of the series straight banger incoming. 🀘πŸ₯³ Not a FLOP. More like a BOP. Well I don't necessarily agree with you on transgenders but regardless, it's the line about being on medication I take it.. I checked it out.. still not clear to me but maybe I have to have seen the whole thing. It's good to know it did have a point by the end though. Fun fact: lumberjacks have never been in style; his entire life philosophy is par for the course. Wait so was there some potential body mutilation in the movie? What happens in the end? Don't even worry about spoiler tags; something tells me a Movie-Title Movie Judger doesn't care about spoilers. πŸ˜„