WokelyteMyRideYa's Replies

1. Make perfect sense, if that's what happened. If it's not, you'll find out in the next episode, where we see that Daemon's not happy. You'll just have to tune in to find out. 2. Bro some rando ratcatcher does't give two shits about royal family members known for whateverthefuck. But who cares: Daemon preemptively offers that information on his own accord - not in response to questions "Who is Aemond? What does he look like?" I don't know if your copy cut off early or what but Helaena literally says they killed the boy. But your time is better spent on more interesting question like: Why did he bring the dog? Why did he kick him? Why so much talk about rats when we didn't see any? Not even any squeeking? Were they even in the right castle if there were no signs of rats? 10x more interesting questions to focus on. The title is part of what drew me in. And cover art. And A24. But I dipped about half way in. Cool aesthetically, but not really horror-y...more of a drama. The whiny baby whites are claiming it's a trans allegory. I didn't see any. Regardless of what even writers say, if you have to go out of your way to read external articles to find hidden meanings then it might as well not be there, so that's a fail. But maybe the guy randomly turns transgender at end of the movie or something, I don't know. If you're not one of those who are horrified that a movie will turn you transgender, might as well ignore the title and act accordingly. There's no connection. 1: Nope. He asks "What if we can't find him?" and you got your answer by what you saw. 2: Nope. No reason to for him to hang around Red Keep. Since you like to overthink things, question for you is, why do <i>you</i> think she pointed to the one she did? Well let's see, 1 of 3 of the writers is an American white, so that means it's 33% probability that it will be Woke, yes. Well she at least had everybody gang up on her and couldn't finish her off, then got the old laser eyes from the boy.. that reinforced my thought that the Homelander supe genes were the peak. Bro, that's what I thought about Homelander till we find out he can't even figure out how to kill Huey. So she's probably super easy to kill based on what I witnessed. I'm still liking the series but it really needs to hurry up and end, and get πŸ‡²πŸ‡½The Boys: MexicoπŸ‡²πŸ‡½ rolling. No more of this πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ USA American Woke Commie Pinko πŸ’©, right, my fellow cisgenders? Of course I'm right; I'm straight! I would love if this one got as many sequels as the Resident Evil.. Just hope Milla can slow down that whole aging thing. 😬 With the right health care I'm sure she's got at least another 20 years in her.. but then she really wouldn't have time to be taking unhelpful detours like Breathe. 😢 Because the non-minority has become dull and uninteresting. The day of the straight white man has come and gone. RIP, past. ☠☠ May the final fentanyl high at least have been a good one. πŸ’€ Works for me. It's always been bottom of the sci-fi barrel, before and after Disney. Disney simply made that fact more obvious. That said, I think it's hilarious what Disney is doing do it 🀣. George Lucas: forever immortalized as the dumbass who gave it all away for that sweet sweet cash; everyone like him has a price. <b>He</b> never <i>actually</i> liked Star Wars. Well at least you admit it. Investors invest to make money - not lose it - and make it, they do, by the shitload. The last they they'd need to do is "learn" something from the minority of tired dying boomer brains forever stuck in the past. Good on Disney. πŸ₯‚ Yep. In the end scene she's alive and talks with the main guy. It ends with the camera fixing a bit on her neck in which you see a Gojira inspired thing forming like veins or something. So I imagine it will be that is why she was able to survive somehow. Gojira himself dies then starts coming back too in the end credit scene so it's like his usual regenerative power. I mean he's had massive nuclear explosions go through him and come back, I'm pretty sure, from the animated show too.. they like bringing him back. I think it at least will be interesting to see what happens if she had Gojira powers in the next one. πŸ˜„ And yeah this place is generally a shithole for the loser audience that gets ignored, outcast and banned everywhere else mainstream like the reddits - I imagine. 🀣 I wonder if release time will be prime time or 12/1 AM in the morning. I'll be watching these back to back the exact moment they come out and need to set aside 6 hours for this masterpiece. The original is already so much better than its outdated space opera inspiration. The Heavy Metal version is going to be fucking amazing 🀯 Not only does she survive but it seems to be implied that she is infected with Gojira powers (maybe what allowed her to survive). You missed out on so much by rage quitting too soon. I actually think they should have kept her dead, myself. George Lucas has been irrelevant since he gave away Star Wars over a decade ago. His opinions aren't any more relevant now than those of any other crazy old grandpa boomer sitting in a recliner at home shaking his fist screaming at the analog TV. Hope that doesn't hit too close to home. Oh no not new users in your racist boomer echo chamber. Who allowed him in here? Someone get it off our lawn ASAP 😭 That feeling is what it feels like to feel yourself slowly turning into a boomer. Oh no. Not 5,000 reviewers out of millions of viewers and millions more subscribers. Oh whatever will Disney do. I heard they keep losing zillions of dollars every year, too! Wow must be a money laundering scam or a Ponzi scheme or something. I just don't understand! πŸ€ͺ I just know that Disney's going broke any minute now. 3. 2. 1.. any minute Any.. minute now. Just you watch. Here it comes... any moment... 🀑 Not quite. First, anyone with a brain nailed this a long time ago. They didn't need that failed writer, youtuber to point it out for them. The great, and only, value in that video which <i>he</i> nailed is that right before the hilarious <b>massive</b> crybaby cope at the very end of the video, he says something obvious that at least people who actually take him seriously will have beaten into them by him - finally I guess: <blockquote> <b>This show is proof if you ever needed that this is just how things are gonna be now. Star Wars isn't going to be saved by anyone. It's not going to go back to the way it was.</b> </blockquote> No sh*t, r*tards 🀣🀣🀣 Nobody has ever cared about your shrieking into the void for many years now, captain obvious. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ What was the final clue do you think? The part where none of their crying ever changed anything, or the part where <b>writers now specifically have to tell you that they don't consider these types to be fans</b> 🀑🀑🀑? There's absolutely nothing funnier than irritating dumb people finally being forced to understand they're not wanted around. πŸ˜‚πŸ₯³