GrimDawn's Replies

I keep meaning to. I often (on my phone) get linked to Giallo type films, Italian stuff I'd have never heard of without this site. Amazing stuff! This site though kinda seems to link towards modern films the deeper I go, I have to fight against modernity. 74580 posts. Sniggers behind his hand. Well. I guess you really told me. Guy who has spent god knows how many hours wasting his life. Inb4 I'm rich, I have yaughts.... Ok Dad He has pedo black babies. I'm thinking squirting acid up his jap's eye and while he screams we remind him that Satan will never let him any where near a throne. I miss those times when Americans realise they've been had. If voting made a difference they wouldn't let you do it. The hell is MCMC? Sounds cool as but what the hell is it? I think I'm turning into Mr Torque. I remember the episode where he bridged his Jew nose...The one that emphasised pentagrams over remphram! Sucker. It's a zogbot fishing line! Stop lying. All three were jewish if I remember? Puppet..... Odd. all of a sudden? I notice that you don't chastise mty Jewish confuraderay? Fuck off with yor leftist bullshit. You are a usefull idiot, nothing more. You think you're getting one over on real people but no....You're a fucking puppet! There are cunts. and there are cunts! Imagine if your character in a game was the slime ball....thanks jews for killing Christ you ugly fucks Sorry what question. Oh ffs. So here we go typical shite..I went to the bank today (thanks Jews) and couldn't get a change Okay. Hey Skavuu, would you like to meet with a drunk non JEW