MovieChat Forums > Politics > Just received my stimulus payment

Just received my stimulus payment

Looks like my payment just direct deposited into my account, $1200 as promised. I can't help but feel the Stimulus package has utterly destroyed the U.S.A for years to come. How much did the wealthy receive? $3000?


I just did my taxes and owed $1200. Still waiting for Donald's check to even it out. The wealthy get millions in loopholes.


So it is deposited into a banking account? I thought a check would be mailed to us.


If you had direct deposit set up on last years tax return then it’s direct deposit.


If you’re lucky enough to be one of the fortunate who are still working, use the money to help one of the millions of small business that are desperately trying to avoid losing their business. Each of which employs millions more.

People making over $75k get less and less up to $100k, over that you get nothing. Business owners who employ the country are getting tax deductions and loans.

Any questions?


It would be nice of me, but I think not. Pretty sure most business owners voted for Tramp. They made the bed, now they have to lay in it.


What? No signed signature by Trump? Did you forward your banking info to them for direct deposit when applying? You said you haven't filed yet but still received it... were you already receiving monthly government checks from before via welfare or other?


I think Gd5150 is a CPA, lol. He wrote: If you had direct deposit set up on last years tax return then it’s direct deposit.


Anyone with a brain knows this, why would you think a CPA is needed.


He was very helpful and informative, whereas you are not, pushing the boundaries of uselessness.


And you are a halfwit tool.


LOL. I destroyed you and still try to think of a come back, rofl.


If you think that "destroyed me", you are obviously unaware of how pathetic you are. I didn't reply because I don't like picking on children.


IIT: ORANGE MAN BAD...but will cash my check.


Your full of shit. I didn't qualify for a stimulus check and I only made 135K last year.


Only $135k? You sound like the people that say my Tesla only cost $120k. Hopefully you aren't blowing all that money.


I'm not wealthy by any stretch of the imagination. I only mention it because I a posterr above is fibing that wealthy people are getting checks. You fight disinformation with information. People in the 135K tax bracket didn't qualify for anything. I'm not complaining just tired of people lying about the wealthy getting 3K.
