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Maher says media's 'panic porn' coronavirus coverage creates a Trump reelection path

Real Time is broadcast from Bill's mansion.

"Real Time" host Bill Maher closed Friday's show by blasting the media for what he called its "panic porn" coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

"Now that we're starting to see some hope in all of this, don't hope-shame me!" Maher began. "You know, the problem with nonstop gloom and doom is that it gives Trump the chance to play the optimist. And optimists tend to win American elections. FDR has said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. You know, as full of s--- as he is, I could see Trump riding that into a second term. And then there will be no more hope left for you to shame."

Maher urged news outlets to "rein it in" because the "daily drumbeat of depression and terror veers into panic porn."

"Enough with the 'Life will never be the same' headlines!" Maher exclaimed.

Maher then knocked the media for being "obsessed" with the number of young people who have died with the coronavirus, pointing to the much higher death toll from young people who died from the flu last year.

He added, "We need the news to calm down and treat us like adults. Trump calls you 'fake news,' don't make him be right."



They need him to win. They will have nothing to talk about and people will stop watching because they know their trust from the people is pretty much gone at this point.

It's a Batman/Joker relationship.
"Oh, you. You just couldn't let me go, could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever."


Methods the lamestream media uses to hype up a virus nobody would have paid attention to just a few years ago:

- ham up their acting skills for all they're worth
- talk in a fast, panicky way, like the virus is heading for your studio at any time and will eat you
- focus only on cities where the outbreak is the worst
- show people crying over social-distancing
- only talk about more and more deaths, using fake numbers, such as the over-estimating the govt.-paid scientists have been parroting for the past 3 months
- don't talk at all about how many people have survived
- if you do, talk about permanent damage to their lungs, to show the virus truly has lasting effects
- don't interview anyone who has survived and done ok
- panic over how few respirators NYC has
- don't talk about China unless you've received the propaganda script they sent over for the week
- don't tell about any towns that have seen recovery, it's bad for business
- absolutely no prayer allowed
- if you talk about Europe, only focus on Italy, where it's the worst
- don't mention how pollution in cities might play a role in all of this
- don't talk at all about how the Chinese lied about this for 2 months before it got out of control
- find a way to blame it on Trump, despite it not being his fault
- keep using the "hoax" lie, despite people debunking Dumbass Biden's campaign propaganda


We're up to 40k deaths. And that's WITH social distancing and lockdown. You remove those and we could easily be looking at 100k deaths per month.

Elites like Maher and Dr. Phil are unhappy their investments aren't doing well and are blinded from the reality that the media is doing the right thing.

If we end social distancing, we open the doors to something far worse.


Maher is the one that called for a recession. Are you speaking for him now saying he regrets what he said now?

Reopening doesn’t end social distancing nor is it saying you can’t wear a mask if you still want to. You don’t have to go to restaurants, or any other social gathering spots if you don’t want to.

Yet you want to keep the lockdown in place for two whole years. That is totally infeasible. Then again, when have you ever shown any type of logical reasoning?

Find any typos, grammar nazi ultraviolent?🤪🤪🤪


the media is doing the right thing.



"We're up to 40k deaths"

Do you realize how insignificant that is? Season flu is several times higher. Normal death rate is 3M per year. That's 1.3% of total!


"We're up to 40k deaths"

Do you realize how insignificant that is? Season flu is several times higher. Normal death rate is 3M per year. That's 1.3% of total!

Several times higher? Fake news?

We've been looking at 12,000 - 61,000 deaths from influenza since 2010 per year.

COVID-19 has reached 42,000 deaths in two months, and that's WITH social distancing.


I like how each side (maybe more on the right than left) sides with anyone or uses that person as a prop piece who has a couple of agreed views on their end but castrate them once they have a difference of opinion with other views. They'd praise that person then the next they're attacking them. I see many comments going I am not a fan of Maher but what he says is correct (obviously only watched because it furthers their beliefs in what they already believed). I enjoy watching Maher even though some of the things he says can be coocoo (or rather old man speak).


I agree with most of what Bill Maher says, this included. I've never seen anything so overhyped before. But if it causes the impeached criminal to lose it's all worth it!
