MovieChat Forums > Politics > Is it fair to say that without mail in v...

Is it fair to say that without mail in voting Trump would have won?

There does seem to be a strong case that Trump got beaten on these mail in votes that seemed to flip the election.

So had it been just one vote on Election Day, would Trump have taken this home?


what is the relevance of this? its akin to saying "do you think republicans would have lost if republicans didn't vote"


Relevance is that elections where one candidate 'gets out the vote' and people have to queue up for hours to vote is a test of how strongly that candidate is supported.

A candidate actually earns that vote.

Not as many (probably) would have bothered for Biden given his low enthusiasm. I remember looking at his youtube channel and how low the views were and thinking 'wow he has zero buzz at all, nobody is sharing his videos'.

Normally a candidate like that would struggle to get people out to vote. But mail in voting has made it easier for weak candidates.



Voting isn’t compulsory in the US so every person that voted made a concerted effort to do so, regardless of the way they voted.

Trump lost because he deserved to. No amount of what-ifs will change that.


yaa but you need to suffer apparently to show the candidate "earned" that vote. that intothenight wrote was one of the dumbest things ive ever read


why do you hate democracy? why is it a test to see how strongly you support someone?

LOL this was one of the most ridiculous things ive ever read.

yes we have to make people suffer and stand in like for 4 hours, who cares if you ahve a job, kids to attend to, a sick family member you look after, suffer you worm to show you deserve to vote

wow republicans are truly disgusting individuals. trash


Plato hated democracy. Why do you think you're smarter than Plato?


LOOOOOOOOOLL fail kid. nice cherrypicking. I guess because one person said it an entire system is wrong.

Galileo believed in alchemy. you think you re smarter than Galileo?

we can do this all day kid. your tactic is one of a weak mind. good try though :)


What does this have to do with alchemy? Democracy sucks.


its the idea that just because a person is intelligent or correct on one thing or subject, doesnt mean they re an infallible genius and correct on EVERYTHING ELSE>

again its the tactics of the simple minded.

either provide a quote from a well known figure to sound intelligent. or just say "well this person agreed with me!"

the fact that comparison went over you had shows your arent intelligent at all. id be surprised if you weren't drooling and wearing a helmet while you write your posts.

I agree democracies horrible. only thing is theocracies, plutocracies, dictatorships ect are far worse. I live in reality where nothing is perfect, especially a massive and complex system that governs in the USA alone 330 million. So we have to do the best with what we have.

but none of this has anything to do with intothenights insane post about voters having to go through hours of hardship to "prove" they the candidate should get their vote.

simpleton detected


If we really cared about doing "our best"...the whole world would start a nuclear Holocaust and let the cockroaches have this shit hole.


okay edge lord bye! go get your attention elsewhere angsty nihilistic teenager.


I'm not a teen.

If you don't want me to have attention, them quit replying.


if you arent that's even more embarrassing. wow you re soo sad man. "give me attention!!! give me attention!! im edgy!! destroy the world so only cockroaches can live!"


Was there a question there?


You're all like "look at me! I think one canidate is good while the other is evil" "look at me! I think politics is real, y'all!'


politics is real helmet wearer. you sure are special kid LOOOL




And yes you bet my life is sad and embarrassing.


And, yes, I think I'm smarter than all 3 of you.


you are dumb as a doorknob. stop the cringe.


Stop head is already getting too big.


no you are a nobody begging for attention. keep that helmet on tight when you leave the house


I'm not denying it. Thanks for being here for me.


At least I talk about the subject we are currently discussing. You on the other hand...


People have a right to vote.
Its not supposed to be a trial where you have to earn the right by standing in a line in the snow for hours.
Which seems to be the case in America.
I have voted many times , in person at a station in the UK - 5 minutes to drive to nearest station and 2 minutes to vote.
It seems that is a huge cornerstone of democracy that you are missing in "The land of the Free"


Of course. The mail-in system is insecure and allows for fraud - that’s why the Dems pushed for it - so they could could cheat and get away with it, and it worked.


This is so wrong. What, does the guy who operates the scoreboard control the game? Anybody who walks into a voting booth can pull whatever levers they want and have their vote negated by some imagined corruption. Nothing is less secure about paper ballots being filled out at home versus going to a polling place. Plus, the effort to manipulate every single ballot so as to eliminate the ones you don't want from the ones you do seems too collasal to imagine.
Hell, if anyone is going to get jobbed in this scenario it's the poor people who don't want rump in office, not the rich effers who know they'll keep getting fatter off his economic BS.
rump lost because he's a horse's ass.


all true , but you'd have more chance of convincing a flat-earther of reality


you made this all up in your head. seek help please


They watch Trump make it up as he goes along and it gives his tard following the bright idea to do the same.


Nope. Not clear at all since there's no way for you to predict that Biden voters who mailed it in would not have shown up on election day if they weren't allowed to mail in their votes.

But yours is a dumb question anyway since there's always been mail-in voting.


There's been absentee voting, not mass, unsolicited ballots sent to people. Big difference.


Those ballots were sent to registered voters. You make it sound like they were just sent to random people.


As though the electoral roll is up to date for every single person.


True. So there were people that might have moved or died who got sent ballots. So what? Those that moved would have voted in their new location. Those that died wouldn't have voted anyway. Neither the moved or deceased would have gotten those ballots to send in. The ballots sent to those that moved would have been returned-to-sender.

What's your point?

What's clear is you haven't even bothered to think this through to consider just how ludicrous your question is.


People could easily take this and vote themselves. Duh.


5 million of them?

And all of them Biden voters?

If 500 in the whole country pulled that trick successfully I'd be surprised.


Easily take ballots that were returned-to-sender because the recipient had moved or was deceased?

Jeesus are you really this dumb?


I think he would have lost again, even without the mail in votes. Remember he was one of those mail in votes as well.


No It isnt , becasue if they didnt offer Mail in voting all the people who mailed there votes in would have used a polling station.


That's quite an assumption. Voter turnout is linked to enthusiasm for the candidate. Joe Biden didn't muster much enthusiasm.


or dislike of the opposing candidate, one of the few areas Trump shines in
I'm sure the dems would make the effort to get Trump out , even if they arnt mad about Biden


If you don't count the Biden votes would Trump have won? Really?


I think people would have turned out in record numbers to dump Trump. Per the linked article, Trump is number one and three in unfavorability ratings of U.S. Presidential candidates since 1956. Hillary is number two over that same time period. I was a Bernie backer but his unfavorability rating was ten points higher than Biden. I don't like Biden but I view him as the lesser of two evils.
