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Three friends, two vaxxed, one not (General Discussion)

I wanted to ask this in General Discussion so as to get some logical responses but was afraid of what reaction I might get.

Take three friends, two of whom are vaccinated and one who simply hasn't got around to it because they feel they have anti-bodies and a convenient opportunity hasn't arisen.

The two vaxxed people say the third cannot visit until they get the shot. Are they correct is fearing the third person? If so, what's the point of getting the vaccination if you are still afraid of it spreading in your own home?


The 2 vaxxed people are wrong.


Yup, in fact, I wouldn't want to have a lot of contact with the vaxxed two as I wouldn't want to be their shed spike protein vacuum.


You're afraid of reactions? Dude, this ain't or shouldn't be Twitter. Who cares what reaction you get. You wanted to know then accept the responses that come from asking it. How is posting this on Politics any different?

If they're friends, they shouldn't have to worry about the 3rd person and accept the choices that person makes since they're 'friends' and shouldn't be so judgemental and intolerant. The first 2 are vaxxed and safe, period (although not 100%). Chances of getting COVID are as rare as the blood clots from getting the shots I say. If you can take the chance with blood clot or other side effects, you can take the chance with COVID after 'fully' vaxxed.

If they're some shade of Liberalism then there is no cure for the COVID fear even after getting 2 doses. They're beyond lost and pansies (like that beta male soyboy that keeps his masks on while having sex). In my mind they're the opposite spectrum of the QAnon folk. The VaxxAnon.


This pandemic has really exposed people's inner desires to control, torment, and make others suffer. Really enlightening.


There most certainly have been some agendas exposed in the last year or so, that's for sure.


Why is anyone else's medical history or issues any of your fucking business


Their lives have no meaning and they want others to suffer externally, like they do internally.


Your scenario is dishonest and stupid-adjacent ....

You started out with your anti-CDC propaganda point
and then work backwards to try to make not getting vaccinated sound like a reasonable thing to do.
It isn't. Vaccination doesn't cost you anything and will save your life.
If you actually convince someone you are increasing the probability that they will get sick, die or have permanent effects.
There is virtually no risk with the vaccine,
and it does a lot of good for the country to increase herd immunity,
as well as avoid getting Covid-19.
You "pre-assume" that the third friend has anti-bodies,
but that friend would have had to get them somehow ...
and truthfully, which you are not,
some number of people who caught Covid-19 would be dead of have permanent side-effects.


I have never been anti-CDC, quite the opposite, and I admired all the fine people in this community for getting vaccinated.
But no one was personally badgering me to get it done, or loving me enough to persuade me, be a companion.
I had to take time out of my life to do something that is inherently unpleasant, like getting a shot.
I hated getting shots as a kid, and I rarely had to get them as I grew up.
When it happened I was usually at a Doctor's office and barely given a choice. "We're going to give you a shot."
oh, great. This'll be fun.
Then they have these Vax Events, where people wait in their cars for god knows how long. That's not how I normally receive medical services. So I put it off.
Finally I called an agency I'm associated with and asked them if I could get vaxxed and they said sure, no appointment needed, just come in. We have the Johnson if that's what you prefer.

So that's it. No political agenda, no conspiracy theory, I just didn't get around to it until today. I don't like needles.

And oddly enough, the lady who gave me the shot is this woman I have admired from afar for quite a spell.
A lovely lass with curly black locks, slim and trim. Nothing will come of it, but at least I got a chance to chat with her a little, and her eyes sparkled like gems above her dutiful mask.


Grow up little boy.
First, you didn't do your research in choosing the J&J vaccine.
It is not as effective as the mRNA vaccines.
I got the two Pfizer shots and didn't feel a thing. Slight pin prick with the second one, but I literally did not even know I got the first one. Anyone who would let fear of a needle change their behavior is a snowflake among snowflakes.


You are someone who is abusive on the internet. Enjoy yourself.


Stop listening to friends who lie to you about everything.


If your unvaccinated friend is healthy and under 60 then he definitely made the right decision, the virus isn’t a threat to him and we have no idea of the long term side effects of these experimental ‘vaccines’. Better to let your immune system tackle the virus naturally.

Your two vaccinated friends are behaving like dumb, obnoxious bitches and you need to drop them like a pair of hot turds before their odious stupidity rubs off on you.
