MovieChat Forums > Politics > Online Racists To Be Banned From Attendi...

Online Racists To Be Banned From Attending Sporting Events

Boris Johnson has promised to ban people guilty of sending racist abuse to footballers from attending matches.

The prime minister said he would ensure the "football banning order regime is changed" to crack down on racism.


About time. Bravo!

Racists think they can hide online but this new measure will ensure there is no haven for racists.


So has he caught the ones that reared their racist heads on monday?


Get the racist racists! They did this to you!


Why did you not put in the title "UK" or "British racists"? Cause you wanted to make your story sound more interesting than it is?

This is exclusive to the UK only, ya frickin wacko.

I can't think of anyone stupider than someone who starts spouting the N-word just cause someone missed a penalty. British people are so appalling.

Definitely won't be watching the Slavery World Cup next year in Ishtar or whatever the country's called.


Da racists is why ther are da problems. Derp, I'm da liberal, good fer me.


Virtue signaling. 96% of the accounts were foreign. The "racists"(bots) he is banning, do not even live in England.
