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Fitness enthusiast, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid

Fitness enthusiast, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid
John Eyers had been climbing mountains four weeks before his death in intensive care

A “fit and healthy” 42-year-old who loved climbing mountains and lifting weights has died of Covid-19 after refusing to get vaccinated, leaving his twin sister and mother heartbroken.

The two women warned others not to think they are invulnerable to the dangers of the virus.

The father of one, John Eyers, a construction expert from Southport in Merseyside, was described by his sister Jenny McCann as “the fittest, healthiest person I know”.

She added that her brother had been climbing Welsh mountains and camping in the wild four weeks before his death.

But he was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, and told his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated. His twin said his death was “a tragedy”.
Anti-vaxxers will be remembered like the Taliban in a few years, a totally evil influence.


Jeez, that must bring the total number of non-octogenarians who have died from COVID to about TEN now huh? Wow. Shocking!

By the way dude, there are Muslims in both America and Europe who have the same opinions and beliefs as the Taliban.

Why do you want rioters to be locked up but you haven't called for those imams and preachers to be locked up? is it because you have a pathetic juvenile worship for wife-beating cavemen who go around in stupid white robes? is that it?


Congratulations, nothing you said makes sense or is true.


There aren't any extremist preachers in America? Is that you just said?

I think the most important part that annoyed you the most was when I said how you have a fetish for wifebeating weirdos in white. That's the most important part.


“He thought if he contracted Covid-19 he would be OK. He thought he would have a mild illness. He didn’t want to put a vaccine in his body. His was pumped full of every drug in the hospital. They threw everything at him,” McCann said on Twitter.

“It should not have happened. He leaves a mum and a dad, a sister (me), and a 19-year-old daughter. My two children have lost their fun uncle. The uncle who would always play with them.”


Islam's not a good topic for you huh?

You'd rather talk about absolutely *anything* else in the world? You'd rather spend 72 hours debating athlete's foot than ISISlam. Right?

Why is it the only time you mention Islamic extremism is when you're trying to compare US conservatives to them? Shows how hilariously out of date you are that you said "Taliban", nobody thought about them for freaking years until they started taking over again a couple of weeks ago. You are totally stuck in 2001, I always see horrendous leftie nerds saying "heh, like, heh, taliban, and like, heh, stuff".


>> Islam's not a good topic for you huh?

What part of Islam has anything to do with "Fitness enthusiast, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid" ?

Riddle me that, joker ... joke.



Oops, asthma. Not a comorbidity you want to have right now.


A diagnosis from his sister ... not a medical doctor. It doesn't mean he actually had asthma. Either way, he would not have died had be gotten the vaccine. Go ahead keep supporting your death cult and rejoicing as people die ... it just shows who sick you are and those in your party.


He had asthma so he was one of the people with underlying conditions. It makes sense that asthmatics are at greater risk since they have trouble breathing.

Gyms can be dangerous environments since people are breathing heavily in close proximity. He was taking chances if he was still working out at the gym. I am against the covid vaxx but an unvaxxed person needs to change their behavior to include social distancing and masking.


Also, having asthma had already did damage or put stress on his lungs. The worst treatment for these types is being intubated. Being intubated exacerbates the damage to the lungs.


social distancing and masking

Why would I want to intentionally lower my immune system by doing this?


If you're against the vaccine, you're nuts.


For everyone one of these you can give me, i can give you one of these.....

Two fully vaccinated people have died after contracting Indian ... › t...·
30 may 2021 — Public Health England confirmed that just two people who received both jabs died from the variant with the number of vaccinated people becoming ...

Globally the mortality rate hasn't changed since this time last year, it's roughly 2%


I don't believe it. No one is reported to have died from any Covid-19 variant if they have been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccines, Moderna and Pfizer.

If it was true it would be all over the news in more places than your one link, and if it was so common how come you have to go all the way over to England a country with 1/5th the population of the US to find a fake link?


you liberals are insane


What an amazing contribution to the discussion and the world.


and what have you contributed?, you post something that fits your world view. and then say everything else is a lie? why start a thread on a discussion board if you're only gonna say that everything else is a lie? what for?! you sound insane!

i could take you to a hospital, show you people dying after even having both vaccines, and you'd surely say they were crisis actors.

Thousands of vaccinated people are dying of covid, it's being reported, i'm sorry but "i don't believe it" is just childish denial.


> i could take you to a hospital, show you people dying after even having both vaccines
> Thousands of vaccinated people are dying of covid, it's being reported

No you couldn't,
and no there are not.


more childish denial, i wonder how much of these democrat lies you'd believe. north koreans believe that the great leader arrived to earth on a unicorn.

most libs believe a man with a wig is a woman hahahaahahahahahah!

it's so orwellian.


"For everyone one of these you can give me, i can give you one of these....."

I doubt it, the guy in the OP is not alone , he's just young and fit so stands out.
100s of unvaccinated are dying every day

You probably couldnt find another 2 vaccinated deaths after the two you cited in the nwespaper


COVID: the reason cases are rising among the double ... › covid...

22 jul 2021 — Most people being hospitalised with COVID-19 in the UK have had both vaccine doses, but this is to be expected as vaccination rates rise.

6 fully vaccinated people have died from COVID-19 in the ... › 2021/07/02

2 jul 2021 — The coronavirus has killed six fully vaccinated people in the ... COVID proves to be double-edged sword for Swiss healthcare giant Roche.

Death of fully vaccinated US expert in India sparks worry over ... › page

5 may 2021 — Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines have been dragged into the spotlight over efficacy concerns against the new double mutant variant first found i

Three post-vaccination COVID deaths confirmed in San Diego ... › 2021/06/26

26 jun 2021 — Two of the individuals who died were fully vaccinated and the other died before the waiting period of the second dose was over.

31 fully vaccinated people have died in Tennessee, health ... › news › local

23 jul 2021 — TDH Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey said Friday more than two dozen deaths since May 1 and 218 hospitalizations are among breakthrough cases.

let me guess? fake news?


no i believe it , and thanks for rounding up more articles .
I stand corrected - you did find many more.
But what does that prove?
we need figures of vaccinated vs unvaccinated death, balnced against the proportion of people who are/arnt

"As of mid-July 2021, the U.S. has fully vaccinated more than 160 million people – just under 50% of the population"
Good time to do a comparison then.

On July 16, 2021, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky revealed that 99.5% of recent U.S. deaths from COVID-19 were of unvaccinated people.

" In some counties within Missouri, as few as 14.7% of the residents are vaccinated. Not surprisingly, the state has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases through the middle of July with 2,000 to 3,000 new cases per day"
Contrast this with Massachusetts, where 63% of people are fully vaccinated. Though the state is also seeing an increase in cases, total new infections numbered only around 200 to 300 per day.

In the state of Maryland, every patient who died from COVID-19 in June was unvaccinated.


you people are moving the goal posts too much

1. you people said 8 months ago that it would provide IMMUNITY, people like me were saying it wouldn't, we were right.

2. so you moved the goal posts, it didn't give you IMMUNITY but it made death less likely, but no, it's still at 2% globally.

3. then it become "well no, but it will make symptons less severe" but we'd need years of data and not months to really know that.

it's like a cult with this vaccine, theres so much goal posting moving that i can't keep up


You are lying.

8 months ago "we people" said it had a 90-95% chance of making you immune to the effects of it, not immune to carrying it in your body for a few days because no vaccine does that.

With the Delta variant, "we people" are saying it's in the 60-95% chance of making you immune to the effects of it.

Viruses spread by copying themselves. Mutation happens whenever a virus copies itself incorrectly. Because vaccinated people have the antibodies to beat it quicker, Covid-19 has less opportunities in a vaccinated person's body to copy itself incorrectly and mutate.

You have also moved the goal post.

A year ago, YOU PEOPLE said we would reach herd immunity by going back to normal. Now that that has proven to be impossible, you are now whining that the 60-95% efficacy rate of vaccines, which you refuse to take, is not good enough.

Even with 100% efficacy, too many cultists like you refuse to take it, prolonging the pandemic.

And then you come on here to whine about how useless the vaccines are that you refuse to take.

Typical cultist swine.


i'm not lying, it's that the truth doesn't fit in with your disney world world view, where we have to reject what our own eyes see.

i hope one day you'll grow up


So you're just going to bitch out instead of replying to the facts I've given you?


what facts? you think the vaccine makes you immune, any virologist worth anything, even fauci already knows thats not the case, you haven't given me facts cupcake, just biased nonsense. just garbage.

in many many countries, vaccinated people are making up more of the new cases than non vaccinated people, thats not my opinion, thats a fact.

if you believe me or not, who cares, it's simply a fact that sooner or later you'll have to accept.


No vaccine in the history of vaccines prevents a virus from getting inside you. Immunity from something means it doesn't harm you. If you're immune to snake venom, only a fucking retard would think your immunity magically prevents the venom from getting inside you.

Your problem is you're just too damn stupid.


polio doesn't exist anymore thanks to the vaccine. please educate yourself before you talk to me, you're embarrasing yourself.


If Polio got inside a person with the Polio vaccine, that person would carry it for a short time, but their antibodies would greatly reduce the amount it copies itself, leading to its extinction.

As I said, your problem is you're just too damn stupid.


"if polio got inside a person"

i stop reading after that, hahahahahahaha


Yes, bitch out. Don't respond to facts.

Don't learn anything new.

Assume you already have it all down.


you sound like a woman having a severe period mixed with mental heath issues.

you haven't given me facts, you've given me nonsense. and it's below me. say something inteligent and i'll get back to you


you haven't given me facts
Oh, but I did.

A person with the polio vaccine can still get the polio virus in their body and spread it for a short time. No vaccine prevents that. It reduces the amount of time it has to spread and mutate, eventually killing it.

But you're not interested in that. You only care about the baseless ideas in your head.


"Anti-vaxxers will be remembered like the Taliban in a few years, a totally evil influence."

Ok,'re insane.


Climbing a mountain doesn't mean jack shit... We'd need to see his medical history.

EDIT: Asthma. Just fucking stop with your fake BS.

Oh, and the majority of whom you call "anti-vaxxers" are people of may want to tone down your racist rhetoric.


No matter what anyone says you always say it doesn't mean jack shit. Maybe you should change your name to Jack Shit ... or just plain Shit. Heh heh heh heh heh.


"Oh, and the majority of whom you call "anti-vaxxers" are people of may want to tone down your racist rhetoric."

that leap of logic is staggering


Fake news


Your solutions don't seem to be working doctor.


Your comment doesn't seem to be commenting.


My comment is commenting much more effectively than your solutions to prevent covid are preventing.


34 year old woman in Australia 7 death related to AZ vaxx


AstraZeneca dips hit. Either way it is probably a BS story from Australian ultra-Right-wing nutso-news.


Yeah cause ABC news is ultra right wing LOL

Brux Koresh still dumb as fuck
