MovieChat Forums > Politics > Horse face says climate change is more i...

a lot of people have varying views on what "human rights" are.

Some people thing its their human right to enter a night club and spread disease around for instance.

What human right does horse face (whoever he is) think is being violated?


would you get the vaccine if Trump forced you to?


Its kinda hard to judge because I had the vaccine without being forced by trump.

I guess "yes" , I wouldnt refuse pigheadly just because Trump was forcing me , if i wanted it anyway.


some people dont want it though. we should be able to make that choice for ourselves, like you did.


You don't have the right to endanger society.

The 1905 Supreme Court decision Jacobson vs Massachusetts:

“In every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members, the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand."


Vaxed people are an equal danger to society.

We know you want groups of people to die, we get it already.


Were you or your children vaccinated before attending school?


does that apply to everything? drunk drivers dont have the right to drive. people dont have the right to kill another person. whats most ironic, is that liberals are wanting people to get the Trump vaccine. you realize thats whats in your body now? you have little Trump particles floating around. lol


The 1905 decision was about a man who didn't want to get the smallpox vaccination nor pay the fine. He lost.


good for him for standing up against tyranny, I would rather pay a fine then have something injected into my body without my consent. if Trump was making these same mandates, you and Nancy would be having a hissy fit right now, oh and doogiedaddy too, he would still be here trolling...

remember the slogan: My body, My choice


Not your choice to harm society as per the Supreme Court decision. He had to pay the fine.

You and your children must have been vaccinated in order to attend school.


so, we still have free choice for now, but it is slowing dwindling.

those vaccinations are not a mRNA and dont kill people. although some would like to argue that current vaccinations for kids are causing more long term harm than good, why are more kids being born with autism or some other form of disability? you would think with all our technology and intellect we would find a way to prevent this. humans are still our own worst enemy, someday we will prob end up destroying ourselves, either by war or man made viruses...


"Horse face" ?

There's no mention of Kellyanne Conway at all! Why did you lie like that ?
