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'Workers earning a 'living wage' would raise the price of a basic hamburger to $20...'

Remember when republicans and Trumpers tried to frighten everyone by saying if workers received 'a living wage' at fast-food places, it would raise the price on a basic hamburger to $20? Yep, they've been saying that the past few years, which is why they want to keep the wages at below a living wage. Can't scare the burger crowd from stuffing their faces with burgers, fries and thick shakes !

Well, at the fast-food restaurant Dick's Drive-In in Seattle the owner is raising their starting wage to $19 - $20 / hr. starting September 27. The top hourly rate for crew members is $21.75/ hr. Shift managers make an additional $7 more on top of that.

Employees will get free health care, 3 weeks paid vacation, 50% 401(k) match, and $9,000 which can go to either tuition or childcare.

The price of their basic hamburger ? $1.80. A Deluxe burger is $4.10.

Trumpers and Republicans lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.


Ok, I live in NorCal. We have 15$ minimum wage here. I just got lunch at 5 Guys. Small Fry and Bacon Cheeseburger. Total = 17.94$

So once again you liberals post bullshit and lies


Are you trying to make a point about something ?


Are you not smart enough to figure that out?

You said

Remember when republicans and Trumpers tried to frighten everyone by saying if workers received 'a living wage' at fast-food places, it would raise the price on a basic hamburger to $20?

Now connect that to my comment.


You a got a burger and a side of fries for $18 at 5 Guys.

Republicans said a burger alone (no side of fries) would cost $20.

If you went to Dick's Drive-In, it would have cost you about a quarter of what you spent at 5 Guys.

So again - what's your point ?


You're an idiot

That's my point


no one understands your 5 guys example or what the hell its got to do with the OPs point .

Upmarket places like that will charge whatever they can get away with
its nothing to do with the minimum price of a burger

anymore than the price of a Ferrari represents what the average man in the street has to pay for a car


You ShitLibs don't understand cause you're all morons


Talk about nit-picking! This guy is so damn officious! Anyone with common sense in their noggin got your point!

Almost $18.00 for a damn bacon cheeseburger & fries at 5 Guys? I think I would have left it on the counter and told them apparently they need it worse than you do! Personally I can’t stand their food. It’s just an upgraded White Castle. Down the street at one of our casinos I order the 1/2 pound cheeseburger (cooked the way I like it, RARE saying Moo!) loaded with half a plate of home made fries, not frozen, for $10.00 and change!


I gave up on restaurants... So much cheaper, and healthier to cook your own meals.

I've been forced to eat non-home food maybe 5-6 times since March of 2020, and I've never felt better. Imagine having some dirty fuck cooking your food for $10/ thanks, good way to get food poisoning or norovirus.


Remember when republicans and Trumpers tried to frighten everyone by saying if workers received 'a living wage' at fast-food places, it would raise the price on a basic hamburger to $20?

I don't remember this....have any sources to corroborate this claim?

$15 minimum wage wont make a hamburger go up price, they'll just replace the workers with automation. Workers that aren't worth $15/hour will be laid off. Simple as that.


I don't remember this....have any sources to corroborate this claim?

Google it. Google is your friend.


These thick heads cannot comprehend this. Apparently when they go into a restaurant today and see a tablet on the table they say “Isn’t this neat? We can do our ordering with the tablet!! Afterwards the kids can play games on it!” Completely devoid of thought the damn tablet took the place of 2 jobs! But, it gets better! One of the kitchen staff brings the order, so forget about further service if you need it. Ain’t it great? 🙄
