MovieChat Forums > Politics > George Floyd Sculpture Vandalised For Th...

George Floyd Sculpture Vandalised For The SECOND TIME!

Where the heck are the security? There should be police guarding that sculpture 24/7. It's the least the police could do after murdering George in COLD BLOOD!


It's the least the police could do after murdering George in COLD BLOOD!

I didn't realise the entire police force killed him.


Its not their responsibility to guard it, as its not a public statue. Its an art exhibit by a private group, so they are on the hook for the security.



It's hypocritical of the left to tear down statues of our founding fathers but erect a statue of a drug addict robber of pregnant women. I hope he's burning in hell right now


WOW! You sound like a sociopath Mr. Nash.


For pointing out the truth?


This ^^^^👏🏻👏🏻 The one good thing to come from his murder…he won’t spawn any more little George Floyds!


I certainly don't agree with any statues of our Founding Fathers being taken down, but the difference is those are public and the Floyd statue is a temporary art exhibit by a private group, which is protected under the 1st Amendment.


It's still a statue to a drug dealing woman robbing scumbag and the left cares more about that than statues of people who did great things for our country. What did Floyd do but overdose while trying to pass a fake $20


Well a private group should use the 1st Amendment to remove it. It should then be replaced with a sculpture of Officer Dorn a decent human being who happened to be Black and murdered by BLM thugs!

The scum who worships at the alter of George Floyd are mentally ill. They’ve lost all sense of decency!


They likely have a permit for the exhibition and its just temporary.

By all means, you have every right to create a sculpture of Officer Dorn and hold your own exhibition.


To tell you the truth why would anyone want a sculpture of Floyd? The thing is as ugly as he was! He was one ugly dude. Evil will change a person.


The statue is likely not in remembrance of his character - he was not a good human being - but instead a symbolic memorial to the movement that took place after his murder.

My opinion is that even shitty people don't deserve to be murdered by the police for passing counterfeit money. I'd rather Floyd be in jail than in a coffin.


Me too. Maybe then that $40,000 spent on the gold plated coffin would have been used to help someone truly in need! I doubt it though.


He probably shouldn't have committed a crime and OD'd on drugs while he resisted arrest then. It's much more than he wasn't a good human being. His actions directly played a role in his death, it doesn't solely belong on the shoulders of the cops. It seems convenient for people to forget that.


Floyd should be in a jail cell, not in a coffin. Even if he's a shitty person, he didn't deserve to be killed.


And if he hadn't resisted arrest, that's all that would have happened. Again, cause and affect, and his choices put him in that situation.


You are correct. He put himself in that situation, just like Chauvins choices put him in prison for 2 decades.


Sure, but if you notice, just as in this conversation, the parallel fact I originally brought up is often pushed aside and disregarded. The fact that there is a monument to this piece of shit says it all.




dems forgot about him the day after he got killed by blm...


Down the memory hole...


Is vandalising it protected under the 1st Amendment as well?


Obviously not and the police are investigating the vandalism.


Hopefully to reward who did it.


Dumb comment. You can't go around vandalizing things you don't like. Be a big boy and just ignore it.


Tell that to the BLM rioters.


I will, as I don't support anyone who takes advantage of a protest to vandalize and loot.


Tell that to BLM and Antifa, they love vandalizing and tearing down statues. Just consider this revenge and get over it.


As I already said, I will, as I don't support anyone who takes advantage of a protest to vandalize and loot.


looks like the vandal/patriot agrees , he picked that one from a choice of 3:

The other two are of of US Congressman and civil rights champion John Lewis, who died last year, and Breonna Taylor, a woman who was shot and killed in her Louisville home by police in March 2020. These statues were apparently left untouched.


Republicans are such peaceful, non-violent people, aren't they ?


Compared to your typical demokkkrat they are


"go to" knee jerk retort . very imaginative.

imm gonna continue the discourse with
"no, you are "


All I did was answer the question , I’m sorry the answer upsets you


Yeah! There were 500+ riots, rapes, vandalisms and BILLIONS of dollars worth of damage, perpetuated by Republicans in 2020.... oh, wait. It was Democrats. Never mind.


The Burning, Looting, & Murdering thugs are made up of Democrats. As far as Antifa is concerned who in the hell knows what they are? I refer to the group as the new “Brown Shirts” which makes them an oxymoron considering their name!


Yes and the majority of the US prison population is made up of Democrats.



Remember when the violent protesters at the capital were so violent they respected the queue ropes upon entering the building? Remember when they violently didn't break any windows or anything while inside? Those Freedom violent.


No way doode!! They're raaaaay-susts!!!


A Pagan idol to a miserable excuse for a human being. I am hoping this statue is destroyed by Christmastime. If only Floyd had just been born white and just been one of the many nameless white criminals killed by cops. Then all this racial strife and death of the last year would never have happened. White people see no need to lionize their societal rejects and misfits.


I could not have said it better! 👏🏻👏🏻 Thank you for having common sense which is sorely lacking from some on this board!


Yay someone has common sense because they agree with me. Come off your soap box it is getting old!


They will take it down because it isn't a fixed statue.


They didn't learn after the mural was struck by a racist bolt of lightning.


Oh dear! What to do? Our beloved George Floyd’s sculpture has been vandalized yet again! Boo Hoo! The tears won’t stop! 😢😭😭😭😭😭

I say YAHOO! The degenerate criminal George Floyd is now a martyr proved by you and others which is disgusting! This is another case of histrionics.


Enough people recognize that, regardless of his way of death, George was a scumbag and this will continue to happen.


Well obviously taking the statue down would stop the vandalism. Thus lowering vandalism rates. Problem solved.

Think of it as a vandalism vaccine.


The thing looks like junk anyway.
