MovieChat Forums > Politics > What is the True Purpose of the Vaccine?

What is the True Purpose of the Vaccine?

This might be a tired question but please indulge me because for as many posts there are everywhere about where it's all a lie or whether you are a crazy Conspiracy Theorist i am yet to find a thread on this topic.

So assuming you are in the camp of it's all a manipulation and they are bullying the population then what do people speculate is the true goal of the Vaccine?

My first gut feeling when this all kicked off 18 months ago was some form of sterilisation but i am interested to know what other peoples feelings are.

Also this is a thread for people in the it's all bullshit camp so no need for pricks coming on here telling me how stupid i am, i know that already.


To cause Trumptards to get their panties all in a bunch...


Why do people always bring Trump into every argument, as if its an easy button to ridicule the other person and end the debate?

I think most people who are anti government hate Trump just as much as everyone else, they all go to the same parties at the end of the day.

The people only liked him because he was good entertainment and pissed people off but no one seriously believes he was a man of the people, do they?

I class myself as right wing but Donald Trump was never 'My Guy'


Who said anything about Trump? I'm referring to his brainless sycophants...


to make money: stuff the pockets of big pharma & the politician puppets enabling all this nonsense


Purely, to make money.


"My first gut feeling when this all kicked off 18 months ago was some form of sterilisation but i am interested to know what other peoples feelings are."

I cna have a gut feelings that goblins and magic fairies exist.

why when it comes to a medical peer reviewed discipline do I care what conspiracy you come up with in your head? what evidence do you have? what is the difference between your made up delusions and my goblin example? why do I care what you think if you can't provide evidence, studies ect?


There were "peer reviewed" studies, not too long ago, saying we were headed for an ice age. If you were around then, you'd be saying they were right. Idiot.


Not really. I doubt you'll read any of that, but here goes:


Ok Leo Dicaprio you are clearly a person who is over enamoured by star power and established names, perfect cattle in their eyes or a 'Useful Idiot' although i don't know your profession so can't speculate how useful you really are.

What the hell does Medical peer review even really mean and why should anyone give it any legitimacy if it's just the ones with no morals or ethics willing to shill for the government and go on TV and talk shit.

You heard of the White Coat experiment right? Day 1 chapter 1 in any Psych Class they did experiments that proved people will do anything someone perceived to be in authority tells them, Forget stats and data that can be easily manipulated. If you possess the basic instinct of being able to read if somebody is being genuine with you or trying to lie to you then its actually laughable to watch the media present certain Facts/Graph Charts and little cartoons of evil Virus particles ravaging the population and labelling anyone who disputes it with Scientific evidence or not a crazy lunatic, All the while these same News Anchors and Politicians are caught red handed partying after telling everyone else to stay indoors (Because they know it's a con) then on top of that tell everyone they need to have a jab or be ostracized from society, then on top of that tell them that actually the jab doesn't really work and you need a new improved 2.0 one to be able to Survive, then on top of that actually neither work and you need the 3.0.Come on Seriously? It's straight out of the Gillette adverting play book of that rusty old Mac 3 is useless you need the Mac 3 Turbo, even though 6 months earlier Mac 3 was presented as a Hatori Hanso.

There are several thousand other Scientists and Doctors who have called BS and they have been ignored and lost their careers, what is the Difference between their peer review and the ones they put on the news? Not the Official Brand?

Do you think the Hundreds of thousands of people protesting in every country of the World are just retards do you?

You are a gullible pleb


"All the while these same News Anchors and Politicians are caught red handed partying after telling everyone else to stay indoors"

wow and my doctor told me cigarettes are bad! yet I saw him smoking! they must not be unhealthy. thats logical right?

"here are several thousand other Scientists and Doctors who have called BS and they have been ignored and lost their careers, what is the Difference between their peer review and the ones they put on the news? Not the Official Brand?"

several thousands! holy vs millions who don't think its one big hoax/conspiracy. you sure showed me! if you do not know the difference, you may be retarded. show me all the fired doctors who have done studies and submitted them for peer review. and how these are being ignored. ill wait for you to even provide a single study from one of these people. JUST ONE


wow and my doctor told me cigarettes are bad! yet I saw him smoking! they must not be unhealthy. thats logical right?

A little bit different smoking a cigarette to a supposed deadly virus that's sweeping the nation

Look there are dozens of other threads debating this and i am not here to try and win you over, i already stated if you can read in the opening post that this thread is for the sceptics not the Cocky know it alls.

And it's hundreds of thousands in most major countries and they are the proactive ones most people can't be bothered to go out marching or think it's futile

The data has already been proven to have been fudged myself and everyone who i talk to day to day who work in the NHS have said that they were instructed to mark deaths down as Covid no matter what the cause, so that should tell you a lot, but some people just don't want to see it, i can't help you there


"A little bit different smoking a cigarette to a supposed deadly virus that's sweeping the nation"

no the logic is identical. you just can't man up and admit that statement you made doesn't make sense

"Look there are dozens of other threads debating this and i am not here to try and win you over, i already stated if you can read in the opening post that this thread is for the sceptics not the Cocky know it alls."

you do not understand science then. you aren't a SKEPTIC (with a K). you ant even spell skeptic.

unfounded random assertions don't make you smart or a skeptic. you may as well say then flat earth's are just smart skeptics. the fact you do not know the science, or accept it. doesn't mean its wrong.

"And it's hundreds of thousands in most major countries and they are the proactive ones most people can't be bothered to go out marching or think it's futile

hahahahaha now its hundreds of thousands!! wow that number sure increased. CITATION NEEDED.

"The data has already been proven to have been fudged myself and everyone who i talk to day to day who work in the NHS have said that they were instructed to mark deaths down as Covid no matter what the cause, so that should tell you a lot, but some people just don't want to see it, i can't help you there"

LOL "my personal anecdote is true!"

yes man every single country worldwide, and their millions of doctors, nurses and health professionals are all in a global conspiracy to.... sterilize us, no insert a microchip! no do bill gates bidding! no now its they are all owned by Pfizer!

I can't keep up with your paranoid delusions. I think only a psychiatrist could


Sceptic is with a C you moron, only people from America use the K but the rest of the world including England who wrote the book, uses C so if your going to try and insult me then at least try and get the basics right fool.

So are you telling me that you think keeping everybody locked down for 2 years and not letting people see dying family members go to funerals or meeting friends or having a life has been justifiable for a virus with a 99 percent survival rate?

You think there is absolutely zero possibility of an ulterior motive


you are an idiot man. you have no understanding of the healthcare system and why the death rate is so low.

look at italy's initial death rate. the shutdowns are to stop ICUs and being overwhelmed, which is why Italy had around a 7% death rate at first.



Ok Leo let me explain it in a way you might understand, see if you can recognize the quote

'First we Pitch them Disney/Kodak/IBM Exclusive, Companies these people know, Once we've suckered them in we unload the dog shit, the pink slips where WE make the money baby'.

There are a lot of good allegories in Scorsese films one of the main ones being how the general public are basically too weak and stupid to know what is good for them and they are just crying out to be taken advantage of by the Ruthless of this world

Take it easy Kev


You didnt answer fuck all you idiot. your shitty ass story has nothing to do with virology or the death rate.

you are an idiot. stay fucking dumb


You're wasting your time with this confirmed liar and brainwashed pawn. He's a hard leftist who will never let go of the accepted narrative he receives in his daily enema.


He definitely has a Rainbow bumper sticker


Do you hear yourself?


