MovieChat Forums > Politics > What is the True Purpose of the Vaccine?

What is the True Purpose of the Vaccine?

This might be a tired question but please indulge me because for as many posts there are everywhere about where it's all a lie or whether you are a crazy Conspiracy Theorist i am yet to find a thread on this topic.

So assuming you are in the camp of it's all a manipulation and they are bullying the population then what do people speculate is the true goal of the Vaccine?

My first gut feeling when this all kicked off 18 months ago was some form of sterilisation but i am interested to know what other peoples feelings are.

Also this is a thread for people in the it's all bullshit camp so no need for pricks coming on here telling me how stupid i am, i know that already.


Honestly it’s a good question.

There have been all kinds of theories as to its purpose from population reduction to vaccination against Covid 19. We know now it completely failed to vaccinate against Covid 19. We know there have been serious side effects to death in the 10s of thousands. Johnson and Johnsons version was banned because of this.

So what has it accomplished. Well, it’s made Pfizer record profits in the 10s of billions. These profits filter down to the Democrat politicians and Democrat party news media they sponsor.

As for reduction in population the jury is still out. The long term side effects are completely unknown. We know there have been deadly short term side effects. We know the chief architect of MRNA has advised against using it. We know 16,000 scientists with nothing to gain have stood by his opinion. Of course those who stand to profit from its use have opposed him. Not with scientific evidence, but with the usual political trash they’re only capable of.

So, a so-called vaccine that does not vaccinate but makes 10s of billions in profits for the manufacture and Democrat party/media. Seems pretty clear it’s purpose.


We know now it completely failed to vaccinate against Covid 19

we know it hasn't. it has worked exactly like the influenza vaccine which is how vaccines for these family types (influenza/sars) work compared to say the slower mutating and different Paramyxoviridae family (measles)

We know there have been serious side effects to death in the 10s of thousands.

when 4.5 billion have been vaccinated worldwide!? lets be generous and say its 69k. So you are saying thats a side effect rate of 0.000015%? wow those are great numbers!!

So what has it accomplished. Well, it’s made Pfizer record profits in the 10s of billions. These profits filter down to the Democrat politicians and Democrat party news media they sponsor.

why do republicans hate capitalism when its inconvenient? yes a company who makes a vaccine can sell that vaccine! wow conspiracy!! Only now you are against corporate capture of our parties and government? wait don't you guys defend donations as "freedom of speech"

please link me a Moviechatter thread of you calling it out on both sides. not just when convenient to you.

"As for reduction in population the jury is still out. The long term side effects are completely unknown. We know there have been deadly short term side effects. We know the chief architect of MRNA has advised against using it. We know 16,000 scientists with nothing to gain have stood by his opinion. Of course those who stand to profit from its use have opposed him. Not with scientific evidence, but with the usual political trash they’re only capable of."

16 THOUSAND?!?!? 16 THOUSAND?!?!?!?!??!?!?!


So, a so-called vaccine that does not vaccinate but makes 10s of billions in profits for the manufacture and Democrat party/media. Seems pretty clear it’s purpose.

In other words "its pretty clear im a conspiracy nut job who no matter what the facts are, my conclusion is always "dems are bad and part of the conspiracy"


My theory is that they are trying to corrupt our precious bodily fluids as part of a commie conspiracy.




Chapter 2: Too many of those “SUPPORTERS” who took the jab are now suffering medically or worse…they are now DEAD!

Chapter 3: My dear friend who is fully vaxxed now has CHF.


It was an experiment to see if the sheep would follow orders and brainwash them into believing this vaccine actually works; it’s doesn’t. Most everybody I know who has had the vaccine got coronavirus. Proves it doesn’t work and shows how easily people become manipulated.


"Most everybody I know who has had the vaccine got coronavirus. Proves it doesn’t work and shows how easily people become manipulated. "

That's not what proof means. *facepalm*


Well... if you are in the conspiracy camp you have to use logic to get out.

How many scientist/researchers does it take to develop the vaccine? 5? 50? 500? 5,000? 50,000? more? (remember there are different versions) How much effort in education and knowledge did the researchers/scientist go through to get this expertise?

People who choose this path are bent on truth and scientific integrity...these people are not salesman. A scientist who fudges data or makes false claims would be found out by other scientist in peer review and their career would be in ruin. To give credence to the conspiracy camp all these thousands of scientist need to be silenced..To do that you need incredible leverage over them..a kind not found in a democracy.

This is why conspiracy theories don't hold water.


I don’t know why the wackiest conspiracy theorists end up on Moviechat


Except all of those “scientists” are paid. And have bills to pay. And their research is “funded” by people with “agendas”. And people who go against “the science” because it was “settled”, lose their income, their Twitter accounts, their YouTube channels, their ability to provide for themselves.

And now we know “the science” wasn’t “settled”. Because this has never been science based. It’s part of a political agenda.

Real science proves itself. Anything less is just an unproven theory.


You're going to have a hard time proving what you just posted.


I hear Trump got the vaccine and he encourages people to get it.


So you have no substantive response. No surprise really.


Here is a video of Trump encouraging people to get vaccinated.

Shots down your "political agenda" argument.


Who cares. He’s more than welcome to recommend it. He also didn’t mandate it or lockdowns. Democrats did though.


The OP's question was about the vaccine, not lockdowns or manadates (which I agree with you).


I am impressed by your patient and rational posts.


You didn't make a substantive comment to begin with, you dingus. LOL. You made a BASELESS claim.


Actually all of it was fact. Scientists are paid. The so-called “settled science” has changed. And real science is evidence based and is designed to stand up to rigorous scrutiny. That’s the purpose of science. Not to silence those with differing opinions.

It’s obvious to anyone paying attention for the last 2 years.


Your source, sir?


Carl Sagan. Anthony Fauci. ABCNNBCBS. Google.


So, just to be clear, you’re saying that every single scientist worldwide has decided not to speak out in fear of losing their jobs - every, single, one?


These people are idiots.


Originally it was to keep people healthy and safe from the virus. Now the purpose is to get people to mindlessly obey the liberal government.


You do realise that the vaccines are available worldwide and that many countries don’t have a liberal Government, right?


I was referring to the United States but whatever


So, what your saying is that the vaccine conspiracy only applies to the USA and every other country is not part of it?



First of all it’s not a conspiracy and I didn’t say anything about other countries. The Demokkkrat cult however has clearly decided to use the virus to further their radical government takeover.

If you actually think the Demokkkrats give a good damn about you or your health you are either beyond naive or you are purposely lying to yourself.


I don’t care about the Democrats.

You stated that the True Purpose of the Vaccine was “to get people to mindlessly obey the liberal government.”

I’m merely saying that it’s bigger than that and also that there’s a big world out there.


hes an idiot. good luck


I do get rather bored when posters start going on about how Covid was all about fooling the American people, as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist.


The truth is inconvenient to you and your cult so it’s better to just pretend that your false narrative is true.


I don’t think you understand what I mean.


I don’t think you even understand what you mean.


I’m pretty sure I do and I’ll leave it at that.


Doubt it


Also, you seem to think that I support the Democrats - I really don’t.


wait wasn't it all to make trump look bad at first? every single nation in on a conspiracy with the dems all to make trump look incompetent. now tis to install the democrat dictatorship or whatever their conspiracy of the week is


I never said that Covid was a conspiracy to make Trump look bad although once it happened the demokkkrats made it as hard as possible for Trump to contain the virus. Also Fauci is responsible for the virus being released in the first place


I am vaguely talking about one of the many conservative conspiracies revolving around covid, not you specifically.

"Also Fauci is responsible for the virus being released in the first place"

HAHHAHAHAHHA. you skip your doze of Thorazine today?


Lol apparently the fake news that your cult indoctrinated you with left out the inconvenient truth that Fauci funded the lab that released the virus , he is responsible for everyone who has died. Get your head out of your ass and come back to reality

Also “conservative conspiracies” hahahahahahaha, your cult is feeding you a web of lies and you are sucking it up like a baby sucks milk from its mothers tits.


the fake news cult. aka the entire worlds global scientific consensus.

"he is responsible for everyone who has died. Get your head out of your ass and come back to reality "

why is it you can only find chiropractors to go on fox to talk about covid? where I can site the entire community and every single institution? why can't you cite a single credible academic group, institution or organization for your covid conspiracy?

why didn't you run away form your other incest comments on that other thread creep? that didn't turn out how you thought did it. even your buddy there won't touch your comments he realized you are fucked in the head


Lol so the entire scientific community agrees Fauci didn’t fund the WuHan lab? Even though his emails prove the exact opposite? You don’t have the first clue how science works. Science is based on the evidence not popularity , quit running your mouth off about things you don’t have the first clue about. You seem to be very confused , the scientific community didn’t conduct a study as to whether Fauci lied about where the virus came from you idiot.

And it’s quite simple, most of the media has a far left bias and therefore are not going to report on stories that make their talking points look bad. And wow you were the one with the incest comments you freak.


show me evidence the wuhan lab was where the leak was from

show me evidence its a scientifically altered virus

show me evidence

you can't provide fuck all. you just make random ass assertions, and act like your opinion is fact.



No no no you don’t get to just back track like that. You said it was the scientific consensus that Fauci didn’t lie so I would
Like to see the objective, testable, peer reviewed study that proves your assertion. And my evidence is Fauci’s emails. Libtard debate tactic #26: whenever you’re losing just claim the opposition is anti science


why can't you provide a single source :S

dismissed due to zero evidence. unsubstantiated assertions.

no thats not how the burden of proof works.


" Fauci is responsible for the virus being released in the first place"


you sad idiot


I already gave you a citation you idiot, now I’m looking for your citation that the scientific consensus is that he didn’t lie. An objective, quantifiable study/experiment will be fine with me as long as it is peer reviewed and has objective evidence behind it that only points in one direction (you deciding on your conclusion before hand and then cherry-picking the evidence that backs up your baseless assertions are not acceptable)


its not backtracking retard. you keep making unsupported assertions and expect me to a accept them for no reason lol.

ill break it down like you are a kid. ohh wait even teenagers know this. ill break ti down like you are a retarded is your argument

assertion 1: Fauci funded the lab

assertion 2: it released the virus

when I say prove the lab leaked it, you say "no he funded it! my second assertion is true!"

thats not how it works its like me saying

trump funded trump university

trump university is a pedophile ring

and when you say "prove to me its a pedophile ring" I say "I do not have to! trump funded it! so my second assertion is true!"

how sad is your life. I have to explain grade 10 philosophy to a grown adult/.


It is backtracking you idiot. You said that the scientific consensus was that he didn’t lie, I am asking you to back up your assertions and so far you are deflecting and making excuses like a pussy.

Anyways here’s some homework for you:

I already did provide evidence, you however refuse to.


keep up with the argument.

you. re saying assertion 2 is true because assertion 1 is. That is not logical

you really need a basic education in logic, argumentation and fallacies.

" Also Fauci is responsible for the virus being released in the first place"


ill say it slowly for you. you need proof that

-coronvirus came from the wuhan lab
-it was genetically modified as you claim.


"you. re saying assertion 2 is true because assertion 1 is. That is not logical"

I said no such thing you strawman dumbass.

I already gave you a citation, Fauci is ultimately responsible for the deaths of millions of people, he's literally a murderer.


so citation then it was genetically modified, and came from the wuhan lab



I already provided one numb nuts, now provide me with the scientific study that proves that Fauci didn’t lie. If you can show me an objective, controlled and quantifiable study that didn’t begin with a predetermined conclusion that will be fine.



you provided an article saying emails reveal faucet and US funded gain of research.

that doesn't mean the virus was released from there

it doesn't mean the covid virus in particular was modified

holy fuck you are stupid. I am honestly questioning if you have some mental retardation


I see you can’t provide a study to back up your claims. Quit talking out of your asshole you deluded fuck wit


I don't provide studies to prove YOUR point. YOU made the Claims. You back them up


You said that it was the scientific consensus that Fauci didn't lie ("where I can site the entire community and every single institution?"), I'm waiting for your controlled, repeatable, quantifiable experiment that proves he didn't lie. Yes I'm asking you to prove a negative because you asserted a negative you idiot.


so no evidence that

- the virus is genetically modified

- it leaked from wuhan?

thats all I needed. you lost again little boy


I already provided evidence and anyone who doesn’t have their head up their ass already knows that.

I see you don’t have any evidence that the “scientific” consensus is that Fauci didn’t lie. BTW you grossly misused the word “scientific” you fucking idiot.


where's all the breaking news then? even OAN and fox isnt running it!

fuacci funded gain of research of covid, and wuhan released it! that would be the biggest news story ever!



I already showed you you moron and given the extent of Biden’s fuck ups they can’t cover everything.


So now its covered up hahah

take your loss


Where did I say it was covered up? Not reporting on it as much as you think they should doesn’t constitute a “cover up”.

I am going to go ahead and dismiss your case seeing as you have run out of anything resembling an intelligent talking point.


so show me a single story then!! how can you know that if no one has reported on it!


AS USUAL. you can't provide any and rely on your emotions and feelings


I already did you idiot, balls in your court shit for brains.


no you didnt


Yes I did.


amazing how no reporting has ever been one about it.

only in your head



Please construct a logical English sentence then get back to me.


That’s not what I said , I said initially the purpose was to help sick people but now the demokkkrats are now hijacking the original intentions and using them to get more power. If the Demokkkrats truly cared about anyones health then they wouldn’t be caught so often without masks and they would seal the border and stop letting illegal immigrants in many of whom have Covid. They get no mandates, and they aren’t even tested, the border is the number 1 super spreader event in the country. It’s all about politics kid, your life is a very distant secondary priority


I didn’t realise that the virus was able to discern the political affiliation of its host.


I didn’t say that and now you’re strawmanning , I said the DemoKKKrat cult has used the virus as an excuse to grab power and push unconstitutional mandates on us, that and the fact that they clearly don’t care about anyone getting sick or else they wouldn’t constantly be out in public without masks and they wouldn’t leave the border wide open


You see the problem here is that you are stating a case for something that I have absolutely no interest in.


Then you have literally zero reason to respond.


Oh, the agenda varies from country to country?


I’m not attesting to what other countries have done, it’s clear though the radical left used the virus to gain more power because they are a bunch of Nazi Fascists.


why do tinfoilhatters alway say
"its about goverment control"
when they dont like a rule / law?
Just yelling "its about goverment control" on its own doesent prove anything or make any sense .

The goverment doesent make people do stupid pointless tasks for the sake of it like some demented 'simon-says' game in order to practice "control"

If they were trying to control you you - which they are by the way - they would make you do stuff to meet their ends
Pay your taxes and dont break the law .
thats control right there
I dont wanna give them all the money that i do , but they make me !

They arnt telling you to wear a mask just for lulz ,


You are absolutely wrong, Biden and the Demokkkrats don’t care about anyones healthy, they are using the virus as an excuse to impose unconstitutional mandates on us and to grab more power so they can stay in office longer, it’s sick and disgusting. They realize they can use this as an opportunity to punish people who didn’t vote for them which is also Nazi behavior


Control, obviously. Whether it be social or population control, it's all about the govt. controlling people. It was never about "curing" people of Covid. In fact, we had at least two cures already, but there's no profit in it for the pharmaceutical companies selling that snake oil vaccine, so they made it illegal to be used and suppressed information on it. The pharmaceutical companies are in bed with the World Economic Forum, a cabal of rich, globalist assholes (Fauci and Bill Gates are but two members) that buy into the idea that the world needs to have the population go down to prevent "climate change." It's interesting that they focus on places like America and Europe and completely ignore the over-populated regions such as China and India; unless, of course, they can use people there as guinea pigs against their will and get away with murdering them through experimentation.

So, in conclusion, it boils down to controlling people against their will, and profiting off of dead bodies and lies. Nice, huh?


You’re insane


It’s not insane to believe it’s a man made bio-weapon. It’s the only virus known to continue to mutate after getting the jab.

It’s the only preventative vaccine known to not stop the virus therefore people are dying from the variants who have been fully vaxxed.

It’s the only vaccine known which is causing major health issues or death.

It’s the only vaccine known which developers of MRNA are telling us NOT to take the jab!


There's a lot of that going around in this thread.


It has so many's like the black goo from Prometheus.
