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The FBI, the DOJ, and the DEA Are Once Again Out Of Control!

”In Mississippi, a trespasser, a killing and DEA meddling”

At the behest of Attorney General Garland the FBI and the DOJ stormed and raided the private home of a prior POTUS! And lying Biden didn’t know a thing about it! Yeah, right!🙄 I wonder why Hunter Biden’s home isn’t being raided.
Why wasn’t lying Hillary’s home raided? Oh, that’s right! Only Republican homes are stormed and raided!

Brings back memories of Janet Reno laying siege on a group of people and incinerating over 85 people including children.




Without conspiracy theories and hysterics you have nothing. The last time I checked Hunter Biden doesn't hold any public office and Hillary Clinton was thoroughly investigated and nothing was found. Trump is in trouble and he knows it.


But, Biden holds office and he’s as crooked as his son. If they investigated Hunter info about Daddy Joe’s crooked schemes would come to light! And there was plenty found about the Clintons.


You don't know what your talking about. Just more conspiracy theories.


So explain Hilary illegally deleting 30,000 e-mails, illegally wiping her server, smashing the hard drives and phones. You okay with that?


The left-wingers will never, ever explain Hitlery doing nefarious deeds! She’s been a crook since White Water, or before. They continue to Deny, Dismiss or Deflect all crimes committed by Democrats.

Can you imagine what would happen to a Republican whose boy-toy was running a whore house in his apartment?😱 What they did do was shame a Republican out of office for waving his hand under a restroom stall divider! Damn Democrat hypocrites! How I detest them!😡


There are no crooked schemes that Joe Biden is involved in.


From Judicial Watch: ”Because no one is above the law!

As it is…Only Democrats!

”There is substantial evidence, from documents and witness statements, that the Biden family, including President Joe Biden, may have been involved in criminal activity with foreign entities tied to Ukraine and China.

Judicial Watch uncovered documents that show even as far back as the Obama administration Russia-linked media in Ukraine were “trolling” Joe Biden over “his son’s business.” Mr. Biden’s son Hunter has acknowledged that he is the target of an FBI criminal investigation. Any investigation should involve alleged money laundering, influence peddling and tax violations among other shady activities.“

”MSNBC Anchor Claims No Evidence Biden Forced Ukraine Prosecutor Firing, Even Though He Admitted It on Video”

”Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice for His Son’s Foreign Business Deal”

”Newly discovered emails prove beyond all doubt that the “true purpose” of Hunter Biden’s lucrative deal with a Ukrainian energy company was for Hunter to get “high-ranking US officials” to visit Ukraine and persuade the nation’s leaders to “close down” all criminal “cases/pursuits against” the firm’s primary owner, a notoriously corrupt oligarch with ties to Russia.”

Finally…showering with his daughter and other instances where he pawed kids shows Daddy Joe is a PEDOPHILE!!


Judicial Watch, lol. They are frauds. Where is all this evidence they claim exists?


Typical of you lefties! You Deny, Dismiss or Deflect regarding the facts. Apparently the truth because you can’t defend the rest of my post!


What facts? There were no facts, just claims. You don't even know what a fact is


What part of that mass inside your head doesn't understand there are facts. I don’t care how many times you attempt to Deny, Dismiss or Deflect from the facts, they stand on their own!

Read it again. After this I will no longer reply to you. I’m quite tired of dealing with Trolls. I also don’t suffer fools lightly, TROLL!

”Newly Discovered Emails Confirm Joe Biden Obstructed Justice for His Son’s Foreign Business Deal”


Run away!


she blocked me because she said the confederacy wasnt racist because "most of those soldiers were just poor good southern boys who they themselves couldn't afford to own slaves so it wasnt about racism"


heres some amazing article titles from this "reputable source"

"ISIS camp a few miles from Texas, Mexican authorities confirm."

"A little-known unit of the Department of Justice, the Community Relations Service, was deployed to Sanford, FL, following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman."

"More than 100,000 DACA applicants have been arrested—Murder, Rape, DUI."


You are an effin' liar every time you show your ugly anonymous lying moniker here.
You're the type that deserves NO free speech. You fucking make the world uglier every time you show up anywhere.
Do you even have any friends, other than the local Klan chapter?
You're like that evil, ugly, fat old lady in The Ox-Bow Incident.
Sorry life's been so tough to turn you into such an ugly, lying pos, but quit spreading it around to the rest of us.
The stench is overwhelming.


everytime I see her name beside a post im like "what rancid misinformation is she going to proudly present that ill easily rebuff this time"


as we all know by now, the dems will never investigate themselves for crimes. if Trump was a democrat then he never would have been attacked or investigated.


Wasn’t Clinton impeached over a blowjob?


Now you appear to be in the same camp as Biden…those with dementia! Not true about Clinton! He was impeached for lying on the stand. As a result he lost his law license. You’re just like other left wingers. You pick & choose facts then contort them to suit your beliefs!


He was impeached for lying about a blowjob Einstein


He was not impeached over a bj. To repeat he was impeached for lying on the stand! Get your facts straight…not how you want them to be!

”Clinton was impeached for perjury after he lied to the grand jury in the Jones case, and also for obstruction of justice.”




Oh Shut Up! You’re not only INSANE…you’re ignorant to the facts! He committed perjury in the Jones case. You don’t lose your law license over a bj!


Impeached was the word


he was impeached for lying about it...ironically no one had an issue with the president of the united states taking advantage of a 19 yr old intern and getting multiple blowjobs in the oral office. also his wife didnt have a issue with the president getting some nookie on the side.

the white house cleaning staff had a lot of work though in cleaning up all the jizz. Clinton was known to have powerful loads and would spray everyone and everything.


Personable problems, not the countries problems, but I doubt an imbecile like you would get that


so its ok for the president to have sex with an intern while he is married?


”Personable problems, not the countries problems, but I doubt an imbecile like you would get that”

Oh, but it was the *country’s* problems! He was getting serviced while talking to members of Congress. He was getting serviced while talking to ambassadors. His phone sex with Monica was intercepted by Russia, Israel and the UK!


”The raving phone sex between Bill and Monica was not just a secretive and shameless sexual romp taking place inside the White House; it turned out to be a serious threat to the country’s national security when Russia, Israel, and the UK managed to pick up the phone sex exchanges from microwaves off the top of the White House.”

”Secret Service officer tells how Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky were caught having sex”

Some of you may not have been around in 1998. Some of you may have been children. I was an adult (55) and I recall every sordid detail! At one time I had the full transcript of the trial.


Personal problems-
You’re insane


You are the insane one. Did my post not register with you? While talking on the phone with members of Congress (the nation’s affairs) he was being serviced! While talking on the phone to Ambassadors and heads of state he was being serviced. While having phone sex with Monica, Russia, Israel, and the U.K. listened to the calls. Later those calls were used against him! In other words Bill Clinton was BLACKMAILED!

Yes, you have absolutely NO common sense when replying…”Personal problems”! What in the hell is wrong with you?

I can hear it now: When being asked a favor, or when a foreign dignity or an ambassador would inquire “Is that OK with you Mr. President?” or “Or Should I take that as a yes, Mr. President?” and his reply would be:

“Oh, yes! Yes! You’ve got it! Oh, yes! Yes!”


Were you there taking pictures?

You should be concerned with Ninjas, mules & pillows and now we can throw nuclear docs & Rudy into the mess!


It all came out during the trial. I said I once had the complete transcript! I’m not concerned about any of the latter you mentioned. It is what it is. I wrote in one of my posts Trump was wrong. Hillary was wrong. The whole damn bunch is wrong! At least I’m not defending Trump as you always do, as a lemming/minion, when it concerns crooked Democrats!


Leave it to Democrats to cement the US's status as Banana Republic.


The banana Republic aspect was putting a crime family like the Trumps in charge of the executive branch.


You have bananas for brains, and their leaking out every time you bring your lying ass here.
Another creep who doesn't deserve free speech when all they do is LIE and SPREAD EVIL. You are Satan incarnate.


Communists being communist.


retards using words they dont understand.


People say "If they can do this to a former president, they can do it to anybody!"

It's really, if they can hold everybody else accountable to the law they should do it with a former president.


Democrats will do anything and everything to remain in power. Including trying to smear an upcoming opponent. Whatever it takes to keep Trump from saving this country from their incompetent regime. They truly are a disgrace to this nation. Luckily the American people are seeing how much damage is being done and will vote them out soon.


> Democrats will do anything and everything to remain in power.

Waiting for the Democrat insurgency, please notify me when it happens.


This ^^^^ 👏🏻👏🏻


Have they ever tried to present fake electors to congress, or acted to suppress voting by demographic group that don't favor them or exact laws allowing legislatures to overturn the popular vote in their state or fight to reverse the Voting Rights Act or outright lie about voting fraud?


Democrats were first to present fake electors. They didn’t just try…they did it! It occurred in 1960. So don’t attempt to weasel out by twisting the facts to suit your narrative!

”See the 1960 Electoral College certificates that the false Trump electors say justify their gambit”

”Nixon’s Hawaii electors met and cast their three votes in an official ceremony. But nearby, Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.”


Your own article points out the difference. And unlike Trump. KENNEDY won the recount in Hawaii.


” Have they ever tried to present fake electors to congress…”

Again you skirted the fact which countered your statement. You like most leftists are aces in doing so. I challenged your statement by linking 3 Democrats who did MORE than try…they succeeded! It doesn’t matter Kennedy won the election. You deflected from your statement when countered! Damn, you people irritate the hell out of me!

Again: ”Kennedy’s three elector nominees gathered and signed their own certificates, delivering them to Washington as though Kennedy had won the state.”


pubs can't be trusted with power, and the only idiots who vote for them are racist crackers and rich fuckers who know the racist crackers will look out for their interests. That's why pubs lie about education and brain-washing and the MSM and rigged elections.


Replace pubs with dems and your statement makes sense.


It’s beyond disgrace. They are the enemy of the people of the United States. They have been at war with this country since the 60s when the former Soviet communist infiltration got legs. When did flag burning start? When was the media corrupted? When did the govt education industry become leftwing filth? The 60s.

We’re now dealing with multiple generations of brainwashed lemmings.

The Democrat party must be eradicated. And rigged elections unfortunately are no longer the answer.


which party assaulted the capitol on January 6th t try and stop the officiating of the democratic election again.. I forget..


wow , arnt the democrats clever , getting the The FBI, the DOJ, and the DEA to give up their principles and just do the dirty on Trump.

I wonder why they didnt kiss Trumps ass the same way when he was in power?


They didnt, he couldnt get them to investigate Hillary and all her crimes. Remember her private illegal server she had at her house?


I guess it was already being / been dealt with.

My point (that you are somewhat reinforcing ) is the FBI arnt "making shit up and kicking donalds door in on the whim of the sitting president" , they are doing it because they believe there is something to investigate.


The Hillary and Hunter thing will never be dealt with, we all know this by now. Its a moot point.

If the FBI was truly partisan then they will be equally investigating democrats and republicans. But for the past 5 years, only republicans have been investigated.

Merrick Garland who was appointed by Biden, approved the raid on Trumps house. Could you imagine if this was the other way around and Trump appointed someone and then they had Hillary's or Obamas house raided? Democrats everywhere would be furious.

You have to ask yourself if this was the other way around, would it be right? What if Trump had won in 2020, do you think the democrats would have done nothing?


But for the past 5 years, only republicans have been investigated.
Hunter Biden is being investigated.

Clinton’s house wasn’t searched in part because there was no obvious need to; her cooperation with the FBI included turning over a server on which the email system was hosted. And Hunter Biden is being investigated, as has been reported.


Yeah, just one democrat for the past 3 years. What have they found? When is it going to be finished?

All the hard drives were destroyed or wiped clean. No data was ever found.

Of course if Trump did that, everyone would want another investigation as to why Trump destroyed Federal property.


”Clinton’s house wasn’t searched in part because there was no obvious need to; her cooperation with the FBI included turning over a server on which the email system was hosted.”

Regarding Hillary’s cooperation:

Now for the rest of the story which appears you forgot!

She was interviewed at HER HOME AND NOT UNDER OATH!

Was Trump given that courtesy! HELL NO !!


”Hunter Biden is being investigated.”

Sure he is! 😅😂🤣 🙄

Akin to the way Hillary was! They aren’t going to dig deep because it will lead right back to Daddy Joe. If it wasn’t for the laptop,…you decide what would occur. 🥱

I’m curious to know if Melania boarded a plane to talk to Trump’s AG about children. Hmm? 🤔


You are a hysterical harpy.
That ass jack rump was supposed to be a PUBLIC SERVANT of the highest responsibility, beyond reproach.
Instead he treated the White House like he was a child in a sand box, stealing toys that aren't his and whining how everyone hates him. What a sick joke that's been played on our once sober and serious country.
Now it's threatened to be handed over to anti-Democratic forces, backed by russians and craven, venal extremist right-wingers.
If rump doesn't like the scrutiny, he can take a long walk off a short pier.
