MovieChat Forums > Politics > gypsy mike

gypsy mike

50% of the posts here are unintelligible drivel from this mf !




Only 50%?
That’s encouraging...thanks


Drumming up allies to join you in your denial of ‘truth’?
All of ‘your’ buddies can jump on this ‘gypsy mike’ post and back you with vile hatred of me. I’m flattered...thanks for the attention...looking forward to your intelligent and well thought-out typed words.


I have already concluded that despite the incredible volume, we will not be seeing any intelligent and well thought-out typed words from you anytime soon.

This is the politics board , for extremely pointless mud slinging of lefties and righties , with neither side ever giving any ground or listening to the other .
allowable posts include
"no , you're deluded"
"I know you are but what am I"
and the classic "why are you hitting yourself"

NOT a Jehovas Witness door knocking page.


I will use this platform for whatever I choose. Until the owner’s of this site shuts me down.
You will not silence me.
You can’t intimidate me either.

You are trolling me.
Don’t you have an ignore/mute button that you can push?

I’m not at your door. I’m in your head. That is a good thing...


It's super easy to get inside these idiot's permanently.




By the still have Twitter, until Elon Musk takes over...


GypsyMike is the only poster who could correctly name an African language when so many others have failed. He deserves some respect.

Many left-wing posters have been banned while right-wing extremists' hate-mongering posts are allowed to flourish unabated. At least G-Mike's posts break-up their hate-filled rhetoric and Fox-approved propaganda.


Don’t get too excited. I’m actually pursuing Neutrality. I’m neither left or right. Colorblind. Living in 51 shades of gray. Trying to put my moral needle on shade #25.
Black and white issues and beliefs are exhausting.
Being ‘here’ brings hatred from both sides. If I were one or the other, I would be hated by only one side. Being Neutral is a difficult place to be at times.
There’s always someone testing you! Trying to move that needle in one direction or the other.
Thanks for the kind words, but I’m not as liberal as you make me out to be. Nor am I conservative like other’s are.
Racism lives on both colors. Black and White. But, I’m with an organization that houses folks of all color and ethnic backgrounds. Sort of unheard of today.


"I’m not as liberal as you make me out to be."
Nope. I didn't write that.

I meant that your posts are not polarizing political dribble which is refreshing. I don't mind the religious posts since it's something different on the site. I'm unaware of your politics and don't care.

Some of the banned posters had interesting opinions and appear to have been censored for speaking out against bigotry and extremism. That comment had nothing to do with your posts. I was only pointing out that allowing only one type of poster is boring and ruins the site.


Truth Social
Those guys have a lot of action that feeds the beast. Have you tried them?


I'm looking for INTELLIGENT exchange, not confrontation. Those sites are filled with ignorant cultists.


he speaks in riddles, like theMan18.


You have limited brain function...maybe you should stick to video games...


Just keep reporting every one of his religious posts that he posts on this board. There is a specific board for him that he refuses to use. Seeing religious posts being flooded on this board is no different, and probably worse, than seeing political posts being flooded on the general Discussion Board.
