MovieChat Forums > Politics > Top reasons to vote for Democrats on Tue...

Top reasons to vote for Democrats on Tuesday

If you like paying $5 to $6 for a gallon of gas, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the idea of rationing heating fuel this winter, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like a policy of NO MORE (US) DRILLING, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like American politicians going to Saudi Arabia and begging them to increase oil production (only to have them refuse), then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the idea of rollig blackouts in New England this winter, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the highest inflation in 40 years, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like biological males changing in the school locker room with your daughter, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like millions of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like 100 thousand Americans dying from drug overdoses, much of it from fentanyl crossing our southern border, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like violent perpetrators being released to the streets with no bail (unless they have attacked the husband of a Democrat politician), then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the idea of defunding the police, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like not being able to find formula for your infant, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like empty shelves at your grocery store, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like sending billions of dollars to Ukraine with no accountability as to where the money is going, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like paying higher taxes, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the federal government censoring the stories they don't like on social media, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like bans on firearms, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like homeless encampments full of drug addicts at your child's bus stope, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the idea of stepping over human extrement in the street, then vote for a Democrat.
IF you like human sex trafficking, then vote for a Democrat.
If you like people voting without having to prove who they are (or even that they are an American), then vote for a Democrat.
If you like the idea of having to charge your car for an hour every 100 miles or so, then vote for a Democrat.

Please, add more if you can think of any I left out.


golly , non of that stuff sounds very nice, Its a wonder the Democrats get any votes!


They do because of low information idiots like you, who survive off your daily MSNBCNN enema.




Yeah , I regret Trump being voted out now - because none of those issues existed before 2020


Dead people, fake people, fake ballots, etc...


Democrats run a mesage that hides their policies but rather a non trump message.

I ask Democrat voters, do you believe boys should compete against girls? And they answer no of course not, but then they vote Democrat Democrat because of trump..

You can ask Democrats if they want strong border security or a weak one?
Most want a strong border; but vote Democrat?

Do you want to defund the police, close jails, have Democrat prosecutors working as defense attorneys and reducing charges?

Most people when they hear defund the police it's the dumbest thing in the world.
But then they vote Democrat because of trump.

Democrats have people voting for them even though the people voting are completely against the Democrat polices.

No way that many people voted for fetterman.
..guy is literally a vegetable.


thats because all that crap( and the 50 reasons in the OP) are all bullshit
None of that is democrat policy.

*Obvioulsy* voting democrat doesent mean you want " boys should compete against girls"
and it IS NOT what will happen if you vote democrat .

same goes for all the other made up horror stories of so called "what democrats want"


Is no cash bail a Democrat policy?

Is non citizen voting a Democrat policy?

Is working to close Gitmo and release all terrorist not a Democrat policy?

Is reducing charges for knowingly infecting someone with HIV not a Democrat proposed policy?
Crazy right?? A Democrat bill that reduce charges when knowingly infecting someone with HIV.

Drug use centers which crazy enough leads to more drug use in that community is a Democrat policy.

Getting rid of remain in Mexico and choosing to handle the border the way the Democrats do is Democrat voter choice.

The mentality that the country can abandon fossil fuels and stop the construction of pipe lines is a Democrat decision.

The world is laughing...and it's not fox news. News stations around the world are laughing at Democrat voters who vote for someone like fetterman and dont care that their candidates debate.

Voting for midterms and their reson is stop turmp . The world think your crazy


These are dem policies.

doesent say anything in there about that stuff


So that doesn't make what I said not 100% true.

Look up Democrats in ca working to reduce the charges when knowingly infecting someone with HIV. True story


perhaps you forgot that Republicans have been in office during this time also forgot about health care


"health care"

They won't even commit to voting to repeal Obamacare. Boehner and Ryan did it once a month.

There's probably a million qualified doctors in the Third World that would love to practice medicine in the USA for a fraction of what American MDs demand. That's if anyone in interested in free market solutions and not fat checks from the American Medical Association...


Reasons to “vote blue”:


Any questions?


Yeah, why do you vote against your best interests, are you stupid? I guess that's really two questions.


Democrats being pro-abortion does stop alot of psychopath people from coming into existence.


That's kinda true too.


Without abortion in every state, the crack ho/crack baby population will explode.


Cut the welfare and that will work itself out.


Right. Sure. That'll stop people from being addicts and prostitutes. 👍👍


Republicans need a large population of prostitutes because regular sane women will not be with them except for financial gain.


They are not prostitutes but are only with the men for financial gain?


The point is that Republicans' style of management is like slavery, no one wants to submit to that degradation. That is why they talk big on immigration but really don't do anything. The next step is to make as many Americans are possible in debt and destitute so they have to work for peanuts to live. This came out of the South where your oligarch SOBs never got used to the idea of paying people for their labor.

Get rid of those people and tax their money and use it for building America and supporting Americans and we really would be a shining city instead of a fake Las Vegas gangster town in the flat desert.


And that includes cutting off welfare rewards after having one or two kids.


You’re insane.
Voting Republican is aligning yourself with Qanon and all the other lunatic affiliates


How many prominent Republicans support Qanon? How many prominent Demcrats support BLM and Antifa?


All election deniers stand with Trump who stands with the lunatic fringe


What about the election deniers that stand with Hillary?


Hillary's long gone and never incited violence to attack the capital


What’s that have to do with anything? I was talking about the election denial part.


She conceded the day after she lost.
Trump never conceded


I’m not a trump supporter but he said “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

How is that inciting violence?


You need to get up to date


Which part is supposed to sway me?


The facts
But you’re probably radicalized


I’m seriously asking, which part of the article ?

I want to have an honest conversation. I don’t vote, nor do I care about left or right.

As an outsider to politics looking in, what did trump say or do that incited people to act violently?


You're not going to get a good faith response from these trolls.


Go back and look at the Jan 6th hearing nitwit.


How does calling me names help your argument?


Watch the hearing and get back to us


That’s ok. I see nobody wants to have a rational conversation.

Why should I watch anything if the game is just to hurl meaningless insults to the other team?


Nothing can be discussed until you get the facts that were disclosed by the J6 committee.


Well I tried asking a question but you just said I was radicalized.

I’m not really interested anymore. Good day…


Nitwit is more of a term of endearment ... are you really offended at nitwit? I think it's fair since you purposefully left out Jan 6th.



Holy shit, that's your argument? Seems a little crazy...


Just try to tell them something is wrong with that. Hahahaha


You pretty much got it covered.


Not one plan for what Republicans would do. All they do is complain.

Under Trump and a Republican Congress and Senate, they did nothing!


> All they do is complain.

You forget lie and insult, and cheat, bribe, threaten, .... man, you forget a lot.


"If you like millions of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, then vote for a Democrat."

"The situation at the border has become both a national security and humanitarian crisis and must be addressed immediately."

I can't wait for this "address." Will we also get a "stamp?"

a thousand more Border Patrol agents? a hundred? ten?

Where's the commitment?
