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Kari Lake files lawsuit riddled with falsehoods seeking to overturn Arizona election

After long refusing to commit to accepting the results of her race if she lost, Republican Kari Lake on Friday filed the legal challenge she's been threatening in the aftermath of losing the Arizona governor's race.

A civil complaint was filed Friday with the Maricopa County Superior Court naming Secretary of State and Democratic governor-elect Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Elections Director Scott Jarrett and both the office of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and individual members.

There are multiple falsehoods and distorted assertions included in the lawsuit that echo the failed legal challenges brought by former President Donald Trump’s team to overturn the 2020 election.

Another embarrassment to our country just like her master Trump.


Kari Fake!


She's auditioning to be his running mate in 2024.


How do you know they're falsehoods? You know good and well if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be singing a different tune. Seems like republicans are the only ones that care about fair elections. Democrats just want to win.


Fair election according to Republicans - one the Republicans win. There's absolutely no evidence for the claims she's making. That's how we know they are nonsense.


Wrong. We want a fair election where every vote is counted but only once and only by living American citizens. No fraud and no dead folks. You cannot honestly say that.

How do you know there is no evidence? Because the news said so?


Because lots of Republicans won.
Should we investigate those ?


Unlike your side, I'm okay with a fair election, regardless of which way it swings. I'm not afraid of fair elections. Which is why I think EVERYONE should have to show ID to vote and only in person, except deployed military.


Seems like I've seen you explain this multiple times before and I'm amazed that you have to keep repeating this. Even I know what you're suggesting and I never interact with you.


The trolls aren't here to have their minds changed. There here to desperately keep the narrative in line.


got any evidence?


Bullseye! Winning and the narrative is all that matters. They care nothing of the opinions of anyone who disagrees with them. They're right, we're wrong, that's all there is to it.


he functions on the same level as a bot. in our interactions he just keeps repeating shit despite being disproven


He doesn't seem like a bot but I'm not sure if i would recognize one if he were.


When you can't win an argument or even present a logical position, resort to dismissing the dissenting opinion as a bot.

"in our interactions he just keeps repeating shit despite being disproven"

I know you do not see the irony in that statement.


Did the news make up the FACT that they haven't been able to produce meaningful evidence in court?


Has her case made it to court yet?

The news makes up stuff all the time. Remember Nick Sandmann? Kyle Rittenhouse? The lamestream media lies all day long.


Who knows? Maybe she is in love with Trump in his inflated ego and wants to be him and boast about how her position was stolen every single day in front of the people. Otherwise, if she has legitimate concerns, then she should take her time and find and gather as much evidence as possible to make a strong case.

I will agree that media news is mostly judged by opinion rather than justifications and facts.


Because she's repeating lines from the 2020 election that have already been proven false.


Where's the proof?


Where’s the evidence?


Don't you know about the 2 AZ lawyers who were recently dressed down by a judge and sent to the lawyer review board?


exactly! where's your proof! finally a trump sycophant will give us evidence!


Of the shoe were on the other foot?

You mean if a Democrat lost a close election in which there was zero evidence that fraud affected the outcome?

That happens so the time. Please list the lawsuits that the losing Democratic candidate has filled seeking to reverse the outcome.


"How do you know they're falsehoods? "

Because , exactly like Trump ,
she refused to say that she would accept the result if she lost.


This means anything you say afterwards , with zero proof , can safely be assumed to be bullshit


Like Hillary Clinton???


Why not just let her plead her case and let the truth reveal itself? If there was no wrong doing, shouldn't be a problem, right?


That’s the problem…, she has NO CASE, just like dumpy!


Because she's claiming hundreds of thousands of votes were illegally cast with no real bias. Furthermore, there hasn't been a case on 100k of voter fraud in recent history.


ya but the trumpets want people to treat their unverified extreme claims with no evidence as equal to proven claims. they get mad people don't accept their lies


because making claims without evidence means nothing.

she can plead or claim that aliens came down and made her lose the election. it doesn't make it true


You saying it isn't true doesn't make it not true either. Where's your logic???


Craig, anyone following the case and following previous election fraud cases in the US knows we haven't had a case of 1,000 votes, let alone 100,000, in recent history because modern methods prevents such ballot stuffing.

You want to steal an election, use an influence campaign because vote manipulation is too well monitored.

Her lawsuit is without merit.


She just needs attention.
There’s a video of her praying to overturn the election with a bunch of kooky evangelicals.


you and Keri have the burden of proof to support your claims it happened.


As far as Kari Lake, that's what the courtroom is for.

What claims did I make?


nice comment edit :)


I haven't edited a comment all day.

Another deflection.


you just did. its why mine and masteravids replies are seemingly addressing something different.

figure out the ignore button yet?


Sorry to burst your bubble but lies and tricks are your game, not mine.


what happened to the ignore? you that weak?


"As far as Kari Lake, that's what the courtroom is for."

To go to court you still have to show semblance of a rational case before you start

You cant say
"No i refuse to discuss my non existant proof , even to gain entry to court , I will only prove it in court when I shall pull forth my magic pillow ninjas from my suitcase
...but only once we're in court!"
