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Biden WH to give $55 billion in aid to African countries

Oh the MAGA folks ain't gonna like that. Let's see which GOP presidential candidate will go full Ku Klux Klan and makes it their pledge to make sure those thuggish joggers won't see a dime!


I think you’re being too negative. After all, the George W. Bush Administration Led All U.S. Presidents In Humanitarian Aid To Africa as of Biden’s election in 2020

Americans regardless of political party affiliation are generous in trying to help other people. I prefer humanitarian aid rather than military aid but, Repubs will support President Biden because he’s trying to counter Chinese influence


We need to build the roads for the minerals from the China mines can get to market and keep the cost of the new EV vehicles down.
China is now the prime driver of world mineral prices and a number of Africa countrieshave become key beneficiaries of this process.


That's a long article. Can you paste the quote that backs up your first statement?
I didn't think so.


The world has given Africa nearly $1 trillion over the decades..and what has it gotten them? Nothing but corruption, wars, and the same backwards civilization that they've had for thousands of years.


Is it me or are Democrats usual solution to problems is to throw hard earned tax payer money at it and hope it resolves itself?

ie: Homeless situation


That's the hoary Repub canard. In fact tne national debt always goes up more, much more, with a Rethug president:

"Reagan took the deficit from $70 billion to $175 billion. Bush 41 took it to $300 billion. Clinton got it to zero. Bush 43 took it from zero to $1.2 trillion. Obama halved it to $600 billion. Trump’s got it back to a trillion."


Biden got it to 31 trillion.


people very often mix up the deficit with the debt.
One is the full number
the other is just how much the number is increasing by

Politicians like to stick to the smaller number , cos it makes them look good.


Sorry. We don't like it because our country is in crisis and it's just throwing money down a black hole, no pun intended. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most corrupt part of the world. Meanwhile veterans are committing suicide at a rate of 20 per day, while thousands more are homeless.


After a pandemic and with the current inflation numbers. Democrats just keep printing out that money


Democrats want a piece of that sweet, sweet Chinese African colonization. And I'm sure they will strongarm these poor Africans countries in supporting Ukraine war which they have zero involvement what so ever.

Democrats do not have African's interests in mind.


lol what is African support of Ukraine going to do?

give me details not just vague assertions
