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When you take Faux Newz to trial, they finally tell the truth on Election denial

“He’s acting like an insane person,” Hannity allegedly wrote of Trump in the weeks following the election as the host continued to push the so-called “big lie” during his top-rated prime time show, aided by a succession of election deniers he had on as guests.

Even billionaire Fox owner Rupert Murdoch was dismissive of the former president’s false allegations, the filing alleges, calling them “really crazy stuff” in one memo to a Fox News executive, and criticizing Trump’s scattergun approach of pursuing lawsuits in numerous states to try to overturn his defeat.

It was “very hard to credibly claim foul everywhere”, Murdoch wrote, adding in another note that Trump’s obsession with trying to prove fraud was “terrible stuff damaging everybody”.

Meanwhile, Carlson, one of the network’s most prominent and controversial stars, was disdainful of Sidney Powell, a senior Trump attorney who repeatedly claimed Dominion’s machines flipped votes cast for Trump to Joe Biden.

“Sidney Powell is lying,” he wrote to a producer, the Dominion lawsuit alleges. He referred to Powell in a text as an “unguided missile” and “dangerous as hell”.

Trump, Carlson said, was a “demonic force” who was good at “destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

Fellow host Ingraham told Carlson that Powell was “a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” referring to the former New York mayor and Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani.

Hannity, meanwhile, said in a deposition “that whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second”, according to Dominion’s filing.

Other internal communications revealed that Fox News executives, hosts and researchers used phrases including “mind-blowingly nuts”, “totally off the rails” and “completely BS” to describe the false election theories they were publicly promoting.

All were included in a 192-page redacted summary judgment brief filed on Thursday at the Delaware superior court by Dominion’s attorneys. A trial is scheduled to begin in mid-April.

But of course Faux Newz knows how dumb and easily manipulated the viewers are so they do it anyway because they can and it's easy money.


I hear crickets


Waiting for instructions from Faux Noise.


Do they fear Trump and also think he's insane, like the grifters at Faux News do?


I posted this in the other thread, and I'll post it here....

Let's see...

Tucker was never a Trump guy.

Hannity is an NPC Republican

No one gives a shit about Laura Ingraham. However, I might bang her if I was bored enough and she initiated.

I think that covers it.


The point is they lied to their viewers


They didn't lie, the election has now been proven to be objectively fraudulent. When is CNN and MSDNC going to apologize for their lies about the 2016 election?


Did you read their texts?
I don’t think so


I’m still waiting for evidence of these alleged “texts” all you showed me was an article of a far left commentator that texts existed but didn’t reveal what was in them


"NPC Republican"

I'll admit I'm a bit of a square - is this like a "Friend of Dorothy?"


The election was fraudulent, we now know the FBI interfered and told social media to censor the Hunter Biden Laptop story and 1 out of every 6 Diaper Joe voters said they wouldn't have voted for him had they known about it.

When is the left wing media going to apologize for lying about the 2016 election and attempting to overthrow it? The left literally sent death threats to electors


FOX did not lie. There is a huge difference between lying and being biased for your audience.

If Dominion was guilty than they should have taken their stolen win and moved on; if they were innocent then they had nothing to prove, but instead they had to go and open a two-edged can of worms by filing a lawsuit back in March of 2021 and now they are in big trouble for it after the filing by FOX News in its case against Dominion on Thursday February 16-2023.

FOX News uncovered through its discovery in the case that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines.

Since the 2020 Election, there has been a concerted effort by the Mainstream media to protect the results of the election and label anyone or any entity who challenges the uncertifiable results of the 2020 results as an election denier.

On Thursday, FOX News filed a brief in this case with Dominion Voting Systems. FOX News uncovered some material issues with Dominion and its voting systems. These items were so serious that Dominion employees expressed concerns about these issues.

Discovery in this case revealed that Dominion’s own employees expressed serious concerns about the security of its machines.

Mark Beckstrand, a Dominion Sales Manager, confirmed that other parties “have gotten ahold of [Dominion’s] equipment illicitly” in the past. Beckstrand identified specific instances in Georgia and North Carolina and testified that a Dominion machine was “hacked” in Michigan. Beckstrand confirmed that these security failures were “reported about in the news.”

And just weeks before the 2020 presidential election, Dominion’s Director of Product Strategy and Security, Eric Coomer, acknowledged in private that “our shit is just riddled with bugs.” Indeed, Coomer had been castigating Dominion’s failures for years. In 2019, Coomer noted that “our products suck.” He lamented that “[a]lmost all” of Dominion’s technological failings were “due to our complete f— up in installation.”

In another instance, he identified a “*critical* bug leading to INCORRECT results.” Ex.H4, Coomer Email (Jan. 5, 2018). He went on to note: “It does not get much worse than that.” And while many companies might have resolved their errors, Coomer lamented that “we don’t address our weaknesses effectively!”


Other internal documents noted that a glitch identified by a security expert in Antrim County should be detected in the software. Coomer shared that the expert isn’t entirely wrong.

In addition, after the 2020 Election, Dominion received complaints from Georgia noting irregularities with machine counts that required employees to reprogram the machines.


Here is the 169-page affidavit:


Pretty damning shit.


They lied and they are biased. Both are true.


OOF. Dominion doth protests too much, me thinks...


Yikes. Dominion is done for.
Never believe. Always question. Rebuke belief, a.k.a. bias, a.k.a. groupthink, a.k.a. ideology, the bane of skeptical, logical reason.
