MovieChat Forums > Politics > Transwomen are to biological women what ...

Transwomen are to biological women what blackface minstrels are to African Americans.

Look at the campy, exaggerated mannerisms of Transwomen. Do you know any biological women who act like transwomen do?

Transwomen present a sexist, degrading image of femininity. They portray women as vain, shallow, flighty, and scatterbrained much like stereotypes from old 1950s comedies.

This image is just as biased and derogatory as the image of Blacks that were portrayed by blackface minstrel shows.


Yes but it will never be used to stop the junk till the Latino's take over the government and bring sanity back.


The blacks don't even know what Minstrels were, so it's not a good analogy.


How often do you fantasize about this? On the hour?


Would you be saying this if I was talking about people in blackface portraying Black people as lazy chicken thieves? Then why do you say it when I am talking about people portraying women as flighty, airheaded shallow bimbos?


How many Black 'lazy chicken thieves' exist? And do you honestly believe there are NO flighty, airheaded, shallow bimbos? For real?

And, once again, transgender women are women. It's an identity. You seem to be confusing them with transvestites and/or drag performers, which is something else entirely. But even in the latter case, the tradition of drag acts is NOT rooted in something as toxic as Blackface, and so the comparison is complete bunk.


Drag shows are 100% modern day Minstrel Shows. Children shouldn't have been in attendence back in the day, and they shouldn't be now.

It's adult entertainment.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Typical right-wingers...Only start giving a shit about 'women's rights', when it gives them an excuse to put down OTHER minorities (whether they be trans or Black people etc). But when it comes to ACTUAL women's rights, like the right to control and decide what happens to one's own body, they want to FORCE women to have babies, no matter what. Fucking hypocrites.


What the fuck does any of that have to do with warping minds of children?

Zealotry kills movements dude. Make sense. Your OP is about men pretending to be caricatures of women.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Here we go... 🤦‍♂️

More PRIVILEGED WHITE 'FEMINISTS' conflating their faux-oppression with the GENUINE oppression experienced by Black people in the West for over 400 years.

Drag acts have a history that goes back to gay clubs. There is NO element of systemic oppression taking place (and, whisper it, some women ARE vain, shallow, flighty and scatterbrained despite what PRIVILEGED WHITE women may gaslight us into believing).

By contrast, Blackface is intrinsically linked to RACIST post-Civil War laws implemented by Southern states in order to keep newly 'freed' Black people out of positions of power and autonomy, to the extent that these Jim Crow laws were named after a famous Blackface *character*. Its portrayal of Black people as scared, subservient, stupid, cowardly and silly was NEVER rooted in ANY truth, and is even more absurd and offensive TODAY.

That ANYONE could compare trans IDENTITIES to a vile act intended to demean Black people, goes to show two things:

1) Black people are STILL being systemically marginalised and oppressed, 158 years after the official end of slavery, and
2) PRIVILEGED CIS WHITE WOMEN are abusing their faux-victimhood to APPROPRIATE other peoples' hardship, whilst systemically oppressing trans women

This BULLSHIT needs to stop. 😠

FUCK the Marjorie Taylor-Greenes, Lauren Boeberts, Ivanka Trumps, Megan Kellys and other BIGOTED RIGHT-WING bimbos of the world.


Tell that to genuine women who are being mocked and degraded by trans on a regular basis. How can Trans claim to be "real" women when no woman I ever met acts that way IRL?


Firstly, trans women ARE real women.

Secondly, your experience is your own, and doesn't apply to us all.

Thirdly, women degrade and mock men all the time, and I'm perfectly fine with that. It's just jokes. Get over it. If people can't take it, they must be very fragile.

Fourthly, Blackface is rooted in laws that continued to oppress and discriminate against Black people. The practice is inherently harmful. No mockery of women I've ever witnessed does anything to that effect.

Fifthly, and here's the 'controversial' one, some women (especially RICH PRIVILEGED WHITE women) ARE shallow, silly and vain. Ever heard of Valley Girls? Are you telling us that Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and Anna Nicole Smith were all figments of our imagination? Or maybe they were really trans women or men in drag, right?

By contrast, no Black person acts remotely like the bullshit Blackface stereotype.


You sound somewhat mysogynist.

How exactly are trans women "real" women? The existence of their so-called womanhood depends on surgery, hormones and self-deception.


Oh, here we go. The way to 'win' an argument, just call someone a 'misogynist' What an overused, and, thus, meaningless word.

I might call you a 'racist' for minimising the evils of Blackface. Do you accept that charge?

Also, how am I a 'misogynist'? Unlike most of the right-wing assholes here, berating trans women, *I* happen to support abortion rights. Also, I have NEVER raped, slapped, hit, assaulted, molested, threatened, perved over, illicitly touched, harassed or cat-called a woman. Neither have I ever visited a lap-dancing/strip club (despite various invitations), or watched a porno movie. I show far more respect for women than most of you all, so how the fuck anyone can seriously call me a 'misogynist' is beyond me. Is it because I regard women as equals, rather than putting them on a fucking pedestal? Sorry, but I SIMP for NO-ONE. 😠


Makes you wonder where all the feminists went.



'Feminists' (or, more accurately, faux-feminists/female supremacists) are EVERYWHERE. They DOMINATE the media and public discourse these days. RICH WHITE CIS women are arguably THE most powerful demographic in society, and they will shift and shape the narrative to keep down and marginalise POC, particularly Black men, as well as trans and gay men. Fucking RIGHT-WING OVERPRIVILEGED bigots. 😠

FUCK Marjorie-Taylor Greene, FUCK Lauren Boebert, FUCK Lauren Loomer, FUCK Megyn Kelly, FUCK Gretchen Carlson, FUCK Kayleigh McEnany, FUCK Ivanka Trump, FUCK Marine Le Pen, FUCK Ann Coulter, FUCK Laura Ingraham, FUCK Tomi Lahren, and many MANY others. 😠

Get out of our Parliaments and off our TVs, you fucking BIGOTED BIMBOS.
