MovieChat Forums > Politics > Alissa Heinerscheid: The FIRST Woman...

Alissa Heinerscheid: The FIRST Woman... destroy a major billion dollar corporation!! PROGRESS!!!

Let's all celebrate this achievement for WOMEN!!! πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ₯³πŸŽˆπŸŽˆ

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


"β€˜Why do you care so much?'”

Good question which was asked by Howard Stern.

β€œI thought there must be a piece of the story that I’m missing,” Stern said. β€œI’m not bothered by gay people or transsexual people. They don’t impact my life, they don’t hurt my life. I love when people are in love. You wanna be a woman? Be a woman. You wanna be a dude, be a dude. Be whatever you fβ€”ing want. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody, I’m on your team,” he added.

β€œI wish I could call Kid Rock and have him come on the show and just tell me β€˜Why are you so upset about this? How is this hurtful?’ I don’t know why he got so upset,” Stern said.

Last week, Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, stood by its decision to work with Mulvaney. β€œAnheuser-Busch works with hundreds of influencers across our brands as one of many ways to authentically connect with audiences across various demographics and passion points,” a spokesperson for the company told Fox News. β€œFrom time to time, we produce unique commemorative cans for fans and for brand influencers, like Dylan Mulvaney. This commemorative can was a gift to celebrate a personal milestone and is not for sale to the general public.”

"Mulvaney is extremely popular among Gen Z β€” a demographic that beer companies are β€œdesperate” to reach, according to the publication.

Why do you care so much?


Howard Stern is a misogynist/sexist/chauvinist who mocked his former wife's miscarriage on air, and regularly objectified women on his show.

It's bizarre seeing my fellow 'progressives' treat men like him and Jimmy 'Man Show' Kimmell as the 'good guys', when for men like me who have ALWAYS stood up for GAY rights, TRANS rights, WOMEN's rights and BLACK rights, this hypocritical Jedi Mind trick bullshit, in which notoriously unwoke/unreconstructed men try to reinvent themselves as beacons of progressive wisdom and virtue, is fucking laughable.

Much like Bud Light, a brand that has traditionally appealed to unreconstructed macho types.

Let the fucking righties stay in THEIR lane. We define ourselves from being different to, and BETTER, than them. We shouldn't force them to be like us. If they genuinely want to join our side, that's fine. But LONG-TERM PROGRESSIVES like me are entitled to view their sudden, and frankly unconvincing, 180 degree turn with plenty of suspicion.

A leopard never changes its spots, and if it wants to convince me that it has, it had better damn fucking work at convincing me.




"... brand that has traditionally appealed to unreconstructed macho types."

OK. You believe that she is muddying the brand which I understand.

Two points.
1. If you like the taste, then an ad should have zero effect on your enjoyment. That's the point Stern was attempting to make.
2. Beer is an inanimate object with no personality, image, feelings, etc.. Advertising agencies literally create an image through advertising. It would be just as easy to have promoted Bud Light as a feminine beer.

Light beers are technically a diet drink which is associated with females watching their figures. The beer was created for a younger, more health consciousness demographic. The men in the first ad campaign don't look very macho.


I don't drink beer (*yuck*), so I don't personally care, but if I were to drink beer, I'd happily choose a brand that openly supports trans rights (it might conceivably even influence my choice, in a positive way). But that's the whole point; beer is a SHIT macho drink, and even if I were a drinker, I'd choose something with taste and refinement, like wine or a spirits mixer. But whatever, good for the brand in reaching out to trans and progressive drinkers (I'm just sceptical as to whether that's the market which traditionally drinks BUD, light or regular). What next? Trans WWF wrestlers? Trans NASCAR drivers? I mean, I'm personally all for it. I just don't know if it's what the fans of those brands/pursuits respond to.

Lie with the dog, and you get fleas. Work for a beer company, and don't be so naive as to think your 'progressive' brand of politics is a natural fit. Go work for a health juice company instead (preferably an *independent* one). ALWAYS, ALWAYS, KEEP TO YOUR FUCKING LANE.

The same advice applies to Howard Stern. I notice that you didn't bother responding to my charges regarding his historic misogyny.



That's the stupidest thing you have written.

You don't grow a business, or maintain customer base, by "staying in your lane". You have to expand outward for new and younger customers to replace your older ones as they leave. Sales have been down for years and they're trying to find a new market:

"β€˜This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,’” she (Alisa) said, adding that she wanted to update the company’s β€œfratty” image.
"β€œThe white male customer who used to drink a lot of Bud Light doesn’t anymore, and Bud Light has no choice but to find people who do”"

In right-wing media, those comments are being spun to suggest Bud Light wants to get rid of its more typical white male demographic, but that’s not really what’s going on. Bud Light has been losing ground to other beers, such as craft beers and Modelo and Michelob Ultra, as well as to spirits, for quite some time now. It’s looking for new customers wherever it can find them. β€œThe reality is much more simple β€” it’s that the white male customer who used to drink a lot of Bud Light doesn’t anymore, and Bud Light has no choice but to find people who do,” Infante said. β€œThere’s just no growth for Bud Light in its traditional core audience the way it used to have and used to be able to rely on.”"

Anheuser-Busch InBev is a 600-year old Belgium company with 500 beer brands. The U.S. only makes up 16% of their global market. A few manbabies throwing a 2-minute long hissy fit isn't going to affect their bottom line. It's like throwing a pebble at a tank.

Stern isn't a misogynist. You never listened to his show nor understand shtick.


Is this another 'When Stern was parading half-naked women and objectifying them on his show it was irony' defence? Are you going to make the same excuse for Jimmy 'Man Show' Kimmel?

Go on and explain to me how former senator Al Franken, for your beloved Democrat Party, wasn't doing anything wrong when he touched various women's buttocks and mocked a US soldier by pretending to grope her breasts whilst she was asleep...πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

You people will make up any excuse for MISOGYNIST men and SEX OFFENDERS, as long as they say and think the right things. Next you'll be telling me that Bill Clinton is not a rapist/sex offender.

And yes, pushing alcohol and the issues that are associated with it, on broader demographics, is problematic, hence 'stay in your lane'.

NO-ONE drinks Bud for the taste. It's not a social and sophisticated alcoholic drink like wine and some spirits, or even craft beer. Why push that CRAP on the rest of us, unless you want progressives and liberals to be braindead alcoholics...Unlike you, I prefer my fellow progressives to be SOBER and in possession of a BRAIN (as opposed to mindlessly simping for the the party of the KKK/slavery and MISOGYNISTS like Howard Stern).


You're a right-wing extremist foreigner (Aussie?) pretending to be American and progressive doing a bad imitation of both.

Stern also paraded half-naked men and objectified them on his show during big penis, small penis, beautiful penis, etc.. contests often with the wonderful Mr. George Takei or Robin as judge. You're a humorless prude who can't enjoy butt bongo, wang contests or celebrity interviews in the gay room. Obviously, you never heard his show.

" pushing alcohol"

Now, you're anti-alcohol and want to bring back prohibition. Good luck with that!


How am I a 'right-wing extremist'? Because my left-wing principles are stronger than yours?

Who said I want to bring back prohibition? Unlike you, I'm a libertarian leftist. I'm generally against banning most things, including alcohol. That doesn't mean I think we should be *encouraging* people to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat fast/junk food.

There's a BIG difference between respecting every individual's right/freedom to make poor choices, and thrusting those poor choices on them.

And just because you objectify men, as well, it doesn't make the objectification of women okay. I don't particularly approve of 'big penis/small penis' either (it's crude, crass and demeaning), but at least men aren't being catcalled and harassed on the street over the size/shape of their cock.


"Libertarianism is generally a moderate or right-wing ideology, and thus in contrast to liberalism."

You admit you're right-wing!

Now you want to ban advertising.

You are a prude!

Women prefer nice firm butts. You must be an incel, too.


Why am I an incel? Because I respect women, and don't like to see them objectified? Now you're just spouting inane contradictory BS.

Where did I say I wanted to ban advertising, but, sure, I wouldn't choose to work for a company that is trying to get people drunk. I was raised above a bar, surrounded by alcoholics, and had to work in a minimum wage bar job to pay my way through a post-grad qualification. Dealing with all those drunks, was not pleasant. But good for your overprivileged establishment DNC ass if you've never had to deal with the unpleasant side of alcohol.

And having taken a four-quadrant political test on various occasions, I invariably ended up being categorised as a 'Libertarian Socialist'. Educate yourself:

We're just as left-wing as the statists/authoritarians, if not more so.


You must protect womanhood! How paternalistic of you!

If people want to drink beer, that's their business. A beer company has a right to advertise to them.

"As a broad socialist tradition and movement, libertarian socialism includes anarchist, Marxist, and anarchist- or Marxist-inspired thought and other left-libertarian tendencies"
You are a commie. That's what I wrote.

Libertarianism is right-wing nonsense. Every true left-winger knows how important a pro-democracy government is needed to protect individual rights:


"NO-ONE drinks Bud for the taste. It's not a social and sophisticated alcoholic drink like wine and some spirits, or even craft beer."

Furthermore, according to Bud Light's own information, they are a craft beer usually purchased in bars and other social settings. You are too ignorant!


Enjoy your shitty canned beer!

Even if I wasn't practically teetotal, I wouldn't touch the stuff.


You're so angry. Men feeling emasculated by one LGBTQI female drinking their brand. LOL!


Once again, you're confused.

I have consistently stood up for trans rights/representation. I defy you to point to where I have ever decried trans rights/representation. In fact, more often than not, I've had various arguments with Movie Chat posters in favour of trans people.

I haven't decried any member of the trans or gay community. I've merely decried corporations and the promotion of alcohol. But, unlike you, I am a TRUE leftist, who abhors corporations, capitalism and neoliberalism.

You're basically a 'centrist' shill for the establishment DNC.


You're a commie. Communism failed.

Are you going to denounce Catholic priests for giving wine to their congregation, also?

You're denouncing LGBTQI people when you criticize the Bud Light ad campaign, liar and hypocrite.


I despise the Communists. Like I said, I am anti-statist (although I appreciate that the State is occasionally a *necessary* evil).

And no-one is getting drunk on Communion wine (although I have plenty of my own issues with the Catholic Church).

And I'm not denouncing gay and trans people whatsoever. I'm simply bemused that beer, and frickin Bud Light at that, is now seen as some sort of progressive symbol, much like I am in disbelief that anyone could think Howard Stern was a 'feminist'.


You believe women are too stupid to make their own decisions, therefore they need their "virtue" protected by you and other misogynists. I notice you're fine with men displaying themselves on Stern's show.

It's possible to drink beer or wine without getting drunk.

"Bud Light at that, is now seen as some sort of progressive symbol"

By conservatives. Are you a closeted conservative because you sound like one?


You should know, Keelai is a proven liar and will make stuff up about you and not back it up. She's the worst of the worst here.


Keelai has her place. She's a rare progressive and female voice here, which is important, so I'm not going to pile on her too hard, but, as a principled leftist, I will nevertheless call out establishment liberal hypocrisy and inconsistency, wherever I find it.


"Her place" is a confirmed, proven liar with no credibility.




Give it up, liar. I've called you out probably 30 times to back up your claim that I made racist posts and EVERY time, you have slunk away like the lying coward you are.




Welp, you've sunk to a new low, liar.


One key element you got wrong: You're NOT better.


Lol, fuck Howard Stern...he hasn't mattered in 25 years.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


Diversity, Inclusion, Equity, doing its thing as intended.

This is what happens you choose people based on gender and skin color over qualifications.


What qualifications? Drinking beer?


Hey Jack, she's just trying to reduce alcoholism.

Hope she tanks McDonald's next - obesity rates need to come down.


The irony is that these supposedly 'liberal' CEOs at these various alcohol, chocolate and fast-food companies, are putting off right-wingers, and appealing to my fellow (albeit far less savvy and smart) left-wingers, and making the latter fatter, weaker and less fit in the process (whilst having the REVERSE impact on all the cons who are boycotting their unhealthy trash). NOT what this ACTUAL progressive left-winger wants to see.


Isnt she the PR person for anheiser busch.


Worse... a Vice President!

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


All can beer is thrash.


Finally, a pertinent comment.


Stunning and Brave.
The future is female!
Slaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy Kweeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!111!!!!!11!!!1


Heinerscheid was ahead of the curve, unfortunately.

The US has a long way to go when it comes to it's understanding of gender.
