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Pres. Trump was RIGHT to question the vote in GA, and Fanni should be FIRED!

According to Georgia's Emergency Rule 183-1-14-0.8-.14 put in place by the State Election Board in July 2020, all Counties in GA must have proper CHAIN OF CUSTODY documentation for absentee ballots cast. The GA Star News used GA's Open Records Law and asked each of GA's 159 counties for their chain of custody documentation. Only 56 counties were able to comply. Four months after the election the GA Star News was not able to obtain proper chain of custody documentation from 153 counties in the state of GA. This represented 65.7 % or over 400,000 absentee votes. Biden "won" the state by less than 12,000 votes.
Pres, Trump is being prosecuted for questioning why these counties did not have proper Chain of Custody documenation as required by the law.
(EDIT: Chain of Custody means we know who was in possession of these boxes of ballots --with thousands and even tens of thousands of cast ballots in them --at all times. Most chain of custody regulations require there be at least two people in charge of ballot boxes at all times. These rules are in place to avoid the, "Hey look, I found 2 boxes of ballots in the trunk of my car!" scenarios. In the 2020 election many states did not follow their own chain of custody rules.)


...and indicted.


Yep! Trump has been indicted 4 times with 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor.


Trump didn't question the vote, he demanded the secretary of state find over 11000 votes for HIM, just enough to flip the election.

The President does not have the power to do that.

Republicans constantly claim they have proof of massive election fraud. They need to gonthrough the legal system and prove ot in court, which they have failed to do, every time.


"Trump didn't question the vote, he demanded the secretary of state find over 11000 votes for HIM,"

WRONG!! You obviously spend too much time listening to the hateful morons at CNN and MSNBC. Pres. Trump never "demanded" the Sec. of State find 11,000 votes. Countless irregularities in the state (including the chain of custody violations I mentioned above) and he knows they amount to hundreds of thousands of ballots. And of those hundreds of thouasands of ballots he said, “All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes......" He is not asking anyone to create votes, or to falsify votes. He clearly believes there are hundreds of thousands votes that were not cast properly, and out of those hundred of thousands of votes he just needs to find around 12,000. Pres. Trump did nothing different that Al Gore did back in the 2000 election, where he wanted FL to recount only certain (Democrat) counties.


It's up to the jury now.


All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes.

Utterly fucking delusional. Jesus Christ. First of all, that is not what Gore did. Gore went through the legal system. Gore requested a recount, as the law in Florida allows candidates to do in a very close election. It defies logic that you think Trumps activities are comparable to that. Gore did not call a secretary of state and tell him to find enough votes for him to win. Recounts can go either way.

The legal way to handle those kinds of accusations is through the legal system. That's where would HAVE TO present evidence, and his opponents lawyers would be able to defend themselves. He'd have to actually show how the Democrats shredded votes and Dominion flipped them to Biden and votes for Biden were triple counted and many thousands of dead people voted, adding up to hundreds of thousands of votes. Trump doesn't want to do that because he can't prove any of those things. They lose every time. Fox News is paying Dominion 750 million because they spread false claims about their machines.

That's why Trump went to the Secretary of State instead of taking his case to the courts. And told him he would lose his upcoming election if he didn't do what Trump demanded.

If Republicans had their way, we'd never see an office flip from red to blue. They'd just toss out any election they lost, anyplace they were in power. These days, they claim any election they lose is rigged, unless it's a Democratic stronghold.


you should be in the olympics for mental gymnastics


According to you the Democrats outsmarted all you Republicans by rigging the 2020 election involving thousands if not millions of co-conspirators without getting caught. Republicans haven't produced one shred of evidence to prove the election was stolen. Funny, you call Democrats stupid.


TDS is a helluva drug. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

You don't think after 60+ years of infiltration of institutions, that progressives don't have their fingers everywhere in the country? That's naïve as fuck, dude.

"When fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of 'Liberalism'."
-President Ronald Reagan

Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Fascism+Hypocrisy.


Naïve is one thing but you are straight out stupid.


His brain is crippled by paranoia.


lol, and those fingers were caught🎥 in the cookie jars before, during, and after the 2020 elections. 😁


I stopped reading after Trump was RIGHT...

Signed, million man.


I've lost track - didn't Trump need 4 more states to win? Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, maybe 1 more? Arizona?


Yes. And he tried to illegally pressure officials in all of those states.


He hasn't been indicted for questioning the results. He was indicted for conspiring to overturn the results through illegal means.


She's a pissant COUNTY prosecutor, none of these charges have any merit. Not one.


Isn't every prosecutor a "county prosecutor?"

Is a "county prosecutor" the same thing as a District Attorney?

Just to be clear, I know there are United States Attorneys that prosecute crimes at the Federal level. I'm just wondering if Georgia has old terms from colonial times...


Cry some more, Trumptwat!
