MovieChat Forums > Politics > Solution to this whole situation.

Solution to this whole situation.

Every American should stop paying federal taxes. On January 1st, everyone should change their W-4 and claim exempt. Then just never pay them again. Let Lockheed, General Dynamics, Wall Street, Walmart, Amazon, Yidsney, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Google, Apple, etc pay them all. The country is solely run for them, so why should we pay any of it?

Time to bow out. Cut off the money supply and watch them panic for a change.


They'd start putting people in prison and people's cowardice would take over.


330,000,000+ in prison eh?



You must have missed what happened with the truckers and others in Canada not long ago.

They freeze your bank accounts, they arrest you, they detain you - the crowd thins out pretty fast.

You ain't going to get 330 million people to act together.

Not that I disagree with the thought - I think all elected officials are corrupt puppets.


Even if 50% of that 330m were to persist and persevere, it would inevitably force some type of change.


Even that won't happen.

People can't even agree if you eat Chunky Soup with a fork or a spoon.


When the situation is grave enough, even rivals will temporarily set aside their differences for a common cause/goal.


You have had some great posts in this thread. I am impressed with your clarity and also your humor.


Castro Jr was losing that battle at an alarming rate up in Ottawa...

Remember, the USA Truckers were en route to the Washington, when Putin invaded Ukraine.

Shit got really fucking dark for a couple of weeks in February 2022. #NoCovidAmnesty


Will be curious to see if anything (new) major happens when our and your election times roll around.

I imagine Taiwan is on tap for the next diversion.


No taxation without representation...

These groups were never supposed to get so powerful.


Yeah... Good luck with that.


Good luck with that.
