MovieChat Forums > Politics > I think the time has come to nuke Iran

I think the time has come to nuke Iran

Iran has hit US bases and brain damaged our boys. Also, Iran has allied itself with Russia in its fight against Ukraine even supplying it with weapons that are killing Ukrainian civilians and military personal. Also, Iran has allied itself with a nuclear power that is repeatedly threatening to use nukes in case anyone directly involves itself in defending Ukrainian sovereignty so we are justified in attacking Iran with nukes. Keep in mind I am against the use of nukes on Japan but the main difference is that Japan was not a nuclear power that was threatening to use nukes against anybody. After Iran is obliterated, Russia will think twice before issuing any more nuclear threats.


Unless we’re going to take their oil, which we will never do anything that benefits the American people under a Democrat party/media rectum, we can stop the pointless wars.


Enlist and fight Theman.

We'll say a prayer for you.


I am a retired Army Infantryman.



You go fight the wars you want to fight.

And bring along the politicians who are with you. And their children.


Too old


Yeah, those who talk tough will always find excuses to stay home and away from danger.

Not that I have a problem with that being an anti war/pro peace pacifist myself.
Just sayin...


Denmark is now conscripting women.

Hurray for equality.

You've come along way baby - now get turned into hamburger meat.


Tell your anti war agenda to the Ukrainian civilians dying everyday.


Which is the fault of Biden going back to 2014 when the Obama admin. with Biden's support allowed and supported a coup to install their puppet who refused to work at all with Russia.

Then come to today where Brandon rejected peace deals even before the invasion and still rejects them allowing the civilians to be killed.

Ukraine surrenders or negotiates peace with Russia and that saves civilians.
Only those who care will agree instead of the morons who want to see them continue to fight which means more civilian casualties.

Your faux compassion for civilians is noted.
Esp.since you have no problem nuking them in another country.
So don't be pretending to care about them in Uke. when you really don't care about them at all.


Thanks for your service 11B


Thank you


No, it's what the Cabal wants.


Israel wants the U.S. to go to war with Iran.

"Iran has hit US bases and brain damaged our boys."
Because the U.S. is defending Israel. Again.

"Iran has allied itself with Russia"
So has Trump and the U.S. Republican party which refuses to send military aide to Ukraine now.

"Japan was not a nuclear power"
Neither is Iran. If Russia is your true target, then you should be advocating for a nuclear war with Russia which has nukes and is a threat.


Yeah, let's nuke us all into extinction then maybe we will get things right the next time around from whatever mutant human form crawls out of the muck.
Doubtful but still maybe.


The U.S. is already at war with Iran, whether you like it or not. It's Iranian proxies that are attacking U.S. forces in the Mideast. The Houthis that the U.S. is fighting in the Red Sea are also controlled by Iran. Iran hasn't done this "because" the U.S. is defending Israel. This was all part of Iran's plan from the start. Iran helped plan the October 7th attack. Iran wanted it to happen. If Iran didn't want the U.S. to support Israel in its current war then Iran shouldn't have gone out of its way to help start the war.


No, we're not.

Stop buying into propaganda and warmongering.


Oh, you mean we're just not officially at war with Iran. But we are actually at war with Iran. We're fighting Iran's proxies that are just doing what Iran tells them to do.

I'm not "buying" anything. I'm just acknowledging the truth, something you never do.




No, it's not propaganda. We certainly are at war with Iran because we're fighting Iran's proxies that are just doing what Iran tells them to do. You know it's true because you're not even trying to explain how I'm wrong.




It's not "nonsense". We certainly are at war with Iran because we're fighting Iran's proxies that are just doing what Iran tells them to do.

How about this? I'll believe your claim that it's nonsense if you explain to me why it's nonsense.


Nonsensical propaganda!


It's not "nonsensical propaganda". We certainly are at war with Iran because we're fighting Iran's proxies that are just doing what Iran tells them to do.

How about this? I'll believe your claim that it's nonsensical propaganda if you explain to me why it's nonsensical propaganda.


You're easily duped by propaganda.

U.S. and Israel repeatedly blamed Iran for Oct 7 attacks before finally admitting that Iran was surprised about attack and had nothing to do with it. That blame and repeated term "Iran proxies" are attempts to prime the weak-minded for a war with Iran which Israel wants the U.S. to fight. I already told you that Israel is destabilizing the Middle East with it's repeated war crimes and human rights violations against Palestinians which is the reason groups like Hezbollah attacks Israel.


No, you're the one easily duped by propaganda. Iran was only "surprised" by the timing and scale of the Hamas attack. But Iran knew the attack was coming. More than that, Iran actually had Hamas delay the attack. The attack was originally supposed to take place during Passover in 2023. Iran absolutely helped Hamas prepare the attack. Hamas gets most of its funding, weapons and training from Iran.

I already explained to you months ago that these groups attacking U.S. forces in the Mideast are called "Iran proxies" because they're controlled by Iran. Therefore, the attacks by these groups on U.S. forces are effectively attacks by Iran. And by striking back against these groups, the U.S. is effectively going to war against Iran. It's a proxy war.

You did tell me in the past that "Israel is destabilizing the Middle East". But you also told me that homosexuality is illegal in Florida and that college sports is slavery. Your claim that "Israel is destabilizing the Middle East" is just the usual, stupid Keelai nonsense without any basis in fact. The Israel-Hamas war doesn't actually affect any other countries in the Mideast besides Egypt. There's no direct connection between the Israel-Hamas war and all the other current violence in the Mideast. There's no direct connection between the Israel-Hamas war and Hezbollah rocket attacks on northern Israel. You stupidly claim otherwise even though the Hezbollah rockets have done absolutely nothing to deter Israel's invasion of Gaza or to protect the Palestinians in Gaza. And if not for the Hamas attack, which Iran helped prepare, there wouldn't be any war in Gaza right now in the first place.

It's Iran that's clearly destabilizing the Mideast. The Houthis and all the other Shiite groups in the Mideast currently causing mayhem are doing the bidding of Iran. They're all part of the so-called "Axis of Resistance" led by Iran.


Hey, here is a novel idea.

How about giving peace a chance by working out negotiations and compromises by giving everyone something they want without any more murder of war?

I know the evil bullies of the US would not go for such a thing under war mongering Asshole Joe but it is a better thought than having a hard on for nuking everyone which includes innocents.




A picture of you checking to see that your brain is still not there.




I agree with this, but realistically there's profit to be made by selling weapons which is the reason the U.S. won't do it. Not just Biden. All presidents want to support the Military Industrial-Complex including Trump who sold $460 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia which are likely being used to kill Yemenis.

When military weapons and gear aren't sold to foreign countries, they're sold to police forces in order to be used against U.S. citizens.

Putin appears to want glory by recreating a Russian Empire. Israel wants to steal ALL Palestinian land. Those two warmongers won't compromise.


Yes, the tiny 10,000 square mile country of Israel is exactly like the 6.6 million square mile country of Russia, the world's biggest country, because Israel may want to permanently keep a territory it's already controlled for literally most of its history. It's just so obvious that everyone should be able to see it.

Wait, what do you even have against Russia to begin with? Russia is fighting those white supremacists in the Azov battalion you hate so much. I assumed you would support those who fight against white supremacists.


You believe Russian propaganda? No surprise.


No, I don't believe Russian propaganda. You're the one who told me that the Azov Battalion is full of white supremacists! Remember that, you utter moron? And I don't believe your propaganda.

Do you have any sense of shame over your utter idiocy? Any sense of shame at all?


Continue to support Dictator Putin!


I won't continue to support Putin because I never supported him in the first place. Like I said, I don't believe your propaganda about the Azov Battalion.

Are you just completely incapable of arguing a point without blatantly lying about what other commenters here say? Are you just going to respond to this with more ridiculous lies?


You support Putin who also called Zelensky a nazi.


Your lies are just becoming more and more ridiculous. Are you just trying to make it undeniably obvious that you're just trolling? I specifically said that "I won't continue to support Putin because I never supported him in the first place." You just can't handle the fact that I called you out on your attempt to have your cake and eat it too with Ukraine. You can't legitimately bash Putin and demand that the U.S. support Ukraine in its war with Russia and then turn around and complain about alleged white supremacists in the Ukrainian army. Your attitude is completely babyish and completely unbecoming of this forum. It's impossible to have a serious discussion about any political issue with you because of this attitude.


"Putin appears to want glory by recreating a Russian Empire."

You make that seem like a bad thing.
Putin is going to stay away from invading any NATO countries.
Let him have Ukraine or at least the land Russia has won which is hardly any of the country.
It doesn't affect us at all.


"You make that seem like a bad thing."
Ditto Hitler, so yeah, it's a bad thing.

"Putin is going to stay away from invading any NATO countries."
Not if Trump wins.

"Let him have Ukraine or at least the land Russia has won which is hardly any of the country."
No thanks, Neville Chamberlain.

"It doesn't affect us at all."
That's what Chamberlain said, too.


Odd, I don't remember Putin invading any countries when Trump won. Can't say the same when Biden won though.


Then you haven't been paying attention.


Which countries did he invade then?


You're not paying attention to what he's doing. He has repeatedly invaded and attacked foreign countries militarily, politically, cyber attacks, social media, bribing political leaders and elites etc.. since he has taken office.

You're thinking checkers while he's been playing chess nonstop for decades.

Look at this map of Africa.
No coincidence that Western countries are being kicked out throughout Africa by their leaders. Not all invasions are violent and unwanted. You need to pay attention about what Russia is doing in Latin America and Asia, too - not just Europe where he has a foothold with certain groups. Republicans defended and denied the Mueller Report which detailed Russia's attack on our voting process.

Stop thinking checkers. Invasions can be nonviolent and welcoming by corrupt leaders, too.


Yeah he annexed Crimea when Obama was in office. Something about lefty Presidents in charge of the USA having no global influence.

>Look at this map of Africa.

Putin annexed that too?

>No coincidence that Western countries are being kicked out throughout Africa by their leaders.

Clearly says 'Russian' on the top.

>Invasions can be nonviolent and welcoming by corrupt leaders, too.

Must be why the Mexican border is left wide open by Biden.


Trump told his Republican congressional sycophants not to sign the bipartisan bill which would close the border.

Trump is the reason for the open border.

I'll also remind you that he never built the wall which Mexico was paying for.


You are just way over in FantasyLand.

You cannot judge the future on the past.


Of course, I can! The reason I study history and stay informed to current affairs is to know what will happen since it often repeats. It's extremely easy.

Putin's intentions are obvious when you listen to his speeches, which I doubt you have, and follow Russian culture. Furthermore, present-day dictators act similarly following the same script to achieve power that has been studied and written about by historians.


OK I had to look up Neville Chamberlain.
Never heard of him.
Someone who had something to do with the UK.
But that is way over there.
We are over here.

So let's go with your wrong and idiotic judgements based on your delusions for the moment and pretend that Putin wants to conquer Europe.
OK, so what?
That will not affect any of us personally at all in terms of physical or I mean we would still be safe way over here as long as nukes are not used.
(Which NATO would use which is why Putin WILL NOT ever invade them. Putin just wants to have a bigger buffer between them and NATO countries as well as to protect those in the Donbas.)
Again, he takes it.
So what.

You are just a crackpot full of shit and fear with no basis in reality.


"OK I had to look up Neville Chamberlain.
Never heard of him."





No more wars for Jews.

Current MC Posters with B1cKsurN Derangement Syndrome


Ever since I saw what kind of scum lived there in "Not Without My Daughter" and read up on what kind of people rule that place, I couldn't agree with you more. Iran has been one of the most troublesome countries in the Middle-East, and frankly, except for the oil, nobody would miss them. Nobody would even be sad about that place being irradiated and unable to be used by humans for millennia afterwards.

The only problem I see coming out of it are the Chinese not being too happy about the radioactive fallout hitting their western lands, and Russia getting mad that they lost one of their fave radical Mudslime allies.


Iran was a secular democracy until the U.S. unilaterally decided to overthrow their democratically elected prime minister and replace him with a monarch whom the Iranian people despised and couldn't vote out of power.

That U.S. coup lead directly to the theocracy which exists today!

Israel feels threatened by Iran and wants the U.S. to go to war with it. The Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas target Israel because of their persecution of Palestinians. None of those groups have targeted the U.S. unless our troops are placed in harms way by helping Israel to commit more war crimes and human rights violations.

Israel has been destabilizing the entire Middle East for decades with their colonization and ethnic cleansing.

Today, young Iranians are mainly secular with the majority identifying as atheist or non-Muslim. They're not happy with their government and reject the Arabization of Islam and Iran since they are culturally Persian.

Stop falling for Israeli constant warmongering and propaganda. The U.S. needs to ditch Israel since its not in our national interest.


Iran was hardly a democracy in 1953. You're just repeating a popular myth about what happened in Iran back then. Mossadegh wasn't democratically elected. Mossadegh was appointed Prime Minister by the shah. The shah also had the constitutional authority to remove the Prime Minister. The shah was the leader of Iran before he appointed Mossadegh and never stopped being the leader while Mossadegh was Prime Minister:

That so-called "coup" did not "lead directly" to the Ayatollahs' theocracy in Iran today. No one forced Iranians to replace the shah with a theocracy. They could have easily replaced the shah with a secular democracy if they actually wanted to do so.

Israel is threatened by Iran because Iran's proxies have attacked Israel for many years and because Iran has called for Israel's destruction. The Houthis, Hezbollah and Hamas target Israel because they're intolerant Islamofascists who believe Muslims are religiously required to have total control over the entire land of Israel. Muslim intolerance of Israel has been destabilizing the entire Mideast for decades.


CIA admits coup.

You refuse to know history because of your intense Islamophobia.


You refuse to know anything because you refuse to read. For all I can tell, the person who wrote this article is just as ignorant as you about the relevant details of the Iranian government at that time. A coup is defined as an illegal removal of a country's established political leadership. As the Tablet article I showed to you explains, the removal of Mossadegh was fully legal. In Iran, the shah had the constitutional authority to remove the Prime Minister and in 1953 he signed a royal edict removing Mossadegh as Prime Minister.

Perhaps you would like to blame outside powers for helping the shah fulfill his constitutional right but even the Foreign Policy article you link to doesn't really prove it. It merely says that the crowd that invaded Mossadegh's house and forced him to flee was "widely believed to have been arranged with CIA assistance". That's it. "Widely believed". In contrast, the Tablet article explains that it's "impossible to establish who, if anyone, was directing the protests and mob actions on the fateful and chaotic day". The Foreign Policy article goes into brief detail about Kermit Roosevelt ignoring a cable from CIA headquarters but doesn't even explain what he actually did as a result. The Tablet article explains that the anti-Mossadegh leaders in Iran didn't actually need any outside help to remove him from his government post.

You would learn something if you actually read the Tablet article about this issue. It's much longer and goes into far more intricate detail about these events than the one from Foreign Policy:

Don't be a lazy bum. Read the article this time.


You read one biased blog. Yawn!

CIA admits coup.

You refuse to know history because of your intense Islamophobia.


You lazy bum! I already read that article after you linked to it before. I already explained the flaws with that article. I doubt that you even read it. You definitely didn't read the Tablet article I linked to. I went into great detail about the actual facts of what happened to explain why you're wrong about there being a "coup" in Iran in 1953. How the hell can you presume to know I'm wrong about this when you don't appear to know about any of the relevant facts?

I already explained to you that Tablet is not a blog. The article was merely published by Tablet. It was written by Peter Theroux, an expert on the Mideast. You really should read the article because it has a lot of interesting facts. It makes for very good reading:


CIA trumps tablet.


LOL! You don't have the slightest clue what you're even talking about! You don't know anything about the actual facts of what happened. What did the CIA actually "admit" to? You can't even tell me what the CIA actually "did" in Iran in 1953. How does the "CIA" "trump" Tablet? You can't even tell me what that means. You're completely out of your depth on this issue.

You're completely wrong and you just don't want to admit it.
