MovieChat Forums > Politics > Funny how you never see liberals using l...

Funny how you never see liberals using language like gd150 below

Why do you think that is? My theory is that they are in general more educated and less exacerbated knowing that their worldview is the conquering one, or will be.


"Never", he says.


Y'all ain't "liberals"... It's not 2015.


That's why he has been on my newly formed IGNORE list from the beginning. I don't have time to participate in his retard drama.


How did you respond if I am on your IL?


gd150 ... are you gd150?


I thought you meant me. Carry on!


I don't know who you are referring to, but a common...hell the primary troll tact seems to be to act like a complete asshole, then point to their vicitm's response and act like that is their victim being unreasonable, when it's not.

It works best when the troll in question has either/both a pack of like minded trolls with them and/or the... quiet support of a moderator or two who pretends to not see what is clearly going on.

These are the same people that used to pick on smaller childern, and take their hand and hit them in their face with their hand, while asking, "why are you hitting yourself" and then if question by the teacher, would swear up and down that they didn't hit the smaller child, but the child hit himself.

in other words, vile little pieces of shit.


"quiet support of a moderator or two who pretends to not see what is clearly going on."

this seems to be quite prevalent lately. they can do whatever they want with complete impunity.

I am convinced lately that all liberal accounts have multiple sock accounts. if you notice they all say the same thing. chat boards in general have become pointless since IMDb shut down. no one hardly talks about movies or tv shows anymore. and at least there was better moderation on IMDb.


I certainly believe that many lefty trolls do a lot of sock puppets, just becasue the desire to be part of the mob and the complete lack of any morals against lying, is clearly a core part of them.

ON the other hand, they do so little individual thinking, it could be that though despite being actually different people, they are just vomitting up the same retarded talking points that their TVs told them to think.


good point, I cant get anyone to think outside the box. they all have a one track mind and regurgitate the same talking points or just mock me.

also another interesting point is that none of them will talk about the person they voted for. (Joe) its like he doesnt exist to them or they are not allowed to talk about him whether its positive or negative.


I haven't tried to engage them on Biden....


I have tried many times and all I get back is Trump bad.


And in the stupidest ways.


If you mean Gd5150 then that's a Russian troll and certainly not a "liberal".


More educated?!?!?!?!?

"Educated" but incapable of thinking for yourselves. The biggest suckers on planet earth.


Lol, it's you tRumpsters who are the suckers! Have you bought your tRump bible, your tRump sneakers, your tRump cologne yet (A crisp opening of citrus blends into a cedar heart, underpinned by a rich base of leather and amber, crafting a commanding presence)? LOL!


Suckers that voted for a president that worked against the corrupt establishment you stupid asses are trying so hard to preserve? Yep.


"worked against the corrupt establishment"
Lol!!--ALL he ever did was try to make as much money as he could for him and his corrupt family. Sidling up to the Ruskies was of course driven by this need, along with trying to get out of NATO (to please Boris), covering up for Saudi for the murder of a journalist, rejecting the Pacific Accords (more as spite against Obama rather than sound economic policy)--your lot just wants to replace the current establishment with one more to the liking of oligarchs and racists. What you want is a plutocracy, and you've almost got your wish!


Dude. Leading politiians of both parties generally have gotten amazingly and supiciously rich (remember hillary excellent stock plays?), and we as a nation have accepted it for some reason.

An except is TRUMP, who lost wealth while he was busy running the country.

For you to look at that record and give all the others a pass and attack Trump, is you being a partisan hack.


Dude. Leading politiians of both parties generally have gotten amazingly and supiciously rich (remember hillary excellent stock plays?), and we as a nation have accepted it for some reason.

An except is TRUMP, who lost wealth while he was busy running the country.

For you to look at that record and give all the others a pass and attack Trump, is you being a partisan hack.


Wow, how terminally stupid you are.
