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Did the Jews put Jesus to death?

Before the Romans crucified him, there was a trial for Jesus to be tried upon.

Was it the Jews? (Matthew 27:24–25, John 5:16–18)

They even stoned the first martyred saint and Jesus's brother apparently. Maybe a Jewish sect but still Jews no less, a group anyway.

The more I read about this the more I think it was religious conflict and desert hallucinations that lead to the creation Jesus as some ethereal symbol for religion altogether. Since the Quran mentions Jesus as well, I wonder if Jews, Muslims (Egyptians/Syrians?), Christians all lived amongst each other during Roman reign and saw similar events as one would in a diverse part of the Middle East.


Historically, the Middle East was ethnically and religiously diverse living together including in Palestine. Christians, Muslims and Jews lived together peacefully. There was also trading among people in different regions, therefore they influenced each others cultures and intermarried. Plenty of travel for scholarship since larger metro areas had libraries, schools, etc.

Mohammed studied Judaism and Christianity. He incorporated them into the Koran.


If they were so multicultural, why'd they start killing each other thereafter? It can't be that because some new Jews from Europe moved in that all of a sudden the once co-existence of the Jews already there became hostile.


This is the line of enquiry we should be taking to work out who to support in the current war , rather than picking sides on race terms , or who threw the last bomb over the fence.


Don't confuse Palestinian Jews with European Jews. Palestinian Jews were against the establishment of Israel also and found themselves displaced by Iseaelis. Eventually, they and other Arab Jews were and are treated like second-class citizens by European Jews.

Initially, the Palestinians welcomed European Jews, and taught them farming. Some Palestinians and European Jews owned businesses together.

European Jews bought land from absent Palestinian landlords, then evicted the Palestinian tenant farmers making them homeless and jobless which raised tensions.

Later, the Palestinians realized European Jews wanted to take all of their land and get rid of the native population instead of living alongside them. That's when Palestinians began fighting back.

The key to understanding the situation is to realize that Zionism is a settler colonialist project which was first proposed in the 1800s by British Protestants who believed in the End Times prophecy. Later, a flood of Jews escaping persecution from Eastern and Central Europe were directed to Palestine by the British and Americans who didn't want Jewish immigration.

Book recommendation:
"Ten Myths about Israel"


Isn't this whole discussion moot?

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
