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Biden insists on no audience for the debate with Trump.

Total suck-hole coward's move, because Joe-Joe knows Trump would draw thousands of fans while he can only get about five blue-haired trannies and one hired black dude to show up.


Will they even be in the same room? The whole thing could be one big deep fake.

Wonder if brown Joe will wear his shades.


The whole thing could be one big deep fake.

That possibility has also crossed my mind, considering all the ridiculous conditions they are setting for the debate.


Of course it will be a deep fake “over the phone” or not in the same room debate!


Isn't it tRump who hires the one black dude to appear over his left shoulder at rallies?


It's kind of amazing you said this because I was watching LL Cool J's "I Need Love" video yesterday and there's this one white kid who appears among the crowd hoping to get a look at LL.

It's totally bizarre. Look here:-

He appears at 1:52 and again at 1:58 looking directly at the camera both times!

😂 Who is this gangly white boy stuck in among all these black teenage girls? There's surely got be a story behind this...


Good move for everybody. We don't need a crowd of Boeberts and Greens to be interrupting all night--and you know that's what they'd do.


Astroturfed debate for an astroturfed "President".

The amount of fear they all have of Trump is's a different level of fear I've never seen in my life. Crazy.


It's abject TERROR. All the previous "Republican" Presidents and candidates after Reagan (The Bushes, McCain, Romney) have been just patsies who will put up a token resistance, then kowtow to their Democrat cronies' wishes to maintain the illusion of a two-party system. Not Trump. He's out to completely destroy the comfortable power monopoly the Demonrat elite and their fake Republican so-called opponents have enjoyed since Clinton.


I wish that were true, but he allowed himself to get rolled during his term, allowing that finkel Kushner to hold too much sway, and hiring far too many insiders who actually opposed Trump. John Bolton, anyone?

He got some things done but as for taking a sledgehammer to our fake and gay "sacred democracy", he didn't get very far and I certainly don't hold out hope that he's learned his lesson. These people are dead serious about taking him out but I often get the feeling that he believes he can cut deals with them.


The pickings were extremely thin considering that most of them were corrupt, compromised or weak.
They pretended to support him.


There will be so many more watching on TV, why put up with the unruliness of Trump fans!


Why should Democrats have a monopoly on unruliness? Remember the shit-fits when Trump won in 2016?


2020 poll:


2020 was a long time ago, before everyone knew the depths of Joe's insurmountable problems.


Lol! Surely you mean tRump's insurmountable problems!


Trump's problems are inflicted on him by the banana republic tactics of his political opponents, yet still surmountable. Biden's problems are intrinsic to his very being, and sadly insurmountable.


Biden respects women and would never appoint pro-birthers to the Supreme Court. This is why he will win and it's an insurmountable problem for the dumb one.


Just curious, but why do you spell Trump's name that way?


His most remarkable feature, aside from his ridiculous comb-over, is his prodigious ass.



How old are you?


Leftists can't stop thinking about Trump's ass.


I feel like Abortion is the only thing the Left can cry about when they're losing everything else in November?? 🤔


When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade they angered millions of American women. When women are angry they vote and they vote Democrat. You are fucked!


Less people to evacuate when Joe shits himself.


That's funny. There is no evidence that Biden shits his pants but it's been proven that Trump shits his pants while sitting in a courtroom facing 34 felonies. That why Trump has been nicknamed "President ShitzInPantz."


The "Apprentice" staff all called him Stinky behind his back, and they had a staff member who was responsible for wiping him down and changing his diaper. ( you could not pay me enough to do that )
