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Kyle Rittenhouse’s Family: We’re His Collateral Damage

Kyle Rittenhouse has been publicly dragged by his own family, who say the far-right darling left them high and dry as his mother and sister brace for eviction from their home.

Faith, Kyle’s sister, put out a desperate plea for help on May 29, setting up a GoFundMe to help fight their eviction notice.

Faith said she and her mother have struggled to maintain employment due to the specter cast on them by the 2020 shooting in which Kyle fatally shot two men amid protests. She told the V-Radio podcast on June 2 that she also wound up hospitalized with appendicitis and has been in the hospital six times in the past six months, though she said her brother never bothered to reach out. She added that “people still believe my mother drove Kyle or was somehow involved in his decision to go to Kenosha.”

“Just under 4 years ago, our lives were shattered when my brother was involved in a tragic shooting incident,” Faith wrote in the GoFundMe. “The aftermath of this event uprooted our family's stability and left us grappling with grief, trauma, and the harsh reality of starting over.”

“With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own,” she added.

Rittenhouse ruined his life because he wanted to play as a police officer tough guy. He did try to join the military after he was acquitted but Rittenhouse is too fat and too stupid because he failed the ASVAB numerous times. But that doesn't matter because Rittenhouse is a high school dropout and the military requires at least a high school diploma to join.

With only $50,000 as Rittenhouse's net worth this guy is a loser. Where are all the Trump supporters who supported Rittenhouse? He and his family could really use their help now.


Finally, the truth has been revealed. He was looking for an excuse to kill, and not defend his nation. He falsely claimed self-defense and tricked the law into acquitting him.


Even if my mother was facing eviction for bad decisions I would still help her out the best I could. If Rittenhouse is such a good person as others have claimed then he would help his family. What a loser!


Stop pretending you know shit about Kyle or his family.







How did he set up the video to make it look like the mob attacked him?

Cause, my to my lying eyes, it was pretty clear that mob would out for blood.

Also, there was that bit that the man leading the mob had publicly stated his intention to commit murder just a few hours earlier.

Rittenhouse must be like a james bond supervillian.


Pat's reply was satirical sarcasm since the OP is still crying about Kyle taking out a couple of his loser friends.


The idiocy of the left is so bad... it is hard to tell the diffence between extreme satire, adn what they really believe.



2. Why would that lead to problems with employment? Are you tellling me that asshole lefties are refusing to hire rittenhouse's family members out of political spite? That supports something I have said before. No one should put any liberal in any position of responsibility. The liberals in question will abuse their power based on their politics.

3. So, you ridicule the guy for being broke at the same time you present his sister's demand for his small amount of money for herself? Which is it? Is he the moneybags son not helping out, or a loser who has very little himself?

4. I agree that rittenhouse's mother and sister should reach out to republicans and conservatives, and anyonoe in America that thinks that it wrong that they would be punished for their son/brother defending himself from a bloodthirsty leftist mob led by a mentally deranged child molester. But they way for them to do that, would be to play up that they are being targeted by vile liberals, not try to blame their son/brother. It is not liberals that are possibly going to give them money, but the GOOD PEOPLE of America, that might.


If it weren't for lunatic leftist morons like you who care more about your political agenda than justice, there wouldn't be any collateral damage. It was a justified shoot, shouldn't be any fallout.

The rest is just the same diarrhea that spews from your fingertips every day.


*Yawn* Self Defense *Yawn*

So his family wants his money, and he isn't giving it...there's probably a good reason for it. Kyle hasn't ruined his life...he is set for life, and no one is entitled to any of it. You are projecting or demented, but I'm sure your tired, old, senile, Boomer brain isn't working as usual.

Book of Yahoo: Swing and a Miss! Again! ⚾💨 🏏 Strike 2,000!


Why do you hold such contempt for KR?


Because one of the criminals that Kyle put down was a pedo.


I don't like the way Rittenhouse is milking his alleged celebrity status, but this sounds a little like sour grapes to me.

If he is not sharing with his family there may be reasons we don't know about?


Grief takes a while, robocat.

One day you'll find another Joe Rosenbaum to be your best friend.


Rittenhouse is a stupid and fat dipshit who was looking to kill someone that day. Even though his victims were pieces of shit it wasn't up to fatboy to murder them. Now Rittenhouse is a loser in so many ways. You really should pick your heroes more carefully because Rittenhouse is not a hero.


They are remaking Boondock Saints, and Rittenhouse is playing both brothers. It'll be like double impact I guess, cant wait, will be awesome.


Yeah he sucks. I haven't thought about him in a while. Can't believe he got zero jail time for that very avoidable incident.


What do you think about the deranged child molestor that publicly stated his intent to murder and then led a mob to attack a legal minor?


Irrelevant. A minor with an AR never should have been there.


"Should Haves" are irrelevant ... He had every right to be there and he had every right to defend himself.


That's your opinion. i and Rittenhouse disagreed.

So, he was there. Do you think his being there was justification for the deranged child molester to attack and murder him?


An ex-con never should have been there, and never should have chased him, and never should have tried to take his gun.


You asked me yesterday why I deserve my VA pension and I answered with this.

I am a US Army Desert Storm Veteran and I served from 1989 to 1993. I am a combat veteran and I received an Army Commendation Medal for bravery. My job was a 31Q Tactical Satellite Microwave Radio Operator. I was part of a team that provided telecommunications in the middle of nowhere. Because of all that I receive a pension and free health care for life. Seems like a good deal for me!

Now, let's try this again. If you didn't just make up that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA then show us. It's not that difficult if your claims are true. It's a simple request. I answered your question so answer mine.


So you served four years doing what any teenager could do from their basement and you get to leech off the government for the next three decades as a lazy ass reject that feigned his way out of the military.

A loser indeed.


You seem envious of me. Why didn't you serve in the military from watever shithole country you're from? I'm guessing that you are too stupid and fat to join any military. You wouldn't have lasted 1 hour doing what I did in the Army. You would just piss your pants then run away like the little pussy you are.

I started to work full time when I was 17 until I retired a few years ago. I've paid taxes all my life and now that I need assistance I'm using that money now. That's how it works, retard.


The military is better off without you. Good riddance.

No one here is envious of an old bitter geriatric living in commie land.


You are stupid, fat and an embarrassment to whatever shithole country you come from. Wednesday I have an appointment at the VA hospital to get an MRI and then see 3 different doctors. My cost? Nothing. That's got to piss you off. How much do pay for health care? You are a coward who is all mouth and bleats nothing but stupidity.


I'm not surprised that you are an establishment shill simping for the government that takes care of you. You're their bitch.


So what? I have all my bills paid and then some because of benefits that I earned while serving in the Army. What's wrong with that? I thought you supported the military.

I started to work full time when I was 17 until I retired a few years ago. I've paid taxes all my life and now that I need assistance I'm using that money now. That's how it works, retard.


Well you were name calling and making demands and I did not think that kind of behavior deserved my time in finding the clips and posting them. It was a Michigan rally Look it Up!

And I dont think you deserve a pension for doing telecommunications in the middle of nowhere. Try to provide a service that actually benefits your fellow man instead of raising their gas prices and pissing maniacs in the desert off at them.


Whatever. I actually spent time looking for proof that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA and wearing a MAGA hat at any rally. I found nothing. Keep doubling down on stupid.

I spent years helping veterans with mental health and drug addiction issues by finding homeless veterans and helping get the help they need. How have you helped any veteran? Be specific.

Now, let's try this again. If you didn't just make up that Donald Sutherland is a MAGA then show us. It's not that difficult if your claims are true. It's a simple request. I answered your question so answer mine.


Wrong question. The question is why did anyone have a need to protect businesses and themselves from criminals, arsonists, looters and rioting pieces of shit?


Pointless to argue this. The jury made their decision. I don't have to like it but it's done.


It's never pointless to highlight liberal lunacy, hypocrisy and outright stupidity. You're entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.


Your idiotic opinion is not congruent with reality.


This is a first case of go MAGA, go broke? Rest were usually Go Straight To Jail types.


His family clearly is not MAGA, and is seemingly estranged from him.

We have zero context for any of this.


Instead of sending all of your money to Trump and wasting more of your money by buying Trump's golden sneakers and Bible send it to Rittenhouse's family. They really could use the help.
