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Kyle Rittenhouse’s Family: We’re His Collateral Damage

Kyle Rittenhouse has been publicly dragged by his own family, who say the far-right darling left them high and dry as his mother and sister brace for eviction from their home.

Faith, Kyle’s sister, put out a desperate plea for help on May 29, setting up a GoFundMe to help fight their eviction notice.

Faith said she and her mother have struggled to maintain employment due to the specter cast on them by the 2020 shooting in which Kyle fatally shot two men amid protests. She told the V-Radio podcast on June 2 that she also wound up hospitalized with appendicitis and has been in the hospital six times in the past six months, though she said her brother never bothered to reach out. She added that “people still believe my mother drove Kyle or was somehow involved in his decision to go to Kenosha.”

“Just under 4 years ago, our lives were shattered when my brother was involved in a tragic shooting incident,” Faith wrote in the GoFundMe. “The aftermath of this event uprooted our family's stability and left us grappling with grief, trauma, and the harsh reality of starting over.”

“With my brother's unwillingness to provide support or contribute to our family, we've been left to navigate this journey on our own,” she added.

Rittenhouse ruined his life because he wanted to play as a police officer tough guy. He did try to join the military after he was acquitted but Rittenhouse is too fat and too stupid because he failed the ASVAB numerous times. But that doesn't matter because Rittenhouse is a high school dropout and the military requires at least a high school diploma to join.

With only $50,000 as Rittenhouse's net worth this guy is a loser. Where are all the Trump supporters who supported Rittenhouse? He and his family could really use their help now.


The thing that gets me the most about that case is that conservatives will defend him being there in the first place. There's nothing wrong with an untrained seventeen year old playing at being law enforcement.

He and his fellow vigilantes get bored and decide to go to the crowd to "offer medical assistance". It's not surprising at all that things went the way they did. Reminds me a lot of Zimmerman, some asshole vigilante creates a confrontation, then claims self defense when it ends in someone getting killed.

But really, it gets back to the fact that they are off their rockers enough to support a seventeen year old kid being in that situation in the first place. Nothing good could come of it.


Nothing good came out of the 400+ other riots caused by the same criminal scum that tried to kill a 17-year old.


All those riots happened under ex-president Trump's presidency and he didn't even lift a finger to help any of the communities effected by those riots. Just one more reason to not vote for Trump in November. Since you are not a US citizen you can't vote for Trump anyway. Sucks to be you.


I voted for Trump twice and November will be the third.


Good for you. That statement is one of the stupidist posts I've seen here especially since you are not an American citizen. I can't imagine voting for a 34 times convicted felon who is a traitor. Since you worship Trump that alone shows how stupid you are.

You are a foreigner. I can't believe that you spent your whole life misspelling "centre" and nobody ever corrected you in your whole life. It's not a typo because you've used "centre" numerous times. If you are an America then tell us where you were born. Name the city and county.


Wrong. Those riots happened under democrat shit hole cities. Where democrat mayors told police to stand down. Where liberal fuckhead prosecutors declined to prosecute rioters. Trump offered aid and democrats declined.

If Trump had forced federal aid and law enforcement into those cities to restore law and order, you'd call him a tyrant.

Sorry asshole but we see through you and your bullshit.


I've heard that before from you Trump band of barking seals yet no one has provided any evidence of claims that Trump was trying to help the communities effected by all those riots that happened when Trump was in office. Your orange master is going down. It must be uncomfortable for you to watch the orange shitgibbon disintegrating right before your eyes. Why do you worship a 34 times convicted felon? That just doesn't make sense.


" democrat shit hole cities."

Thats becasue there arnt any republican cities , they have been unable to get elected to run one , so their ability to do so better than dems is untested


Idiots in big cities are overwhelmingly liberal. It's the hive mentality and it's why 'we' don't live there. Go to Memphis and tell me how wonderful it is.


Untrained? Tell me more about how you don't know jack shit about this subject.

KR did not create those confrontations. He was merely there. If your mere presence itself creates the confrontation, then the blame lies solely with the three assholes he shot.

Why or that he was there is irrelevant. He was free to do so and had every right to. The three assholes who attacked him did not have the right to do so, they broke the law and that is why KR was acquitted.


Yes, he was untrained. Knowing how to shoot a rifle didn't make him qualified to be there. He wasn't law enforcement and he had no law enforcement training. He was a teenager. This is obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense.

And yes, walking into a hostile crowd rifle in hand like that is in itself dangerous and provocative, and its asinine trying to defend it. He wasn't stopping an attack, he and his friends were bored because nothing was happening near the business they were supposed to be guarding. Going into a crowd like that when a big rifle in hand IS THREATENING to people.

Having a legal right to do something doesn't mean it was a reasonable decision. There are a hell of a lot of things that are incredibly stupid that are legal. You can find some of them if you look up Darwin award winners. A seventeen year old acting as a vigilante in such a situation is absolutely in this category.


Did those protestors have the right to loot, burn cities and cause 20+ deaths at 400+ violent riots?

Those three were there to incite, provoke, loot, use physical violence and burn down cities regardless of Kyle, and yet, you blame a normal and peaceful citizen for being there because the MSM brainwashed you into believing that the good guy was the bad guy.
What happened to your common sense?

Btw, some of those thugs were also carrying firearms.

Those thugs created the outcome of their circumstance just like all the protestors did at the other 400+ riots.

Everything you stated is a propagandist regurgitation from the media. Others here have repeated something similar numerous times.


Common sense. They weren't looting or attacking anyone when Rittenhouse walked into the crowd. He went into the crowd because nothing was happening at the businesses he and his friends were supposed to be guarding and they got bored.

And he was an untrained teenager. The looting and the deaths you mentioned are just another reason he shouldn't have been there in the first place. Those are the facts. Not propaganda.

Utter insanity trying to justify a minor being there.


They literally looted every single one of the 400+ other riots. They were there doing the same.

Do you know what Kyle was doing earlier that day? Helping others clean graffiti from the rioters.

The insanity is that those protestors were there to cause more mayhem and violence just like they did at the other riots.

Btw, he was asked to help guard the businesses due to the threat of looting and arson.


You are literally too stupid to argue with.

KR's behavior was textbook perfect. If you had the first clue about shooting in general or self defense specifically, you wouldn't be making such retarded comments.


He's too brainwashed to think for himself.


the military requires at least a high school diploma to join.

Is this true?

I bet you can join and then they make you get one.


It was true when I enlisted in 1989. A GED was good enough but if someone didn't graduate high school then the Army didn't want anything to do with them.

High school dropouts aren't allowed to join the military because the military doesn't want idiots to join.


Idiots? I know high school dropouts that are now millionaires.
