MovieChat Forums > Politics > its 100% obvious that President Trump wo...

its 100% obvious that President Trump won this debate

poor Joe needs a brain. someone call the Wiz. lol


Joe is asleep at the wheel.


lol, he is something. I have no idea what he was saying. 40, 400, 40 thousand, 400 million. he handicap was 6 then he said 8. pick a number Joe and stick with it.


Neither of these fuckers should be playing golf. What a stupid game... who cares?

Signed, million man.


no one cares. but we all know that Joe has full blown dementia yet people are still saying they will vote for him. how messed up is that?


Talking of golf ,
In the debate Trump said he'd won two club championships in the last month .

Now I dont know , I have nothing to go on , but I would bet my bottom dollar thats an out an out lie .
What do you think?


maybe it is maybe it isnt. I dont know and I could care less. all I know is that Trump was a great President. if Biden had BBB like he said he would and everything was back to normal then I wouldnt be able to say that Joe is a terrible president.

america will be officially done if Joe steals another election.


I think you're right

Joe is like a grandad pottering round town driving his 50s buick at 20mph and probly shouldnt be driving, but getting his business done

but Trump is like ageing redneck hooning around town drunk in his truck smashing shit up .

Biden still best of two horrible choices


I would still rather have Trump than that other guy. he is not doing anything other than reading scripts from the deep state.


I do have to give credit to the Moderators for keeping it down the middle 50/50 and not going soft on Joe Biden and credit Trump for not interrupting Biden like he did in the 2020 Debate 145 times.. He simply let Biden ramble on and on and let that speak for itself


Agreed. I was very impressed at how neutral the moderators managed to be for once.


letting Joe ramble was a game changer. its clear that Joe cant talk for more than 10 seconds without his brain failing him.


One thing is certain now: The term "Deep Fake and Cheap Fakes" can no longer ever be applied to Joe Biden and how he looks after last night because 70 Million saw this


Joe looked bewildered and lost the entire debate. Neither of them actually talked about content, maybe Biden more but it was obviously being whispered to him in his ear and was unintelligible.

The truth is 90% of people just go off of looks and not the content. I've never seen someone look confused for as long as Biden was tonight. Many times he wasn't even confused but it's his go to facial expression.


Joepedo is having a hard time memorizing his lines. He needs to get Deniro to fill in for him in long speaking roles.


Biden was mumbling and confused as usual. It seemed like he didn't know what he was talking about.


they def gave him the wrong combination of drugs. and supposedly he had a cold but was shaking the hands of dozens of people right after the debate.


Yup, a deliberate wrong dosage or if this is the best they can do after two weeks of preparation than they have something else planned to derail Trump.
