MovieChat Forums > Politics > In no particular order.....

In no particular order.....

Mostly for reds....

1) Nothing you read is going to change who you vote for or is intended to change who you vote for
2) Nothing you read is going to change who you vote for or is intended to change who you vote for. it's just literally shooting the shit/breeze
3) Some parts of America are nicer than where I am
4) Some parts of America are worse than where I am
5) 90% of people don't use moviechat. Some find it potentially useful.
6) 90% of moviechat users don't go into the politics forum
Unfortunately, I went past here
7) 90% of people who do go to the politics forum don't read half the shit posted. I mean red shit, but let's not be rude
8) 90% of people who do read half the shit posted, don't reply to half the shit posted
9) The solution to this issue is not to get the country working perfectly. the solution is to not go into the fucking politics forum. But....once you've been there....

90% of moviechats users are American. Statistically, 40% of the moviechat politics forum is red. But 80% of the posts on the politics forums are reds shouting. They make lots, and lots, and lots of noise. and yes, I'm sure this is to do with guns, and if you own a gun your life outlook seems to become I've got a gun, mother fucker. anyway. yeah. different topic.

I was on moviechat for a while before I clicked on the politics forum. It's sort of like a red turd sitting there. You try to avoid it, but sooner or later you're gonna scrape something on it. And once you view it, you may as well put your head in a fucking vice. It's a beautiful fucking vice. It's the best vice, that's what they tell me. *does the weave*.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
using Fox News as a news source is like using Pacific Rim for gardening advice.
Political commentary/observation.


Politics is fun. Come and join us in the arena.


You'd be more virtuous had you posted nothing. But, you your high horse doesn't exist now. You're just another run of the mill TDS Troll that can't get past orange man/fans bad.

I hope you didn't waste too much of your free time composing this. Not many are going to actually read it.


thanks, hun. You said words.


thanks, hun. You said words. which you had nothing to refute with, Babe. 😉😙


If you hit a ping pong ball inside your head, how long does it bounce around for?

You'd be more virtuous had you posted nothing. - opinion
But, you your high horse doesn't exist now. - it's your opinion that I had a high horse
You're just another run of the mill TDS Troll that can't get past orange man/fans bad. - TDS is what trump supporters have.
I hope you didn't waste too much of your free time composing this. - I was bored at the time, and I actually have some curiosity. thanks for your concern though.
Not many are going to actually read it. - you did, unfortunately.


Reds? You mean Bolsheviks?

I thought nearly everyone on this board was a White....


Are you saying that only White people are able to use the internet to find this website?



No, I am saying that the racism here suggests strongly that most contributors are white.

Also during the Russian Revolution it was the Reds vs the Whites. But I guess that allusion passed you by...


lol, What happened, did you get tired of the echo chamber in the Trump board?


I might browse there more if I want to lose brain cells....

To the reply below. darn, you got me.


Careful. You'll be in deficit.
