MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 90s > What do you miss most about the 90's?

What do you miss most about the 90's?

There are several things I miss:

1. There was much more social interaction. Everyone has a smartphone these days and people are far more concerned about texting, playing games, and recording things than living live and talking to people.

2. The world wasn't so PC. Thanks to the liberals, I feel like I'm walking on eggshells trying not to offend anyone today. You can't even say "Merry Christmas" without being called intolerant/bigoted/or whatever term liberals use.

3. REAL toys that encouraged you to use your imagination and play outside.

4. Renting movies. Don't get me wrong, I love Netflix, but I do miss the experience of perusing the video rental store.

5. Music videos on MTV and VH1. The music videos back then were a big deal and weren't just put online and forgotten about the next day.

6. TV wasn't dominated with crappy reality shows. I suppose Cops and The Real World were considered reality shows, but I never heard the term until the 2000s. Unsolved Mysteries and America's Most Wanted were my idea of reality shows. Those were real stories and actually had a positive impact on the real world. Not this crap like Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

7. Like I mentioned in the other thread, there were a lot more wholesome shows in the 90's. Family sitcoms in particular seem to have suffered the most.

So what do YOU miss the most? You don't have to limit it to one thing.


That is what I hate about dating life today I'm 33 and still single still trying to find a decent man but I try to meet guys over the internet on dating sites or on phone chats and then get them to meet in person its like they prefer living behind the computer or phone instead of going out there and meeting in person the old fashioned way.

yep. that'll happen in today's world. We rely on technology so much

It's only a matter of time before I can get a flu shot via email


The innocence...I was in jr high and high school at the time. I had zero responsibility for bills. My parents kept roof over my head. Did not have to worry about my health care. Awesome music I could listen to for hours on end--Kurt was alive. I remember when he did die my freshman year.


the economy


As I'm writing it, it already sounds pretentious, but I'd say the authenticity or originality of people is something I miss a lot.

People weren't as polished and they definitely weren't anticipating or expecting constant judgment because social media didn't exist, so there was a lot less anxiety over appearance and just in general. It does a lot to a person to know that, if they don't say or do the right thing online, someone will say something. Maybe a thousand someones. No one but your parents and close friends would criticize you as harshly in the 90s, and even then the restraint was greater because it was almost impossible to hide while being so openly critical.

Parents weren't shirking their responsibilities to post inspirational quotes and photos as proof of good parenting on Facebook - they neglected their children the old fashioned way: by putting them outside or in their backyards "to play" and, you know, actually performed some of their daily tasks or talked on this thing called a telephone and visited friends and family.

I definitely feel the most sorry for kids today, because their lives are so paradoxical. They're supposed to possess more technological-know than adults and have more access to information banks like the internet, but be more sheltered somehow, more innocent, and less mature, AND yet are more sexualized now. Mind boggling.

I think the worst thing about all of this stuff is how much more consumerist it has made everyone. You don't just buy your kids expensive toys and, you know, food and clothing, but can spend hundreds on a single technological item for a toddler. Makeup tutorials offer us so many discount codes, we can get all the designer brands in the low hundreds instead of a $3 lip gloss. So everyone works more and buys more stuff, and never feels like they have enough because all that stuff is just the standard now.


I was in jr high and high school during 1990's---so I'd have to say the sheer innocence. Listening to classmate in gym class babble on how she was going to marry Eddie Vedder--even though he was much older and had no idea she existed in TX.

Now I have to worry re bills


I would have been one of those girls going on about Eddie Vedder. ;) And he's still so much older and still hot. haha. When I watch videos of stars from those days though and then look at them now though, like one after the other...its like whoa!
But I'm sure I've aged too right? Certainly. hah


I agree with the music videos on MTV and VH1. I started my day getting psyched, pumped by watching them. Which leads me to my ultimate miss, the money I earned during that prosperous decade.


I had no money, but I was young enough to not care (that much) but I agree with you on the music. Music channels that actually played music. Imagine! So video killed the radio star, and YouTube killed the video star? haha.


Quick off the top of my head were choker necklaces and that I was a teenager. And the music that came in with the whole grunge scene.


I miss it too.


I was just thinking about how much I loved my clothes back then. They are hideous now, but I never liked how I dressed more than I did back then. Too funny. Maybe some of those fashions are back in style, who knows. I'm too old now anyways! ;)


I miss Bill Clinton. He frustrated me at times, but he seemed to best understand the issues and was able to elucidate the best solutions.

I also miss the feeling of not being alarmed every day, although this feeling is starting to subside now that Trump is out of office.

I miss being in college. Had some great times.

I also miss shows by David E. Kelley.

And I miss CDs and DVDs. I still have not caught up with all this downloading stuff.


How things had attitude and soul and style.. now everything is bland and boring
