MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Not enough people here

Not enough people here

I really like this site but the biggest problem is that few people seem to know about it, same problem for themoviedb and chataboutfilms. On the IMDB forums you could ask a question about an obscure film or show from the 60s, 70s or even earlier and someone would answer the same day but here, even the most popular and recent shows and films are a ghost town in the discussions. There needs to be some advertising to bring in people, I hope it improves over time but the few people here won't stick around long if it stays like this for a long time.


You too :), take care and see I´ll catch with you later.


Right now Moviechat, themoviedb and chataboutfilms seem to be the best known movie and tv sites, the problem is that former IMDB users seem to be split among all 3 and other lesser known sites. If those 3 sites merged into one or if all former IMDB users decided to go to one of the sites, things could be as good as they were before, any ideas on how to unite everyone?


I'm so sorry to read of your losses genplant, you have all my condolences, truly.

It was great to meet and talk with all of you on this thread! I look forward to many more conversations :)


chataboutfilms has now moved to and is looking pretty good - just not a lot of people seem to be using it right now, but the only site that is similar enough to imdb for individual movie/tv chat


Thanks for the heads up, I had not heard of that site.


Onemovieavenue looks good, but it doesn't have their own chatrooms. They link to Imdb2, like sort of a middle man.


Onemovieavenue was good when it was chataboutfilms but now it's so buggy it's barely usable, don't know why they had to ruin a good thing. I'm close to giving up on it. Moviechat and themoviedb are quite good, guess I'll stick with them for now to see if they catch on.


I told the people from about this site, many people use it so hopefully it will help this site.
