MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Movies you hated at first but went back ...



I'm with you on the Exorcist. The first time I saw it I saw "The Version You've Never Seen" and thought it was disappointing. The second time I saw it I thought it was better. Something possessed me (Maybe it was Pazuzu) to watch it for a third time and I loved it. I've seen it many times since and love it and now it's one of my favourite movies.



I've seen them all except for Exorcist III. I think it's because part 2 left a bad taste in my mouth.



Seconding that jump scare! Exorcist 3 is an underrated film.


Oh you must rectify this. George C Scott and Brad Dourif are in this, both fine actors, and yes, an awesome jump scene everyone speaks of. Good stuff 🙀


Ex 3 is really, really good.


NO...3 is great! You should definitely give it a watch. I think it'll take that bad taste in your mouth right away!


Dazed...I seen The Exorcist in the theatre about a year after it came out and immediately loved it! Well...the beginning was a bit boring at first but was MUCH better the second time. Later I saw "The Version You've Never Seen" and wasn't too keen on that one at first, but after a few more viewings, it wasn't so bad after all. I've got the DVD too. Have seen both versions umpteen times.


MST3K's Overdrawn At The Memory Bank was intolerable when I first saw it but years later I realized it was one of their best. I'd seen all of Raul Julia's best work multiple times so I decided to give his worst another shot.


Well this is going way back, but I hated 'The Sting' when I saw it on HBO years ago. I was a teen-ager and I was SO glad I didn't pay to see it. A friend of mine saw it in the theater and she thought it was great. I just thought it was stupid.

Years late I saw it on TV. It was one of those channels where they run little facts ( or factoids as they call them) on the screen to explain what is going on.

The whole story finally jelled in my mind. "Oh, so THAT'S what was going on!" Maybe I was just older and more mature, but I really liked the film when I saw it again.


Apocalypse Now - saw it in the theaters back in the late 70s and didn't think much of it back then. Now I consider it a classic.


The Thin Red Line. When I first saw it I'm not even sure if I finished it. I just found it boring and pointless. I was too young for it when it was released. I watched it again some years later and I was moved to tears by how amazing it was. It's now in my top ten and simply one of the greatest movies ever made.


2001 is such a total bombastic film, so cerebral. Just thinking of it gives me chills. It is still so relevant to today.

I love horror, and there are so many I watch that I give a high rating, only to re-watch and think , "how did I give it this rating?! the movie stunk!"

But the other way, I can think of two
Alien 1979
The Thing 1982


The SW prequels, Zoolander, Hulk, Joe Dirt


Haha...I love Joe Dirt! 😄👏👏


I have to admit, I think it's great lol


Have you seen the second one yet? It came out in 2015. I been going to but haven't yet.


Yea, we rented it a while ago. Definitely misses the magic of the first one, although, maybe I need to watch it again.


Yeah, all too often, sequels are not as good as the first ones.


Yea, one of my all time favorites is dumb and dumber, but that sequel was terrible


Yeah, I loved that one too, but that sequel...YUCK!! 😱👎👎


There's a few that come to my mind:
"Hansel and Gretal"
"Scott Pilgrim Vs the World"
"The Wolverine."


Loved Scott Pilgrim.....sadly Michael Cera's
career seems best


I've seen several films like that...hated them the first time but loved them the second time. Sadly, I can't remember any of them. 😩


There are several films that have improved with age and repeated viewings for me. But the one that keeps coming to mind right now is The Fifth Element. I really did not like it at all at first. Now I ADORE it and watch it every chance I get!!


5th element is sci-fi awesomeness!


Indeed it is!!!!!!!!
