MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Does My Top 10 Say About Me?

What Does My Top 10 Say About Me?

Just curious to see perception and accuracy :)

Harry and Tonto
La Strada
They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The Battle of Algiers
Treasure of the Sierra Madre
A Woman Under The Influence
Buffalo '66


You don't like Jean-Claude Vandamme




Hahaha... I'll admit I did like "Bloodsport".......... when I was 8.


Yeah, bloodsport was good when I was a kid. Still fun, but cheesy.


You don't turn around and celebrate when you have a guy down! It's the Kumitay!


No comment. I have never seen anything from that list.


LOL all I saw was One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

Feel like I either need to see more movies or the poster has eccentric tastes.



It says you have serious taste in film, you like primarily art house or foreign films. You are probably middle aged as the newest film is almost twenty years old and most are from the seventies. You like dramas and films about the human condition... you prefer shows about real life issues rather than fantasy or science fiction. You are probably more liberal than conservative.


You are very, very receptive. Only one mistake, I'm 34 :)

(I always thought movie tastes was a better indicator than nationality, etc etc)


Nice job!


Thanks, I still don't get how a 34 year old becomes a Mort Sahl fan... maybe his dad liked him. Reminds me how Rory Gilmore would always make pop culture references to things that would be difficult for even Lorelei to know.


I hate that I understand what you mean. My wife has Gilmore girls playing all the time at home LOL

Not my thing :)


I think that's how most men started watching it, but I actually liked it for the most part.


It says that you're obviously an intelligent and erudite film connoisseur. I've seen every one of those films except for Buffalo 66, and that film is rated 7.5 on IMDB. The late, great Roger Ebert gave it ***. I just may check it out.



Thank you very much! I hope you enjoy the music -- one of a few "newer" movies I like.


You're welcome!





Thank you -- I'd love to hear your top movies as well :)







I see that some people have made some guesses and you've confirmed or denied them, so this is kinda cheating I guess. But if I had not read the other replies, I would have guessed:
- male
-over 50
-well- educated ( maybe a masters or higher)
-probably votes democrat but not always happy with the choices . More likely to vote the lesser of two evils than being gung ho for a candidate.
-has a streak of idealism, but has a more skeptical attitude towards politics and govt, anti-authoritarian
-values social justice
-values friendship and loyalty, but identifies with the underdog or with loner/ anti-hero


sounds like me except I am Canadian and more libertarian.


are those your top ten movies too?


Just the Treasure of Sierra Madre. I also like Network and Woman Under the Influence.


Very perceptive with only a few errors.

White, male, straight, 30s, college drop-out... but my education was over a decade of traveling, having my own business, publishing music and writings, and the 83 credit hours doesn't hurt.

I worked for Bernie Sanders (then he sold us all out, including his 73 yrs of fighting the good fight) but I actually wanted Hillary to lose (Hillary votes with the right-wing on major issues)... 2 million marched for pink hats, but not one of those marched when Trump strikes Syria, so I don't think many even believe, or even know. Notice how both parties flip on war, trade, wall st., etc...

Very idealistic, but I like to prioritize. You won't see me engaging in emotional cathartics. I value social justice, but unfortunately I can't seem to find anyone who'll say a thing that might affect their income or online persona... I definitely identify with the underdog, loner, etc...


The Trump strike on Syria was such a joke , a PR show, that it's not even worth protesting. It seemed to be calculated to do the least amount of damage possible, but just to show him 'standing up' to Putin and to get the news coverage off his own scandals for a couple of days.
If he started bombing populated areas of Syria and killing a lot of civilians, (like the US did with Iraq) , then you might see some protests.
I definitely feel you on the pessimism though.


you nailed it!


Actually, that type of attack is referred to as precision bombing or a surgical strike. And yes, it was " calculated to do the least amount " of collateral damage " as possible. " Both James Mattis and H.R. McMaster have reputations as brilliant military strategists.


Regardless what it's called, you said it best when you referred to it as simply a PR stunt. It really had a chilling effect on Syria when, just days later, Assad had them bomb the same target....


Actually, I replied to you by mistake and Popcorn Kernel is who referred to it as a PR stunt .


I agree with that, but they don't seem to understand this, just by reading their rants online. I also wonder how many of them would have marched if Hillary was elected - probably none, so it tells me they don't know politics, and that it's more "follow the leader" even though they are the first ones to use the term "sheep" when it's convenient.

It's easy for them to say the word "racist" - that way they don't have to do anything... If they marched for a higher minimum wage, I'd march along with them, but I think it's rage (real or pretend) based on conformist reasoning. The idea of "Am I supposed to do this" or whatever. If you wrote 100 pages on the social ills, but said the word "bitch" on the 99th page, they'd spend the entire day talking about bullshit.
