

Hey, it's a new week. I wonder what user name is going to write the obligatory "This board is going nowhere/mods are killing this site/nobody comes here" type thread, and when?

We could make it a game -- take bets on which day of the week it/they appear(s)!

I call it for next Saturday.



That's what I've noticed, he's more active on weekends. Maybe he thinks mods are less likely to be around and catch him then. Or maybe he actually has a job?? Difficult as that is to believe.

Anyway, I'll keep track

Cat - Saturday
Dazed - Tuesday
croft_alice - Friday

Anyone else in?


I'm in...friday😉


BTW Dazed. You won.
Boldness paid off.



" Sleepers" 😉



Yeah, that could easily be read into it but what does that have to do with lying dormant or sleepers?



No need to apologize. And yes I do, especially if it can spark an interesting discussion.



I'm not.


I wondered the very same thing when I got that response. Once again, clues could be in the style of writing.


That's one of the first things I thought when I saw those posts deleted.
They got wrapped up in the conversation and couldn't help themselves.
I never thought of them logging in with the wrong ID.
I'd rather think our stimulating conversations compelled them to reply even though they were
on the clock.
Certainly does make you wonder who's who doesn't.


I remember reading an article years ago about Sam Walton's ( founder of Wal-Mart ) habit of visiting his stores incognito, wandering around in the garb of a farmer, evaluating customer service.

Occasionally I watch a program called Undercover Boss where CEOs do the same thing, visiting their franchises, posing as trainees. I wonder if Sam could have been the inspiration.


Very well might be.

I have seen that show. I remember some episodes being very good.
Others not so much.

It's hard to believe that nobody else had ever done that before.


I always pay close attention to the reveal, looking for either feigned or genuine surprise. It often does appear scripted, staged.


I'm sure its like every other show. Even the "reality" shows.
This is the reason I don't watch those shows anymore.

I'd much rather a show with good writing and acting as opposed to those shows.



Actually, that rings a bell. Yeah, the mice will play when the cat's away.


I'll admit it wasn't what I thought the first time I read the title.
It could go in many different directions.


Dear Dazed, surely you weren't referring to the forbidden fruit....peonies! Nah! TMI:)


Congrats, Dazed :D

I see we've got another one today, but by an actual member.


And usually by the same poster



Yeah, I saw. Came to the party late....but we all knew that anyway



Not really, no...are you trying to tell us something?


I'm not...i don't have time for that.



Damn, I like that kind of brutal honesty ! 😉


Lol. It will be up to Jim to remove this site. Something tells me that he doesn't give up too easily.


Nor do certain trolls, do they? But the trolls will always lose. Always.


There's an irony for you,napsdufroid:the trolls are the main cause for shutting down the imdb boards.


That's just a rumor, croft. The IMDB boards were shut down because Amazon didn't want to spend the money to properly maintain them and couldn't figure out a way to get money from them. It was all about money.


I don't think so,napsdufroid...I'm pretty sure that is a direct correlation between the release of the final chapter and the closed imdb boards.


False rumor, croft. It was all about money. But you're certainly free to believe the lie if you wish.


Maybe you're right,napsdufriod...but I've seen those boards after february 3...I know,because I was on the final chapter boards after the premiere and before...I never seen so much hate for a movie,like this one.


Oh, there were a number of boards with tons of hate...for both movies and actors.


Not even a week this time!


Anybody for once a day ?


Oh, Mr. Godewey; I'm blushing. Yeah! Right! Me blush? After the stories I've told and could tell!

"Oh, what a night
Late December back in sixty-three
What a very special time for me
As I remember what a night.

Oh, what a night
You know I didn't even know her name
But I was never gonna be the same
What a lady, what a night.

Oh I, I got a funny feelin' when she walked in the room
Yeah my, as I recall it ended much too soon.

Oh, what a night
Hypnotizin', mesmerizing me
She was ev'rything I dreamed she'd be
Sweet surrender, what a night.

I felt a rush like a rollin' ball of thunder
Spinnin' my head around 'n' takin' my body under
Oh what a night.

Oh I, I got a funny feelin' when she walked in the room
Yeah my, as I recall it ended much too soon.

Oh what a night, why'd it take so long to see the light
Seemed so wrong, but now it seems so right
What a lady, what a night.

Oh, I felt a rush like a rollin' ball of thunder
Spinnin' my head around 'n' takin' my body under
Oh what a night (do do do do do, do do do do do)

Oh what a night (do do do do do, do do do do do)
Oh what a night (do do do do do, do do do do do)
Oh what a night (do do do do do, do do do do do)."

(Change to all MASCULINE pronouns. I was half asleep when I first wrote)

Actually it was 1959! Hells Bells! How about once a year at this age!


kp it's nice to have you back.

Blushing- I'm not buying it.
I figured you for at the very least a once a month gal.


In response...Wee doggie! Hmm? Reminds me of an 18 wheeler cab....Oh well, another story for another day.

BTW, I requested your assistance on another thread. I desperately needed help to get out of the quagmire I found myself into.


Thank you, kspkap! This song is going to be stuck in my head for a whole week, again. lol
