MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is there anything you've wanted to do...

Is there anything you've wanted to do...

but didn't or haven't because you know you'd probably be crap at it?

I always wanted to play the drums, but knew I couldn't keep time.


🎶If I were not in the CID
Something else I'd like to be
If I were not in the CID
A window cleaner, me!
With a rub-a-dub-dub and a scrub-a-dub-dub
And a rub-a-dub all day long
With a rub-a-dub-dub and a scrub-a-dub-dub
I'd sing this merry song!
If I were not in the CID
Something else I'd like to be
If I were not in the CID
A window cleaner, me!
With a rub-a-dub-dub and a scrub-a-dub-dub
And a rub-a-dub all day long
With a rub-a-dub-dub and a scrub-a-dub-dub
I'd sing this merry song!🎵🎵🎵

🎵🎶If I were not before the bar
Something else I'd like to be
If I were not a barr-is-ter
An engine driver me!
With a chuffchuffchuff... chuff
(Stops abruptly)

On a serious note: Yes, plenty of things.


You've got a better singing voice than I do.


Ha! I assure you I haven't, Glen!


I've always wanted to sky dive, but if I'm crap at it I'm dead.


Tennis but I'm terribly unathletic and uncoordinated.


I'd love to be able to drive but I seriously lack coordination.
If you asked me which was my left or right hand side I have to think about it 100% of the time.
The roads are safer without me.


🤔 If you learn just one of those two you'll be good to go. Learn which is left and you'll always know the other one is right! 😉

Actually, I admire you for recognizing this about yourself. I respect my dad for recognizing when it was no longer safe for him to drive and he willingly gave up his keys. My mom was another story. She insisted she was fine, but she was so dangerous that my brother and I were afraid to ride with her. We ended up reporting her to the state.


If you were to ask me,you'd always see me slightly lift my right hand to remind myself that is the hand I write with! I did try driving once but I went into panic mode.I had pressure piled on me to learn over the years,it hasn't been easy.I've noticed quite a lot of people hate driving nowadays.

My father in law was a danger and he really wanted to stop driving but his wife pressured him to continue, we eventually had to intervene and force the issue.


My oldest nephew, who is now in his 40s, never learned to drive. I don't know why. I remember when he was in high school and all his friends were getting their licenses, he told me he just wasn't interested. I thought he would eventually, but he never did. I guess it could be that he felt he couldn't handle it, or maybe it was just as simple as he didn't need to drive. He lives very near his work so he uses public transport or bikes everywhere.
