

Oregonian critic bashed Contact because it didn't show the aliens. Still pisses me off!



Its funny how years later certain things can still irk the hell out of us

I mostly remember all of the hate Roger Ebert (whom i just loved) heaped upon Friday the 13th part 2...one of the best of that series

That scathing review STILL pops into my head 30 years later


I'm a very forgiving person... but we all have our limits >:[


Consider me warned...'Dont piss off Frogarama!'


I loved him too. I always refer to him as "the late, great Roger Ebert".



He was a class act...really wrote well, seemed to be aware of social changes and he was the first critic i ever found it important to follow

I miss Roger quite a lot


I do too, and Siskel too. My friend and I referred to them affectionately as "Chubby and Baldy" back in the day.



They ARE dearly missed
I loved their show


Yes, I did too. Nobody these days can hold a candle to them.



The thing that sticks in my craw though lo these many years later is (they'd) go together to the talk shows of the day & condemn slasher movies to wild applause, then they'd do their show & support this genre with 2 thumbs up.


Okay. I don't remember that, but perhaps they did.



Cretin!! I liked Contact. No movie is perfect but I liked the general flow of it. It seems so far fetched today primarily because I doubt the US government would fund such a project.


I recall Judith Christ lighting into Buford Pusser after "Walking Tall" released in '73.. She took great pleasure in informing everybody that he'd been defeated at the polls.


I just rewatched a good portion of this last night. It was one of my favorites when it was released.


Yep, everyone did a fine job there. The Hartman girl who played the wife had a bit of a career then. 45 years later you can watch it and appreciate the nuances placed by the production. Husband & wife are in crisis the moment the movie commences. Watch 'em carefully. It's all there, but, you have to live life to see it & appreciate what the production placed for us. She can't get thru to him. & him? He's in his glory. Finding a fresh enemy after years of fightin' pro rasslin'.

*The crooked Sheriff is played perfectly by stalwart Gene Evans.
*The hooker & Buford's informant played by Brenda Benet, who married Bill Bixby & then later committed suicide after her little boy died young. She's gorgeous here. Absolutely stunning.
*The dogged resistance by the crooks is incredible to behold. They ain't gonna walk away. & yet after Buford shoots "Callie" between the eyes he kind of mourns her death after arriving back at the house.

It's a complete package, db. It's all there.


I've always thought Joe Don Baker's performance was so intense throughout the film.

One of my favorite scenes is where he's conducting a surprise raid on Callie's joint. She demands, " Got a warrant ? " He sardonically replies, " Yeah, I carry it in my shoe ! " Whereupon he immediately kicks in the door of the storeroom where the illegal booze is.

Yeah, it was enjoyable to see that old flick again.


A good movie that rarely shows up on television anymore.


I can't say I care that much about reviews, I just them another out of many opinions. I do remember reading Ebert's review of The Usual Suspects and not getting a clue why he rated the movie so low, except that he seemed to be pissed about being fooled.


Ha, I actually was disappointed because I predicted the reveal way early, but that isn't the movies fault.


Ebert trashed this one
But everybody i know really liked it
Critic are often off-base and i dont think they always 'get' the public

Sometimes a cool thriller seems to escape the bigheads...


I know that Ebert really didn't like Shallow Grave, which at the time, pissed me off because I really liked it. It was my first introduction to Ewan McGregor and Christopher Eccleston and I think he called them unpleasant and boring. Not a horrible insult, really, but it really rubbed me the wrong way.


"Just play the game".
