MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Soldiers vs. Monsters movies

Soldiers vs. Monsters movies

This is one of my favourite movie types, within the sci-fi/horror genre. It usually revolves around a group of soldiers being set in to rescue/investigate, being completely unprepared for what they face, and killed off one by one.
I've been putting a list together and would be interested to see if anyone can add to it:

Predator (1987) - special forces vs. alien hunter
Aliens (1986) - colonial marines vs. xenomorphs
Spectral (2016) - soldiers vs. ghosts
Dog Soldiers (2002) - british soldiers vs. werewolves
Resident Evil (2002) - special forces vs. zombies
Outpost (2008) - soldiers vs. nazi zombies
Doom (2005) soldiers vs. mutant monsters
Kill Command (2016) soldiers vs. killer robots


You didn't put Starship Troopers here?!?!?!


I almost did, but it's more of a war movie with armies and spaceships involved. The list above is more about small squad of soldiers and more horror. I know I being nit picky ;)


Okay, I hear ya.

One that might get overlooked:
Final Fantasy the Spirits Within: Deep Eyes squad vs. Alien ghosts


Haha I loved Dog Soldiers.

Is Spectral any good? Its been on my watch list for a while.


Dog Doldiers was good fun
Sean Pertwee has a great 'sad, weary guy' face for the movies

Wish i saw more from him


Pertwee is an awesome British actor, up there with Sean Bean if you ask me. Love how his characters die in pretty much every movie, even animated ones lol. Hope Gotham ends soon so he can get onto better projects.


Ive never seen Gotham but ive seen the guy around
He is quite good as the wise, downtrodden guy who can kick some ass

I feel like most of Europe has great character actors and big timers that we dont use enough here in The States

This thought might make a decent thread now that i think about it...


He's played the world-weary sergeant in Mutant Chronicles (2008) and was also great in Event Horizon (1997). I'm a brit, so I appreciate his support for lower budget british projects like Wilderness (2006), for example.



Spectral is a pretty decent Netflick movie. Impressive special effects for the monsters/ghosts, though perhaps the writing/script is a little cliche. If you're a sci-fi fan then i'm sure you'll enjoy it.


28 Days Later
The soldiers were as bad as the monsters in this beauty of a film


[[[Aliens (1986) - colonial marines vs. xenomorphs]]]

What's swell here is they fully rehab "Lieutenant Gorman." It don't get better than that. The production didn't have to, but, by God & Sonny Jesus they went back & got him.


"How many drops is this for you, Lieutenant?"
"38.... simulated"
"How many combat drops?"
"eerr 2.... including this one"



You can't beat it, DD!!!


The Navy Seals take on underwater Aliens in The Abyss (89)

Great cast but a tad boring considering the concept...still, i think it fits your thread topic



That was a great one
I watched it with my 10 year old son recently
He dug it!!

There is hope for the future LOL



He loves Them, Creature from the Black Lagoon and several other great classics
Im trying to raise the kid right:)


I remember really getting into Them as a kid but especially getting a charge out of recognizing James Arness in that as someone other than Matt Dillon.


Tomb Raider 2003 soldiers vs kind of robots or some sort


Aliens is easily the best of the Alien series, because Ellen Ripley became RIPLEY, transformed from the strip-teasing, seductive waif at the climax of the prosaic monster-in-(yet)-another-haunted-house-trope/tripe of Alien to a real HERO in Aliens.

Diog Soldiers: There are few great werewolf movies. This is one. (Comment a complete paraphrase of The New York’s Review of Books critique of the totality of the three volumes (not a trilogy; a trilogy consists of three complete narratives that, when linked together telll a fuller story. Isaac Asimov’s Foundation trilogy—Foundation, Foundation And Empire, Second Foundation—is an example.


Aliens is easily the best of the Alien series, because Ellen Ripley became RIPLEY, transformed from the strip-teasing, seductive waif at the climax of the prosaic monster-in-(yet)-another-haunted-house-trope/tripe of Alien to a real HERO in Aliens.

That's it & that's all.
