MovieChat Forums > DarpaDrone

DarpaDrone (39)


What happened to the men left behind on Terror? It's all Maggie Grace's fault! Soldiers vs. Monsters movies Newbie help View all posts >


Indeed, i've always wanted to know why my ex dumped me. I remember a character in one of the Scream movies putting up this argument to his classroom. His examples of better sequels were: Terminator 2, Aliens, Godfather, Star War Empire Strike Back. All classics, i'm sure we can agree, but exceptions to the rule. The general consensus, i'm afraid, is that sequels are generally poorer especially in the horror genre. A few examples of my own: The Fly 2, Blair Witch 2, Blade 2, The Thing 2, Predator 2, Jaws 2, The Ring 2... You're probably right. It took 2 years for rescuers to make contact with the Inuits. If they hadn't heard from those men by then, then there's obviously no way they survived. Plus, if I remember correctly there was a prologue at the beginning of the show saying both ships and all crew disappeared, hence no survivors. Found this interesting: So apparently last year Christopher Tolkien retired from the Tolkien Estate. Now Amazon has the rights to a TV series set between the Hobbit and LotR, and bets are open on rights for the Silmarillion. I find this somewhat troubling. That's some old skool gangsta sh*t right there yo! Diggin it! Big up MC! If we're talking about trolls causing people to leave, then that would go against the general consensus I think. When I joined I was told that it's wasn't really an issue. If people are leaving MC then I would say it's simply not offering up what's expected (i.e an imdb replacement) and needs an update asap IMHO. Super technologically advanced African nation with hovercraft and energy-beam weapons using armoured rhinoceros cavalry in battle. lol I just finished watching it too, and the OP is right, Black Panther is a mediocre superhero movie. It's also completely ridiculous even by Marvel standards, with lots of fake-looking scenes and shoddy special effects. I honestly can't figure out where all the hype is coming from and how it managed to rake in so much $$$. Lastly, got lulz from massive lip-plate guy on the Wakadan high council. Couldn't understand anything said. Haven't seen it yet... gonna watch it tonight. But this liberal logic, that a diverse cast automatically makes for a good movie, really annoys me. Like what happened with the last jedi... ruining one of the most popular franchises ever and sh*tting on the fans just to fulfill some liberal wet dream. watching movies and gaming totally does it for me. Then there's always origami ;) View all replies >