MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you turn your mind off?

How do you turn your mind off?

Sometimes I have issues not thinking about work when all I really want to be doing is nothing. Absolutely nothing. What works for you? What methods do you use to tune everything out and just relax?


I watch movies late at night - seems to help me relax and take my mind off real life problems.


I watch movies, too. I have trouble sleeping so I usually put a DVD in the machine and fall asleep to that. I don't really watch, I just listen to the dialog. It takes my mind off my worries.


I do the same thing


I solve the problem preemptively by not turning on my mind to begin with.


So you smoke a lot of weed ??? lol


I smoke lots of mind is not only's on high alert😉


Hmm. Wondering how you don't turn it on to begin with??


I know what you mean. We both work in retail, which can be rough. Years ago, I not infrequently would dream that I was encircled by a mob of customers that was several people deep, and I was the only salesperson in the store, because everyone else had called out, and all the customers were demanding my help, and many of them did not speak English. (I suspect that is less of a barrier where you are. I am in Boston.) The worst nightmare I’ve ever had was when I dreamed that I couldn’t fall asleep! How sick is that?! When I woke up, I said, “I am such an asshole!” The best technique for giving yourself a quiet mind is meditation. I am was fortunate to learn meditation from a Zen master. Meditation is NOT zoning out. Meditation is relaxed concentration with a cleared mind. When your mind is cleared of everything, then it is open to all possibilities, and the Universe speaks to you. My master called meditation “a shower for the mind.”

There are two kinds of meditation: sitting meditation, and moving meditation. In my decades of experience, they are equally beneficial. Most people only think of sitting meditation: a person sitting on the floor, legs crossed, hands cupped together in front of the navel, head slightly bowed and eyes narrowed to slits, but not fully closed. Many who sit are mentally reciting a mantra to themselves, over and over again, so that they think of nothing else. The mantra for my dojo (school) was pronounced kwan-see-em-bo-sal, which, in Korean, means “hear Universal sound.” Breathing is a very important part of both kinds of meditation, and of every other kind of relaxation technique. You must learn to breathe from your diaphragm, not from your chest. When you breathe properly, your stomach moves in and out. When you breathe improperly, your shoulders move up and down. Breathe slowly, and fully. Take in a breath, hold it for a one-count, then purse your lips and exhale the breath fully. Pursing your lips creates the Venturi effect, and speeds the


exhale on its way. Did you know that, every time we exhale, EVERY muscle in our body relaxes?

Then there is moving meditation. People who are naturally active people should do sitting meditation, to balance themselves. People who are naturally sedintary
should do moving meditation, for the same kind of balancing. Meditation is effortless focus. It is NOT oblivion. An athlete who is “in the zone” is experiencing moving
meditation. Cardiovascular exercise and anaerobic exercise are both excellent ways to clear your mind, but first get your doctor’s approval. After 20 minutes of true cardio (meaning that your pulse is in the right zone: take the number 220, subtract from it your age in years, then multiply the result by 0.75, and then multiply the original result by 0.6. The first figure is the highest that your pulse should be. The second figure is the least that your pulse should be for getting benefit.) your body starts releasing endorphins, nature’s opiates. Swimming, biking, rowing, dancing are all wonderful ways to get yourself relaxed and happy. For anaerobic exercise (mostly resistance training), I strongly recommend that you have at least one session with a licensed personal trainer, because form is VERY important, and I don’t want you to get hurt!

You may want to check out some books on meditation from your local library. Those of us in retail need to stick together!


You know the struggle. I've had dreams I'm the only one at the store, line of ANGRY customers deep into the dog food aisle and my register is broken. Or I'll just constantly think if I followed all the nightly procedures, terrified I forgot something. We have a new district manager and lots of things are changing. This new way of doing things (when I've done them a different way for a year) is stressful.

Youre a peach! I like the idea of meditation and balancing myself. Going to give this a try :)


Good for you! I’m glad.


Tomb raiding,it's very relaxing


I will NEVER tomb raid..


Never say never


watching movies and gaming totally does it for me. Then there's always origami ;)


Like a lot of others on here I chill out to a movie. I often fall asleep that way.




straight? You are a beast.


Yup, straight! 👍
But only if it's a good brand.


I've only had one brand in my life. It wasn't one of the good ones. I bet a chilled vodka would be nice to sip straight.

reply got nice threads...and I'm not talking bout your wardrobe...which sounds fly as well😉 as stated to another mind is always on...sometimes I need a break...I watch Bob Ross...since I was a relaxation. Evidently many people find comfort in his brand of delivery...Asmr...loads of vids on YouTube...give em a try!👍


YES! Bob Ross is so relaxing. Nice easy talk and beautiful landscapes gradually appearing before your eyes. I use to watch him in the 80s. Now one can binge watch thanks to Netflix and YouTube.
He really is the perfect relaxer.


WORD! it's like throwing the yule log on the fire...😴💤💤💤


Is that log from a Happy Little Tree?


Aw, thanks! :D You have great threads too! and kicks!

Bob Ross! I used to watch him all the time on TV, might check out some videos when I'm having a hard time sleeping.


He'll make you forget all that is going on at work and all of the other crap that is keeping you awake. I like him at bedtime.


If nothing else, there's always sex...... or a reasonable facsimile. 😄


yes please. I could have sex every day and I'd still want more.


LOL! Well, I always felt it was a great little stress reliever. Even those pesky headaches seem to go away!
Have a great day..... and hopefully a great night.
Any of the suggestions here ought to be of help. Now you have to choose..... Decisions Decisions.....


Yes, always takes my headache away! Everything is just perfect after sex.
Thanks Margo, I hope you have a great day and night too.
I honestly think I'll just a little bit of everything people suggested. :D


Oh yeah...I wanna change my answer...Margo wins this thread!!!


Funky...fresh dressed...ready to party!
