

No, a straight woman, if that matters.

There's one poster here I know to be a gay man, whom I've yet to see post to this thread. But that's his option.


I think I know who you're talking about. I quite like him and he need not reply if he doesn't desire


This was definitely just a shoutout to anybody and everybody to meet on some common ground. This was not meant as anything aggressive. I'm perplexed at the behavior of some people who post here.



Yeah...sure it was.

Exactly ! If the most benign topic can be met with negativity, overt antagonism on here, what does he think will occur with this deliberately baiting, provocative thread ? Are we really expected to believe he's that naive ?


He's just trolling is all.

He's crap at being called out on it is all.

I've seen better and will see better again.

I'm just sorry for those who felt that they were fighting the good fight.


Now we're down to the " nuts & bolts. "


Margo and those like them will have an issue accepting that their virtue signalling was anything other than 'problematic' db.

That is the real barrier we need to break through to make it clear that trolls gotta up their game or get outta town.


My ignore list is as follows

Juror 8

I never thought I would have to use it. Some of these people had some quality interactions with me and then flipped. Pretty sick dudes.


Trolls gotta troll I suppose Pete.

Well done on putting homosexuality back 20 years.


Not the first time I've been put on ignore by a pot calling the kettle black t....

I actually feel like I'm in good company with these, lively, savvy posters.


Being aware of disingenuous people isn't a calling db20, it's survival.

Call it when you see it.


I do. I've been previously complimented on here for telling it like it is.


The folks around here need to understand that they're a breeding ground for attacks from elsewhere.

The sooner they wise up the better.

Plenty of sheep in wolves clothing around here, too much to be viable.


We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.


We're in Vancouver obviously. That's where everything is shot.


I'm assuming it's one of you four winners who keeps bumping this thread, since I can't jump to latest. I don't get what you're trying to accomplish here, but I'm going to bed. Enjoy your blathering.


I like mittens.


That's the kindest thing anyone has said to me all day 😊

