MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone actually like Vienna sausage...

Does anyone actually like Vienna sausages?



tons of people do. I work at a dollar store. Sometimes I'll scan 15 cans of that shit, a box of crackers and a loaf of bread. Its cheap so I guess thats the appeal, not the actual taste of the "sausage"


I guess I got a canned meat thinG...never touch the stuff...


Me either. My grandmother LOVED potted meat. I think it looks like canned cat food but what do I know? Might taste good as fuck. I know we sell a shit ton of it though.


Mr and mrs Feet be lovin some dollar store! Cheap lighters and greeting cards!!!!


I bet yall are a treat! If I worked at your local dollar store, Mr & Mrs Feet would be favorites. Those 5pk lighter deals are nice, are you picky about colors? Some people are.

Greeting cards! Do you buy several at once or just when you need them? I like the customers that buy several every time they walk in. I always comment on the cutest/funniest ones. Sometimes I will read them. They don't seem to mind. :)


Not picky at all...just cheap fire!!!
Wifey is the card buyer...sometimes one in a pinch...otherwise she's stalking up! I've been drawing her cards for about five years...bday, Xmas and anniversary...too much work for other hollidaysπŸ˜‚


That's so cute that you draw her cards. Big ol' softie.


She's totally worth it...the store bought not so much. Trace the rough scetch of the pics off the IPad...color in...add text. Done sesame street bob Ross...all of our pets...different themes...lots of work...but fun as well!


Makes me feel good inside knowing that happens every anniversary, birthday and Christmas. I can just imagine her face! All smiles I bet.


Ya know something...was going to not respond because I got this new member that has taken some negative interest in me...but FUCK THAT! Proud as all get out of what Tatey and I have built...SO THEY DON'T WIN!!!
Yes...often smiles...sometimes tears! Not every year brings joy...but WE are always ON! So we find joy even in tragedy...cause we gots each other..betting you and charels dig what I'm saying!

I think Charlie got caught in some cross fire...I reached out...let him know from me that he was never the focus...thanks kiddo!


yo, fuck them!

Exactly, charlie and I have each other. That's all we need honestly. We've said that from the moment we got together. I could let everything go and live under a bridge with him and still be happy.

Of course I'll let him know and youre welcome! :D


Your willingness to live under a why you enjoy a happy homeπŸ‘ it's about each other!


I don't really know if Smeat is an actual brand, I've just seen pictures, but that just sounds so disgusting.


Never heard of Smeat but when I googled it Spam popped up. Spam isn't bad if its fried. I'm not too picky about that. Truth be told, I would eat all this if I was starving.


I just did a little more research and I think it's just a prop brand. I guess it's popped up in a bunch of shows.


We have a similar thing in the UK called Poundland and the 99p shop.
These are my favourite shops ever, I go once a month and go crazy!


I do not eat them anymore , but I used to eat tons of them.


Pretty sure my grandpa snookered me into trying one as a kid...kind of mealy as I recall...cold tooπŸ˜’


It was my Grandpa who introduced me to Vienna sausages and I really enjoyed them for years.
Then , a few years ago I developed major stomach ailments and had to alter my diet - one of the things I had to give up were Vienna sausages.


Well that kinda sucks...sorry pal.πŸ‘


I kind of like them. That is, enough that I bought a can 4 or so months ago, and ate them.

You're spot-on about sort of mealy, and cold, unless you heat them ;). Also packed in very salty semi-gelitan gooish stuff. Like canned ham (non-Canadian).

I don't think I've ever had Spam, and in general am with you on canned meat.

reply spam either...we will leave the canned food for the catsπŸ˜‰




I like all kinds of sausages.


Of course you do.


I keep some in my emergency food storage. It basically consists of dry goods in mylar with O2 absorbers, dehydrated food and canned stuff. You never know when shit might hit the fan. Remember now, grocery stores only carry 3 days worth of food.....


You got a bug out stash! CoolπŸ‘


More like a "bug in" stash πŸ‘

reply to thinking about are correctπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


I used to spread them on crackers like pate when I was a wee one who didn't know any better.


Used to do the same with this stuff called braunswagger(sp) was like pΓ’tΓ© ...but with pork liver rather than goose...sometimes buy some as a treat for the dogs...and I sample it to see if it's fitπŸ˜‰


we had them as an after school snack as a kid. my brother used to put mustard on them.


My grandad liked mustard on them...mustard on sardines too...often on crackers...which seems to be a trend I've noticed on this thread.


I like Veronica lodge . But not as much as betty


Was that an archies comic reference? If so...our are off the chain!!!


Of course it was
