Gym benefits.

In preparation for your gym secession it is important not to have any sodas, or fast food. Have a light meal to sustain you before hand. Having a big meal will cause you to vomit when working out.

Sessions should be an hour, for beginners. You should go a minimum of 2 days a week. One day you should work out your arms. The next day you should work out your legs. That way each muscle group gets a chance to rest. Start on low weight and work your way up.

If doing cardio start on low speed and work your way up. If you are in a jog you can run for as long as you can until your patience wears off. Sometimes cardio can wear you out for the weights. Remember to stretch so as not to pull a muscle.

Do not take steroids. They enlarge the heart and shrink the testicles. Do not expect instant visual results. Working out at the gym is a way of life, not a few sessions cure.

Benefits include more energy and strength, but if you do the workout wrong you will injure yourself.


Thanks for sharing your work out advice on a movie site! It's true, we movie buffs just like to sit on our lazy butts all day watching movies and posting on MovieChat. Much appreciated!πŸ‘


Think I'll do a few more reps with another cold one.


Yeah, just flex those pecs, baby! I'll just move onto my other side!


A long time ago I had a friend say he felt sorry for guys who had big guts (stomach) who would do sit-up after sit-up.
He said your stomach muscles may be hard as rock, but with all that fat, no one would ever know.
You really need to shed the weight (cardio and diet) if you want anywhere near 6-pack abs.


Sometimes cardio can wear you out for the weights.

Who does cardio before weights anyway? If you're training for strength or to reduce weight, lifting should come first and cardio after.


"Who does cardio before weights anyway?"

Some people use it as a warm up. P.E. classes sometimes make the students run track before going to the weight room.


If you do cardio after weights, you will lose muscles fibers.


100% false.


that is your opinion...I hate when people in the weightlifting world, think they know it all...

When you do abs before weigh lifting, you pump your abs even harder during weigh lifting especially leg training.


It's not just my opinion, it's an empirical fact that doing cardio after weights does not reduce muscle. In fact, quite the opposite, it's better for strength training than doing cardio before weights. That's why I'm citing a scientific study. These aren't "people in the weightlifting world" but actual scientists.

Of course if you do abs before lifting you pump your abs harder when you lift, what's your point? I'm not seeing how that has anything to do with your original false claim that doing cardio after lifting depletes muscle.


You want to keep that muscle fiber.

Doing cardio after weight training, it’s exhausting...


Yes, cardio is exhausting after lifting. But it doesn't "deplete muscle fiber".


I've always done cardio before weights. My main purpose for going to the gym is to get my heart going and work up a sweat.
I only lift because the equipment is available and it lengthens the time I'm there, but I find lifting to be boring. I'm not going to try to lift heavy loads, so I find something comfortable and do 10-15-20 reps. Never have had much upper body strength.


I find lifting to be boring too, but it's also part of why I far prefer to do it first to get it out of the way. The fun of running 5 miles afterwards is always a treat, I find cardio far more enjoyable.


I go to my local gym every day. . .. .30 minutes on the treadmill, 10 minutes on a bike, 10 minuted on weights. Been doing this for years. No junk food, no sodas, practically a vegetarian. Just trying to stay fit and healthy.




Well, aren't you the stunning creature of self discipline. Good on ya !


40 Minutes of Cardio
Abs before (never after weightlifting)

Then weightlifting:

Monday: shoulders & chest
Wednesday: arms
Friday: Back & legs

In between swimming & facial exercise....

Been doing this for many years..I look younger than most average men.


long walks are the best exercise. are you a real doctor?


No. I only have experience in veterinary. I've seen neutering procedures, assisted in vaccinations but work is hard to find.


Burning more calories doing lots of strenuous aerobic exercise, while restricting junk food, is what works. Everything else is just a lot of fooling around, unless you just want huge muscles, which aren't much use, anyway.


Adding muscle mass helps to shed fat, and keep it off. It does this in two ways. First, the body has two fuel sources: glycogen, the blood sugar created from the food you ate, and adipose tissue, or fat. If you don’t metabolize all your sugar, the body stores it as fat. The body will ALWAYS prefer to metabolize sugar before burning fat. Doing anaerobic training prior to aerobic training helps to pre-exhaust your sugar, forcing the body to burn fat. You are teaching your body to stop resisting using fat as a fuel source. Second, muscle tissue raises your metabolism. The more muscle mass, the more your metabolism is permanently elevated. And you might be surprised how beneficial and rewarding muscles, on women and men alike, can be. A woman likes a man who can last a long time.


What does muscle mass have to do with lasting a long time? If you are talking about trying not to ejaculate too easily, I think there are other ways and methods to achieve this that have nothing to do with muscle.
I'm certainly not arguing that many of us would look more attractive with a certain amount of muscle, but other than losing some of my tummy, I've never been able to sculpt my body to look much differently than it naturally does.
I have had actual jobs that required a lot of strenuous activity, but that involved lifting heavy items all day all week.
That's when people noticed a difference.


My gym "secession"? Am I leaving the Union?

BTW, I periodically get the urge to exercise. When that happens, I lie down and wait for
the urge to pass.

