MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are your top 20 favorite films?

What are your top 20 favorite films?

Here's mine...In no particular order

1) There Will Be Blood
2) Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
3) Goodfellas
4) The Shining
5) Schindler's List
6) GO
7) A Clockwork Orange
8) Rain Man
9) Natural Born Killers
10) Bully
11) Funny Games
12) Killing Zoe
13) The Doors
14) The Inglorious Basterds
15) I Am Legend
16) The Aviator
17) Scarface
18) Full Metal Jacket
19) Taxi Driver
20) American Psycho

Okay, so that's definitely not all of them. But close enough.


In no particular order ...
To Kill a Mockingbird
Jeremiah Johnson
The Last of The Mohicans
The Last Samurai
Uncle Buck
Black Rain
The Presidio
Absence of Malice
Let It Ride
The Guns of Navarone
Run Silent, Run Deep
Ben Hur
12 Angry Men
Forbidden Planet
Local Hero
The Terminator


top of my head

the thing
the exorcist
the day the earth stood still
the forbidden planet
invasion of the body snatchers
the searchers
the treasure of the sierra madre
double indemnity
paths of glory
12 angry men
the shootist
village of the damned
touch of evil
the third man
citizen kane
planet of the apes
high noon
grapes of wrath


Such a tough question. This is completely off the top of my head. I am sure there are many that I am missing. No particular order:

Apocolypto (2006)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Gone with the Wind (1939)
Heathers (1988)
Splash (1984)
Pans Labyrinth (2006)
The Neverending Story (1984)
Equilibrium (2002)
The Color Purple (1985)
The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)
Alien (1979)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Woman in the Dunes (1964)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (1987)
The Bad Seed (1956)
Cold Mountain (2003)
The Sound of Music (1965)
Point of No Return (1993)
Dredd (2012)
The Odd Couple (1968)


Cold Mountain is an underrated movie.


Indeed! It took me forever to finally watch it and I was blown away.


We got 1 in common but it'S the most important one, my #1, Requiem For a Dream. The color purple and The neverending story are 9/10 for me.
Props for Cold Mountain. I rate it 8.5/10.


Apocolypto won’t make my top 20 - but it is a great movie and very unique.


I was white knuckling it in the theater with Apocolypto. That movie was a whole 'nother level for my romance idealist ass.


1 the cement garden
2 beyond the valley of the dolls
3 aguirre: the wrath of god
4 sunrise: a song of two humans
5 dogtooth
6 sing street
7 singin' in the rain
8 in the company of men
9 tokyo story
10 the evil dead

11 stroszek
12 wild strawberries
13 repo man
14 2001
15 brand upon the brain!
16 the raid
17 the diving bell & the butterfly
18 paddington 2
19 a separation
20 pan's labyrinth


I originally had The Raid on my list too. I thought it was a great action movie.


The Raid was awesome. But I liked The Raid 2 even more.


it's just a bit too long & a bit too laden with plot for me to like it more. i prefer the focused simplicity of the first one.

don't get me wrong; i think it's amazing, & it belongs on any list of the greatest action films ever made.


Both films were great...

But that epic kitchen fight scene though. It's still the best fight scene ever in my books.


I want to rewatch them now. Haha


I agree with you. Although, I love both. The first is a smidge ahead for me.


One film that seems to have been totally overlooked, which is by the same director of both Raid films, Gareth Evans, and stars the same actor, Iko Uwais, is the film Merantau. It came before the Raid films. It's also a super impressive martial arts film. If you haven't seen it yet, than I highly recommend that you give it a watch.


Thank you for the recommendation! I will definitely check it out.


MY Top 20 films(most of which you would identify as guilty pleasures rather than cultural icons):

1) Local Hero
2)Lawrence of Arabia
3)When Brendan Met Trudy
6)Green Book
8)Three Musketeers
9)Modern Romance
11)Scott Pilgrim
12)LaLa Land
13)Easy A
14)Sing Street
16)The Philadelphia Story
19)Love Among the Ruins
20)Shakespeare in Love


neat list. quirky choices, which is always something to be applauded. & a big yay from me for sing street at 14.


We got 1 in common.

Props for Superbad.


In no particular order:

Forrest Gump
Halloween (1978)
Revenge of the Nerds
Good Will Hunting
The Sandlot
Spider-Man 2
Superman: The Movie
Wreck-It Ralph
Ghostbusters (1984)
The Empire Strikes Back
A Clockwork Orange
The Warriors
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Toy Story 2
Home Alone
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Terminator 2: Judgement Day


We got 1 in common.

Forest Gump, Toy Story 2 and T2 are solid picks.

Props for The Sandlot and GOTG Vol.2, two great movies.


This would be very difficult for me to do. I can rattle off 20 movies I really admire, but I think the more I would think about it, the more confused I'd get. And I'm kinda Olde School, so I suspect it would end up being more of the same ol' same ol'.


It was really hard. I kept changing the list until my brain got tired. I could have gone on and on.


Sure. I could lay out dozens of films I really like, but a lot have personal reasons why. I wouldn't expect people to understand why, and I wouldn't want to run over the limit with a lot of personal stories.


I understand that sentiment. I left off Grayfriars Bobby (1961) because it reminded me of my grandmother. She passed last year.


1. Master and Commander
2. Apocalypse Now
3. The New World
4. The Shinning
5. Star Wars (Original Trilogy)
6. Pulp Fiction
7. The Shawshank Redemption
8. Indian Jones and the Last Crusade
9. Jaws
10. The Thin Red Line
11. Goodfellas
12. 28 Days Later
13. Ravenous
14. Rocky
15. Borat
16. Saving Private Ryan
17. Sunshine
18. Cast Away
19. Children of Men
20. The Last of the Mohicans


Ravenous is awesome.


Definitely a bizarre and original film. Soundtrack was great too.


I would've added Pulp Fiction, but I couldn't fit it into my list. Cast Away and 28 Days Later are both great movies as well.


Ya I was obsessed with cast away when it came out. I ended up sleeping on a little island as a bet with my friends when I was 15 lol. My parents nearly had a heart attack lol


We got 3 in common. Children of men and the last mohicans are two solid picks.

Props for Borat, I rate it 9/10.


I had to throw in at least one Comedy and Borat was a no brainer. I think it will be a long time before someone pulls something like that off again. The only negative is that Sacha Baron Cohen will probably never top that film.

If you liked The Last of the Mohicans, I can recommend "Black Robe (1991).


I think I'd like that movie. Thanks


Children of Men is an absolutely amazing film. One of my favorites
