

Me too. They're distracting.


Actually I think they are cool.


I admire well thought out and designed ones, just not on me...I would look silly


For the most part, I don't like them either but this one a few years back caught my eye, or maybe it's the entire image, which I think is totally badass ! https://www.seattletimes.com/life/lifestyle/do-you-have-a-patriotic-tattoo/


Great Example!
My Marine brother in law has his dogtag tatted under his left armpit
Name, blood type, rank, religion...all of that sort of thing
He did two tours in Iraq and his reasoning was if the roadside bombs got him the tattoo might be the only way to identify the pieces to get sent back home for a reasonable burial

Marines tend to be badasses!
I have done nothing of great note by comparison...I would feel like a dummy if I got a tattoo as I do not deserve one

They are pretty cool on other people though


Me too! They're just ugly.


I only think tribal tattoos from South Pacific islanders are cool. I find most tattoos of tweety birds and butterflies tacky af. The colors used come out muted and faded. Word tattoos are silly too, turning flesh into walking billboards. I wonder when the tattoo/piercing trend will fade. The rebel vibe got diluted once tattoo salons started popping up at strip malls and suburban shopping malls.


I agree.


I'm not a fan of them, either. I can't think of anything - a picture, words, whatever - that I would want "engraved" on my skin.


I myself don't have any tattoos. I think small tattoos look like ugly blotches on your skin. But I respect large tattoos, especially on the entire back and/or torso, Yakuza style. In fact, one of my ex has a very large ornamented mythical bird tattoo on her entire back, the top of it's head peeking on her neck a little. Really cool!
